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HA HA! Trump's Lawyer FREAKS OUT About IMAGINARY WORDS of House Manager Val Demings - She Said: "FOIA LAWSUITS" not "LAWYER LAWSUITS"... What an Idiot Jay Sekukow Is... DERANGED RANT CAUGHT ON FILM!

If you listened to the U.S. Senate proceedings yesterday, you may have been puzzled — as I was — by Jay Sekulow's discussion of "lawyer lawsuits":
Shortly prior, Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.) laid out her case against Trump. In the course of it, she referred to "FOIA lawsuits" — not "lawyer lawsuits" — referring to the Freedom of Information Act.
Here's the relevant piece of Sekulow's testimony — the excerpt above starts at 2:52:
And by the way,
lawyer lawsuits?
lawyer lawsuits?
We're talking about the impeachment of a president of the United States,
duly elected.
And the members,
the managers,
are complaining about
lawyer lawsuits?
The consitution allows
lawyer lawsuits.
It's disrespecting the constitution of the United States
to even say that in this chamber —
lawyer lawsuits!
His peroration, after a minute or so about Executive Privilege:
The constitution.
A dangerous moment for America
when an impeachment of a president of the United States
is being rushed through
because of lawyer lawsuits.
The constitution allows it
if necessary, the constitution demands it
if necessary.
Several news stories later explained the mystery, e.g. "An embarrassing moment for Trump's legal team", WaPo 1/21/2020:
Appearing shortly after 6 p.m. Eastern time on the Senate floor, Trump's longtime personal lawyer Jay Sekulow offered an indignant rebuke of the Democrats' impeachment managers. What he was so incensed about: that they had allegedly referred to "lawyer lawsuits" in prosecuting the case against Trump. […]
Sekulow added that it was "a dangerous moment for America when an impeachment of a president of the United States is being rushed through because of lawyer lawsuits. The Constitution allows it, if necessary. The Constitution demands it, if necessary."
There was one problem: Sekulow was referring to a quote that doesn't appear to exist. He appeared to have badly misunderstood what one of the Democratic impeachment managers said.
Shortly prior, Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.) laid out her case against Trump. In the course of it, she referred to "FOIA lawsuits" — not "lawyer lawsuits" — referring to the Freedom of Information Act.

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