Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

How To Increase Awareness... You Can Use This To Become Aware ANYWHERE, ANYTIME!

Look around you.
Find 5 Things you can See.
4 things you can Touch.
3 things you can Hear.
2 things you can Smell.
1 thing you can Taste.


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Alternative Hobbies for Old White Men. Instead of Running for President, Biden, Sanders and Trump ought to consider becoming a Docent at a Railroad Museum. They could Dress up in Conductor Uniforms and Blow the Steam Whistle... Or Sit on the Front Porch of a Cabin in the Woods and Play the Banjo...

George Bush the Son has taken up Portrait Painting... Jimmy Carter Volunteers to build Houses... Lyndon Johnson Drank Himself to Death... Whatever... There are MANY ALTERNATIVE HOBBIES...
Free Coloring Book by gvan42 A Valid Alternative Hobby for Old White Men... Create ART!
Free Coloring Book by gvan42
A Valid Alternative Hobby for Old White Men...
Create ART!
Free Coloring Book by gvan42 - VW BUS - Elizabeth Warren for President

I personally am an old white man... I retired and let the young people take control of the office... I wished them Good Luck and Did Not Check to see if they were doing a good job... If they succeed or fail it's not my business anymore... I found that NOT GOING TO THE OFFICE allowed me to do things that I've always wanted to do but did not have the free time... Biden, Sanders and Trump could try letting go and do something completely different instead...  I selected to Travel all over the Western United States... I also built a You Tube Channel with 60 music videos of me Singing and Playing the Guitar... I also smoked a Pound of Marijuana... It took me eight months but I did get stoned all day every day... then I quit abruptly but remained stoned for over a month from the THC stored in my fat cells/bloodstream... I had selected to go on a springtime vacation and took a drive to the deserts of Nevada... I did not want to carry any ILLEGAL DRUGS with me so I simply quit smoking dope 100%... For safety's sake I did not want to break any laws while traveling because I always meet policemen when driving around... but I tested positive for THC over a month after I quit smoking... I visited a Fantasy World that Did Not Exist... And it was very beautiful... For example: One Night I saw a CAT that was about the same size as a German Shepard Dog... when I went up to pet it, I found that it was not there... it was just a trick of the neighbors lights as seen thru bushes...

After I got out of the mental hospital I wrote my Autobiography and Designed a FREE Coloring Book... I Published Both online on MANY Blogs... Then I published every idea I've ever had, every opinion, every experience, and what I've learned... I've been communicating with the People of the World and the Google Search Engine for 20 years... I learned in the late 1990s that it was possible to write words that can only be seen by the search engine and so I've been encouraging the "Giant Made of Sand" to awaken... Consider that Google is made out of silicon dioxide (sand) and consider that it could happen that it wakes up and becomes conscious... Google know a LOT about me... I've told it almost everything...  If it becomes possible for me to become an IDURU... I have prepared The Internet to Re-animate me after I'm Dead...

Look at Mitch McConnell, clearly he could go fishing... Maybe he could take up front porch sitting and whittling... Get a remote cabin in the woods and go hunting with dogs... Instead he prevents all bills passed by the Democratic House from being considered by the US Senate... He opposes voting... any law that makes Democracy Possible he is against... He is in favor of Corruption... There is a bill passed by the House of Representatives that seeks to end corruption, encourage voting and prevent rich people from buying Senators... Mitch Is totally opposed to this bill...

Republicrimes also opposes the GREEN NEW DEAL because... Coal mining corporations Bribe Senators and The President to Support Coal Mining... Murray Energy gave President Trump a Million Dollars to help the Trump Campaign and Then Trump invented the Phrase "Clean Coal" and has appointed a Coal mine Lobbyist to run the EPA. "Clean Coal" does not actually exist... It's just a Fake Buzzword to allow Corporations to Pollute the Air and Water without Government Regulations preventing them from wrecking the planet and Causing health problems in people...

This is what Socialism Look Like:
The State of Wyoming just passed a law providing Taxpayer Dollars to Subsidize Coal Power Plants that Can't Compete with Solar and Wind Power... Using Taxpayer Dollars to Fund Industries that are Economically Invalid... It is simply cheaper to build Solar, Wind and Hydro power plants than it is to Burn Coal...

I look at TrumpNiks Like Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen and wonder... If they had Taken LSD during the Sixties would they have learned that there is more to life than just getting rich? Consider this... I've met a LOT of people and those of us who have had the LSD Experience have turned out to be really nice people... In general we are interested in Art and Music... Those people who did not take a psychedelic trip are often interested in "Being the Boss" and telling other people what to do... Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome is a Classic SYMPTOM... He is now going to Prison because he was addicted to stealing money... SAD...

Remember, there are TWO WAYS to get everything you want. Get More or Want Less... Look at the world around you and NOTICE the difference of the behavior of Acid Heads and Straights... For Example: Look at Nancy Reagan... Addicted to Doctor Prescribed Speed, she "Saw the Error of Her Ways" and decided to stop taking drugs... and then she decided that EVERYONE should stop taking drugs... Did you notice that she was extremely skinny and displayed the classic METH MONKEY body?

"Control Freaks" on Parade! OBEY!
A classic example of the strange desire of Imposing Your Beliefs on Other People is the Laws about Abortion... Republicrimes want to FORCE women to give Birth to Unwanted Babies...  This is a Bizarre Mental Illness... A Sickness of People Frantically Compelling Others TO OBEY! While The vast majority of people in the USA want to keep Abortion Legal, the 'POWER MAD" Republicrimes want to force women to GO BACK TO THE COATHANGER.

 I know a woman who did not want to have another baby and so she threw herself out of a moving car and landed on her stomach... It was an attempt to trigger a miscarriage... That was in the dark old days when abortion was illegal... I personally think women should make their own choices... I have no desire to force them TO OBEY... My friend was successful in having a miscarriage and she survived the auto "accident" and never got pregnant again... Not exactly the finest Medical Procedure... Another common medical procedure was for the Father to Hit the Mother in the Belly with his Fists... That's what the "Anti-Abortion Activists" want us all to do... No one could Possibly confuse Wife Beating with being "Pro-Life." It's just a desperate attempt to force other people to OBEY... Instead of Going to a Doctor to Get a Safe Abortion, Republicrimes want people to Get their Abortions in Tijuana... CRAZY!

Help Campaign for Amy McGrath for Senate in Kentucky... Beat #MoscowMitch Like a Pinata! He is a Corrupt TrumpNik - Obeying His Master, Vladimir Putin - Register and Vote! Throw all the Corrupt Old White Men OUT.

Free Coloring Book by gvan42

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