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What Prevents tRUMP from Committing EVEN MORE Crimes? The DOJ OPINION Says We Can't ARREST tRUMP While He is in Office... What If He Committed MURDER? Oh No! He Just DID!

While it is true that tRUMP Did Not PULL THE TRIGGER... He Did Order the Assassination of an Iranian General... Just Like Charles Manson, tRUMP Commanded His Brainwashed Flying Monkeys to KILL...  

tRUMP Hoped It Would Distract Attention from His Impeachment Forever Trial... He Figured, If Obama Became Overwhelmingly More Popular for Murdering Osama bin Laden, Maybe I Can Get The Same Increase in Popularity If I Have a Random Muslim Murdered... and so He Ordered a Mafia Style Hit... 

We Should Have tRUMP Arrested and Let the Supreme Court Rule IF THE DOJ OPINION IS VALID... 

The Goverment Accounting Office Concluded That Trump Broke The Law! The Impoundment Control Act.

The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (ICA) reasserted Congress’ power of the purse. Specifically, Title X of the Act – “Impoundment Control” – established procedures to prevent the President and other government officials from unilaterally substituting their own funding decisions for those of the Congress. The Act also created the House and Senate Budget Committees and the Congressional Budget Office.


and... Trump Committed the Crime of Campaign Finance Fraud when He and Michael Cohen Paid Hush Money to a Porn Star to Keep Her Quiet Before the 2016 Election... Remember the Person Named "Individual-1" in Cohen's Trial? Cohen is Currently Serving Time for That Crime BUT tRUMP HAS NOT EVEN BEEN ARRESTED!


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