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"Boys, boys! Let's all be decent to one another here. Here we can bask in the warm waters of irony and satire without being dashed on the rocky shoals of partisanship. Namaste..." - Quotations of Victor Koman

"My opinion on The Trial: President Trump's days in office are numbered! 1,816 days, to be exact." - Quotations of Victor Koman

and then People on Facebook Replied...

Harding McFadden: This whole farce had been a relentless headhunt since before day one of Trump's presidency. A very vocal minority who just can't get over the fact that a full half of the country had grown so sick and tired of their fascist posturing and endless rights grabs that they voted in a man who was such an underdog that most of us went to bed after voting with the full expectation that we'd wake up to President Clinton, again. They will stop at nothing to remove the man from office, and should they succeed, they'll just move on to the VP. Being the snowflakes that they are, they must be well aware that they can't win a shooting war with those of us who value our constitutional rights, so they've opted to go the slow route, bogging us down in so much endless bureaucratic minutia, that we don't even realize that we've been in an active civil war for decades. Though I doubt that their constituency will ever dare to vote them out, as that would require admitting that they might be wrong in the first place.

LeRoy Lauer: To start with, "a full half of the country" was actually less than 20% of the population. Fortunately, your threats are as empty as your minds, since ("they can't win a shooting war with those of us who value our constitutional rights") you think your opponents are unarmed. And as for "we've been in an active civil war for decades", your allegiance to treason will not serve you well. That, and your proclivity for running with Nazis.

Harding McFadden - LeRoy Lauer: Running with Nazis my ass. To say that I'm offended at your insinuation that not only me, but anyone else who sees the American Left for the Reds that they are, are racists is an understatement. The Right aren't the ones painting Isreal as villains, aren't the ones who owned the slaves during the Civil War, and aren't the ones dead set on making the American people into a subject class under their political overlords. And if anyone is guilty of perpetual, pathological subversion, if not outright defiance, of the Constitution of United States of America, it isn't the Right.

Mitch Aunger - LeRoy: Lauer brilliant analysis!!!!

Ron Fortier - Harding McFadden: Bravo, Hardin. Demorats in the House are all morons and now traitors.

Victor Koman: Boys, boys! Let's all be decent to one another here. Here we can bask in the warm waters of irony and satire without being dashed on the rocky shoals of partisanship. Namaste...🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️

Harding McFadden - Victor Koman: Sorry, Doc.

Susan Greco: I used to say my political stance was "a little left of center". It seems the right has placed me in the far left, although my thinking has not changed. By the bye, I am a registered "Independent" voter, but I DO NOT support President Trump in any way, shape or form.

Fred Curtis Moulton Jr. - Victor Koman: Your comment "Let's all be decent to one another here. Here we can bask in the warm waters of irony and satire without being dashed on the rocky shoals of partisanship. Namaste..." is well said. I might even use it myself someday of course with proper attribution. Thanks

Paula Lieberman: I have acquaintances who are Bernie bots, and either voted for a third party candidate* or sat out the election. HOWEVER, a large part of what happened involved FUD and foreign meddling as below, and malice on the part of e.g. Fux Noise...
[and the Green Party candidate seems to have had lots of support thrown her way via Cambridge Analytic/SCL/other-Mercer-companies [Robert Mercer is an evil genius, who makes Lex Luthor look like a humanitarian; he also helped engineering the Brexit vote in England...] and Russian troll farm and releasing -revised- material from servers in the USA [there was a long article by someone who had proof that the Wikileaks material included fraudulent material, khe coared what he actually wrote, versus what Wikileadks spewed out funneled to them by the Russians. It reminds me of what an old college buddy who's one of the micronobels for climate change modeling commented to me in an e-message regarding "Cimategate" wherein he said that the breakers-into of the server were cherrypicking the emails for one written by people who were "blowing off steam" griping in messages they were assuming to be private and "~failed to consider that any machine connected to the Internet is subject to being broken into and the contents released to the public~" [He was not one fo the people whom the climate change denial crowd were tarring and feathering, though his view of things are "I'm not going buy any beach front property." Climategate however was cherrying picking private correspondence, as opposed to including not only FUD, but outright revision of material... ]

LeRoy Lauer - Susan Greco: It’s funny how both sides think the spectrum is tilted far to the other side. Makes me long for FM-2030.

Susan Greco - LeRoy Lauer: I never said the right wing was far right, but, if the shoe fits....

Jim Johnson: Yep except there is an election which is still too disjointed to determine.

Michael Weiser: No Vic, it's less then a year before that BASTERD is gone

Eric Childs: I think you may be off one day, because of leap year?

Kathryn Dawkins: You mean Vic is not exact! 🤪

Eric Oppen: Any time people start howling about Nazis, and the context is not European politics between 1919 and 1945, I start turning off my hearing aids, because the shrillness level is about to skyrocket.

LeRoy Lauer: I'm only talking about the self-identified ones who show up like bad pennies in their funny outfits. I don't call all wingnutz Nazis.

Gregory Laan: The Goal of the Russian Disinformation Campaign was to Get Americans to Fight Each other. Well Played, Putin! You were Successful...

psychedelic art by gvan42 Mister Button Eyed Man

Trump Calls FBI "Scum" at Rally...
Oi, Trump! Look in the goddamned mirror before you hurl any more bigoted insults at the hardworking patriotic employees of the FBI and the rest of the U.S. intelligence community, you racist, mysoginist, Islamaphobic, xenophobic, intellectually challenged, morally and ethically bankrupt criminal conspiricist, third-rate mob boss, illegitimately elected POTUS and self-serving Russian intelligence asset! Why any Iranian hitman, brutally betrayed former Syrian Kurdish ally in the fight against ISIS, or seriously angry Ukrainian soldier whose comrades have already died while you betrayed them by holding up essential military aid in your sordid extortion scheme against the Ukrainian government, hasn't already taken you out and done the rest of the Free World a major favour, I cannot possibly imagine.

Letter to the Editor of the Lumberjack Newspaper of Humboldt State University in Arcata, CA - My Alma Mater!

What does Trump have to do to convince you he’s not on the side of the American people?

I’m writing this in response to those who call themselves a Trumpster. First off, this man is a walking talking crime wave who has zero respect for the rule of law which he has demonstrated many times and sums up by saying, and I quote: “If I were standing on 5th Ave. and shot somebody, I would get away with it.”
This kind of craziness has never been seen by any of our leaders by any party and to wear a had or shirt and support this man who with without morals, principles or knows no bounds and things he is above the law, those people have to start to think what was it they see in this man?
What does he have to do to convince you he is not on the side of the working class or average American taxpayer? How much more damage does this man have to do to our Republic and Constitution and how many more laws must he break before he is removed from office.
No matter what party you’re from, this is not a Republican, Democratic, or Independent issue it is an American issue only
The only bottom line to me is do we stand with those that chose the Gospel of Hate and Division or do we stand on the side of America.
Michael D. Owen

Eureka, Ca.

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