Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

#ArrestTrump - His Presidency is Over... NOW... Let's Try Trump in a REAL COURT with a REAL JURY.

 #ArrestTrump meme by gvan42 - Big Bold Letters

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Long Ago I Wrote This Blog Post.

I'm Selling IMPEACH BIDEN Embroidered Hats

and all my Royalties go to Charity.

I Thought That I Could Take Money from

Brainwashed QAnon Mind Control Slaves

and Use it for GOOD!

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for sale... Kamala For President!  

Coffee Cup, Buttons, Stickers, Bumper Sticker... 

Remember: You Can't Spell Hatred Without a Red Hat!


You Can't Spell Hatred Without a Red Hat! "IMPEACH BIDEN" EMBROIDERED BASEBALL CAP for sale...

I Voted for Biden. I Preferred Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders or Mike Bloomberg but... IT WAS ESSENTIAL TO BEAT TRUMP LIKE A PIÑATA... So I Campaigned for Joe... #Vote4Joe... However, I Run a Zazzle Business and DONATE ALL MY ROYALTIES TO CHARITY... and That IMPEACH BIDEN Hat is a Great Way to Take Money from Brainwashed TrumpNiks and Give it to My Friend KQuen...  

A Worthy Charity. Helping a Retired Lady Living on Social Security Make Ends Meet. The Rent on Her Trailer Space Just Increased... For No Reason... Greedy Landlords... 

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Here is a MAKE AMERICA GRETA AGAIN Hat as an alternative MAGA...

You Can't Spell Hatred Without a Red Hat! "IMPEACH BIDEN" EMBROIDERED BASEBALL CAP for sale...


Top Ten ART Gifts on My Zazzle Webstore...


Remember: All My Royalties Donated to Charity. Scroll Down to Find Out More... 

Statement by My Friend CB.

I don’t care for long posts so I don’t blame you for not reading all of this. 

 I rarely put my business on social media because I think it’s bad taste, but I will this time & probably never again (get your finger ready to hit “unfriend” now if you’re that sensitive or don’t know me like you thought-believe me, it won’t be taken personally because I probably won’t notice)-here goes:

I’m not a REPUBLICAN, I’m not a DEMOCRAT, I am an INDEPENDENT, FREE THINKING, FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE, SMALL GOVERNMENT, MIDDLE CLASS, BIG CITY TURNED RURAL GIRL. There is no one, absolutely no one, who will tell me how to think, what to say or make me be something I don’t want to be. I don’t speak in soundbites and I don’t care about everyone’s feelings or political correctness. 

I like guns, I like the ability to have freedom of religion and I LOVE making money because I EARNED it!  I believe in term limits, welfare reform, monitored borders, tort reform and that the Supreme Court does not make law. I judge people and situations all the time and don’t apologize for it-why should I? I know some of you are going to think - “what?! That’s racist/prejudiced/WRONG, but that’s the blessing of being a person. Yep, I judge, no where does that imply I treat ANYONE any differently because of that-I’m just not dumb enough to lie to myself to “feel” good. 

I abhor the public, I love meeting people, I believe hermaohrodite is still a valid word (look it up & tell me where I’m wrong), I absolutely love drag shows and I prefer women strip shows to men’s, I help the homeless, I can’t stand beggars, I can not damn stand the term AFRICAN AMERICAN for other than Africans  who have become citizens (meaning not born in America), I didn’t like Obama, I don’t like Biden, I don’t like Pelosi, I don’t like Newsom and I can’t stand Harris, I don’t like BLM & their offshoots are a joke. 

Now that all of you know a little more about, I’ll just make it clear to y’all- I’m BLACK  & I’m proud (to be an American)!


One of the most wonderful long posts I’ve read. Stay you. Stay proud. And thank you for stating that you like money because you work for it. I have a feeling my views are a lot of the same. I’m just not as daring to say it out loud. Which has become a sad problem in my life. Working on it. But thank you

I Replied: 

Interesting Statement... Well Worth Reading... I Disagree About Most of What You Say But... I'm Comfortable With That. One thing to Remember about Guns... Most Gun Deaths are SUICIDE... and Having a Gun in the Home Makes Your Family LESS SAFE... However, I'm in Favor of the Second Amendment Because __ ___ ____ __ ___________ _________ _______. ( I Won't Type THAT Into Facebook... The FBI Would Visit Me... ) #FRANCE1789

I Replied: 

BLM is Not a Joke... It's a Reaction to Police Murdering Unarmed Black Men... That Happens in the USA... A Possible SOLUTION To Police Murdering Americans... Training! What IF Cops Learned HOW TO DO THEIR JOB BEFORE PEOPLE DIED?

and then JJ Johnson Said... 

What a great time this next four years is going to be, even with McConnell still in office, we have an opportunity to put forth a moderate position of what Bernie and others were talking about, what Warren and Klobuchar were talking about, what Pete and others were talking about. With a classic but modern but also moderate president, who will at least listen to all arguments, we really can put together a different country. Hopefully that country will be astoundingly better in four years and that red kingdom will come to realize that, hey this is not so bad, in fact things are working better. There are more jobs,  we are replacing some of the jobs we were worried about with new and better jobs, safer job with job security, jobs that promote stalling climate change, jobs that promote helping people, jobs that promote taking care of you when you’re sick so it doesn’t cost you everything you have, jobs that pay better to overcome the wage stagnation we’ve suffered for decades. This is what we’re talking about. Getting that side of the coin to realize that the other side of the coin can and will help them too.

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