Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Kim Kardashian is Right. There are WAY Too Many People in Prison. 'I Wish I Had Paid Attention Sooner.' - The Justice Project and Quest for Apolitical Prison Reform.

Let's Free All The Cannabis Prisoners to Make Room for Trump Supporters That Try To Overthrow the US Government... To Protect America We Need to LOCK 'EM UP by The Thousands!

People Cooperating - Building a Better Tomorrow - gvan42
People Cooperating - Building a Better Tomorrow - gvan42

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People Who Drink Alcohol Get Permanent Brain Damage. They Can't Even Tell When They Are Being Lied To... CON MEN LIKE tRUMP FIND THEM QUITE EASY TO FOOL... Thankfully, When I was a Teenager We Had Marijuana and "Juicers" Were Scorned... OOOH, Yucky!

Here are Three Memes That You Can Copy and Paste into Facebook... FUN! Educational! a Short Sharp Shock!

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The REASON The Power Failed in Texas Is: They Do Not Have Federal Regulation And So They FAILED to Winterize. #EducateARepublican

The "Free Market Regulating Itself" is Why The Electricity FAILED in Texas. Unlike Oklahoma... #EducateARepublican

How Has Believing Lies Made Your Life Better? Give Three Examples... #EducateARepublican

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Texas Governor Abbot is a Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire... but That's a Great way to Heat the House!

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RUSH Scolded Jerry Garcia for Dying of a Drug Addiction...  "just another dead doper. and a dirt bag" However... "Rush Limbaugh announced on his radio program Friday that he is addicted to pain medication and that he is checking himself into a treatment center immediately." [Hillbilly Heroin - OxyContin and hydrocodone.]

"You know I have always tried to be honest with you and open about my life," the conservative commentator said in a statement on his nationally syndicated radio show.

"I need to tell you today that part of what you have heard and read is correct. I am addicted to prescription pain medication."


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