Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

It's Fun to Do REAL TIME FACT CHECKING of Trump's Impeachment Lawyers and then PUBLISH My Words on Facebook, Parler, Gab, Ello, 4Chan, Reddit, Mastodon, Minds, Twitter, Wordpress, Medium, Blogger, Flipboard, Reddit and Tumblr SOCIAL NETWORKS.

For Example: HA HA! Trump's Lawyer FREAKS OUT About the IMAGINARY WORDS of House Manager Val Demings - She Said: "FOIA LAWSUITS" not "LAWYER LAWSUITS"... What an Idiot Jay Sekukow Is... DERANGED RANT CAUGHT ON FILM!

FACT CHECK: Trump's Impeachment Lawyer CAUGHT Lying to The US Senate Today. Why Won't They Tell The Truth?

Mike Purpura said: Trump Released The TRANSCRIPT of His July 25th Phone Call with President Zelinsky... FALSE... 

Read The Transcript! IT PROVES TRUMP IS GUILTY - Read The Whistle Blower Complaint! IT IS ASTONISHINGLY ACCURATE.

FACT CHECK: Trump's Lawyer KEN STARR [Really Boring] states That We Live in the "Age of Impeachment" - Presidents Are Frequent Impeached. FALSE - Three Times in 100 years is NOT Frequent... I Wonder When OR IF He Will GET TO THE POINT...

He Keeps on Bringing Up Subjects That HAVE NO RELEVANCE... Whitewater, Iran/Contra, Watergate, Janet Reno, Abraham Lincoln and The Magna Carta!

MEME gvan42 Ken Starr Fails

tRUMP Speaks at ANTI-CHOICE March and Then The Stock Market Goes Down. Wall Street is NOT AMUSED by Mad King Donald The Corrupt...


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