Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I DO NOT SEE a Problem With Illegal Aliens Invading the USA. In ACTUAL REALITY I Have NOT Noticed any Increase of People from South of the Border. I Believe it's all Just HATESPEECH ON TV in order to Re-Elect tRUMP. It's All a Made Up "Crisis."

What I DO SEE as a Real Problem is the Stock Market Crashing. The DJIA has been Swinging Wildly these last few weeks... One Day it's Up, the Next Day It's Down... but the General Effect is that American Businesses are Worth Less and Less. While "The Invasion" from Central America is Truly Fake News... Me losing my Life Savings due to tRUMP's Bonehead Trade War CONCERNS ME.  

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Take a Break From the Madness 
and Voyage to my Online Art Gallery!
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On a Vision Quest Button for sale!

Wear this Button when you are ON a Vision Quest... or... wear it any old time of day... because... are we not on a Vision Quest All Day Every Day? and Many Nights!

Another thing that is of Interest is the Republicrime Plan for Cutting Social Security and Medicare. They keep on giving MASSIVE Tax Cuts to the Rich and Want to Pay for it by Cutting Money from Millions of Americans. It's a "Reverse Robin Hood" Plan. Take from the Poor and Give to the Rich. tRUMP's Tax Cut Allowed Amazon to Pay ZERO TAXES. WTF?

"and Then My Mind Sprouted" Postcard for sale.

classic "Space Art" documenting a Vision Quest

Wildfires in California are Important. I Look outside and See that the Trees in My Backyard are Dry and Thirsty. Ready to Burn. All it takes is a Spark and My Whole Neighborhood Will Be UP in Flame... Lightning or Arson or PG&E Failure to keep Trees away from Power Lines... We Have Not Learned the Lesson from the Fires in Paradise, Santa Rosa and Redding... What We Need To Do is Bring Home all the People, Airplanes and Helicopters Currently Stationed in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. Use them to Drop Water on Wildfires. I Bet all those Soldiers would be Happier Protecting America. As they Say: "Support the Troops, Bring 'em Home"

"Support the Troops, Bring 'em Home" - MEME - More at Google Image Search Keywords: gvan42 MEME

Trump-0-nomics Fails Again... That Whole "Give the Rich More Money and Magically the Poor Will Benefit..." Just Doesn't Happen IN REALITY.

HEADLINE: AT&T got a giant tax cut but has laid off thousands, union says...

HEADLINE: This farmer lost $400K. See his warning to Trump...

HEADLINE: More Americans Say the Economy Is Declining, and They’re Blaming Trump...
Yep, We Are Not Fooled By his LIES! Trump-0-nomics SUCKS!

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