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tRUMP Speaks at ANTI-CHOICE March and Then The Stock Market Goes Down. Wall Street is NOT AMUSED by Mad King Donald The Corrupt...

tRump's Plan is to Force Women to 
Give Birth to Unwanted Babies... 
and then CUT OFF Food Stamps
so we will Have Millions of 
Poor Starving Children!

It's "Back to the Coathanger!"   

HEY! Masters of the Universe,
Remove Trump From Office
***** (~);-} *****

Many people including some friends have said they like Trump because he's against political correctness. What I heard is that you are supporting your First Amendment rights to say whatever hateful and bigoted things you wish without retribution. Well I also strongly support the First Amendment because it is the cornerstone of our democracy. I support the ability to criticize our elected officials without retribution and speak out against groups like the KKK and the Nazis and stand up in support of groups whose rights have been violated like women, non whites, the LGBTQ community and agnostics and atheists. So where were you pro First Amendment Trump supporters when during the 2016 campaign Trump said protesters are bad people who should be carried out on stretchers? Where were you First Amendment supporters when he claimed any news reports critical to him were "fake news" and that journalists were enemies of the people? You have abandoned the First Amendment and I am now witnessing the next step in the destruction of our democracy whereby evidence is being withheld and witnesses are hidden from the public and those who speak out in the name of justice (whistleblowers) are being demonized.

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