The Republican Party is a Minority Group and they are Getting Smaller Every Day. Old White People Shriveling Up and Dying without Having Enough Children to Replace them... Most Voters are Young People, Women, Minorities and College Graduates... When tRUMP Attacked Minority Women He "PEED IN HIS OWN CANTEEN" - His Supporters Chanting "Send Her Back!" Angered Everyone With a Brain and There has been a GREAT Healing in the Democratic Party. We Can All Work Together as a TEAM to Fight EVIL... We Stand For Truth, Justice and The American Way! The Statue of LIBERTY? She is a Miracle! MY ANCESTORS WERE IMMIGRANTS. We Fled The Potato Famine in Ireland and That's what the Climate Change Refugees are Doing Today. Farmers in Central America are GETTING NO RAIN... and so, Instead of Starving to Death, They Did What MY Ancestors Did... MOVED to a Place Where they Could Survive...
We Need to Save America from the Corporate GREED FREAKS... tRUMP'S "Tax Cut For The Rich" Law Enabled Amazon to Pay ZERO Taxes... While tRUMP Pretends to Hate Jeff Bezos, he Gave Bezos a Giant Gift! Well, Isn't That Special? and Now, The National Debt is the Highest Ever... The Government is simply Not Collecting Enough Taxes to Pay for Their Services... It's Like a Checking Account where you Spend More Than You Earn, BUT... It's a MIRACLE... WE HAVE A CREDIT CARD! Let's Go Shopping! and Now, #DitchMitch McConnell wants to Cut Social Security so we can Give More Money to the Super Rich... I paid into that fund my whole life and NOW, they want to NOT PAY? Freaking Weasels...
Are There enough Racists in the USA to Re-Elect tRUMP? NO... BUT We have to Win BY a GIANT AMOUNT... Because a Simple Majority of the Votes would Allow Czar Donald to "Win" the Electoral College. Ironically, Most People Prefer Majority Rule. and Yet, this CRAZYSYSTEM [tm] allows Losers like George Bush The Son and Czar Donald to become the 'Resident of the United States...
Republicriminals are PRETENDING that the Democratic Party is in Favor of "Democratic Socialism." In Reality, Only One Candidate is... Bernie Sanders... 19 out of 20 Candidates are NOT Democratic Socialists or Communists or Worshipers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster... WAKE UP! The Leading Candidate, Joe Biden, is in favor of IMPROVING OBAMACARE. He Helped President Obama Write That Bill when he was Vice President and He Plans to Return America To an ERA of Prosperity and Sanity.
LOOK IN THE MIRROR and ask yourself: Is My Family Better Off Now or Five Years Ago? Obviously, Obama did a Better Job than tRUMP and If we Just Elect Joe Biden we can USE Obama's Sage Advice to FIX The Disasters Caused by Czar Donald. Rejoin the Iran Nuclear Deal on Day One. tRUMP encouraged Iran to Build Atomic Bombs, and NOW there is a LOT of Trouble over there... OBAMA HAD A MUCH BETTER STRATEGY and It Worked!
End the Crazy Tariffs and the Trade War with China, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Russia... The Trade War is Harming American Farmers and Consumers. The only people that Benefit are Russian Soybean Farmers who are shipping MegaTons of Beans to China. Putin says: Thank You Donald, You are a wonderful Puppet... HORRORSHOW!
LOOK at the Ecological Damage tRUMP is Doing. Legalizing a Poison that Kills BEES! No Bees, No Food... Mass Starvation... I guess the Super Rich can Eat Their Money... Legalizing Oil and Gas Well Drilling on Public Land, Enabling FRACKING, Building the #NODAPL Pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico so we can sell more Oil Oversees... WTF! The GOP believes that Corporate Profit is More Important Than People's Health. Selling Oil Overseas CAUSES CLIMATE CHANGE HERE AT HOME. Did you ever notice that the Earth is ONE CLOSED BIOSPHERE? Burning Fossil Fuel in Europe or Asia puts air pollution in OUR air too... the wind just blows it around... Legalizing RoundUP! - Saying that it's NOT a Known Cause of Cancer... That's an OBVIOUS LIE. I see TV Commercials advertising Lawyer Services helping People SUE MONSANTO... It's a BIG Industry! Almost as big as Suing for Health Problems Caused by Asbestos...
So Called "Christians" who support tRUMP believe that "The Rapture" will save them and only Those "Left Behind" will experience God's Wrath in Firestorms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Drought... Did You Notice the GREEN SLIME in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida? That's Like the Old Testament Turning the Nile into a River of Blood... But this time the Color is different... OH! That Make it all Groovy! No Problem Here, It's GREEN!
I can relate to Climate Change Deniers: They are Mostly Old People and will be DEAD before We Go Extinct... Just like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says: "Just Move North into Canada." - Problem Solved! But What do we do when Everybody Lives on the North Pole? and There is No Place to GO NORTH TO!
What abut tRUMP'S Adultery? Didn't Moses Get The Ten Commandments from GOD? One said: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery. Is tRUMP Challenging the word "Shalt" ??? In tRUMPSpeak, "Shalt" means a Suggestion, a Hint, something He can Simply Refuse to Do... If it FEELS GOOD DO IT... including Hiring HOOKERS... at the Same time He was Married... Just Like the Law that says "Congress Can Subpoena any American Citizen's Tax Returns and the Head of the IRS "SHALL" Provide them... Once again tRUMP states that the word SHALL means MAYBE, If he feels Like it... or Not... especially if those Tax Returns Expose Him to Criminal Tax Evasion Charges... We Arrested Mobster Al Capone on Tax Evasion, Why Not tRUMP? Why Not Lock Up The Entire Crime Family? Charity Fraud in New York State -Stealing Money from Veterans... Fraudulent Multi Level Marketing Scams selling Vitamins... Fraudulent Real Estate School...
Did you know that Vice President Mike Pence is 60 years Old? REALLY! He's Younger than ME! and with that white hair he LOOK like he has one foot in the Grave. Could it be that living a life of EVIL has Caused Premature Aging? Speaking of People that are OLDER THAN DIRT, How if tRUMP'S Health? We have never read a Doctor's Report except the one tRUMP wrote himself... The one where he LIED about his Height... What kind of Pathetic Wanker would LIE about his Height? Was that the REAL REASON he fired James Comey? He was Jealous of Comey's Six Foot Ten Height? Has a lifetime of JUNK FOOD set tRUMP Up for a Heart Attack? Will the Stress of being in a Job that is WAY TOO COMPLEX send him to the Hospital? The Main trouble with tRUMP Dying in Office is that Evil Mike Pence Becomes 'Resident... OH NO! That Would Truly Be a SIGN That the End Times Have Come!
We Need to Save America from the Corporate GREED FREAKS... tRUMP'S "Tax Cut For The Rich" Law Enabled Amazon to Pay ZERO Taxes... While tRUMP Pretends to Hate Jeff Bezos, he Gave Bezos a Giant Gift! Well, Isn't That Special? and Now, The National Debt is the Highest Ever... The Government is simply Not Collecting Enough Taxes to Pay for Their Services... It's Like a Checking Account where you Spend More Than You Earn, BUT... It's a MIRACLE... WE HAVE A CREDIT CARD! Let's Go Shopping! and Now, #DitchMitch McConnell wants to Cut Social Security so we can Give More Money to the Super Rich... I paid into that fund my whole life and NOW, they want to NOT PAY? Freaking Weasels...
Are There enough Racists in the USA to Re-Elect tRUMP? NO... BUT We have to Win BY a GIANT AMOUNT... Because a Simple Majority of the Votes would Allow Czar Donald to "Win" the Electoral College. Ironically, Most People Prefer Majority Rule. and Yet, this CRAZYSYSTEM [tm] allows Losers like George Bush The Son and Czar Donald to become the 'Resident of the United States...
Republicriminals are PRETENDING that the Democratic Party is in Favor of "Democratic Socialism." In Reality, Only One Candidate is... Bernie Sanders... 19 out of 20 Candidates are NOT Democratic Socialists or Communists or Worshipers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster... WAKE UP! The Leading Candidate, Joe Biden, is in favor of IMPROVING OBAMACARE. He Helped President Obama Write That Bill when he was Vice President and He Plans to Return America To an ERA of Prosperity and Sanity.
LOOK IN THE MIRROR and ask yourself: Is My Family Better Off Now or Five Years Ago? Obviously, Obama did a Better Job than tRUMP and If we Just Elect Joe Biden we can USE Obama's Sage Advice to FIX The Disasters Caused by Czar Donald. Rejoin the Iran Nuclear Deal on Day One. tRUMP encouraged Iran to Build Atomic Bombs, and NOW there is a LOT of Trouble over there... OBAMA HAD A MUCH BETTER STRATEGY and It Worked!
End the Crazy Tariffs and the Trade War with China, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Russia... The Trade War is Harming American Farmers and Consumers. The only people that Benefit are Russian Soybean Farmers who are shipping MegaTons of Beans to China. Putin says: Thank You Donald, You are a wonderful Puppet... HORRORSHOW!
LOOK at the Ecological Damage tRUMP is Doing. Legalizing a Poison that Kills BEES! No Bees, No Food... Mass Starvation... I guess the Super Rich can Eat Their Money... Legalizing Oil and Gas Well Drilling on Public Land, Enabling FRACKING, Building the #NODAPL Pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico so we can sell more Oil Oversees... WTF! The GOP believes that Corporate Profit is More Important Than People's Health. Selling Oil Overseas CAUSES CLIMATE CHANGE HERE AT HOME. Did you ever notice that the Earth is ONE CLOSED BIOSPHERE? Burning Fossil Fuel in Europe or Asia puts air pollution in OUR air too... the wind just blows it around... Legalizing RoundUP! - Saying that it's NOT a Known Cause of Cancer... That's an OBVIOUS LIE. I see TV Commercials advertising Lawyer Services helping People SUE MONSANTO... It's a BIG Industry! Almost as big as Suing for Health Problems Caused by Asbestos...
So Called "Christians" who support tRUMP believe that "The Rapture" will save them and only Those "Left Behind" will experience God's Wrath in Firestorms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Drought... Did You Notice the GREEN SLIME in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida? That's Like the Old Testament Turning the Nile into a River of Blood... But this time the Color is different... OH! That Make it all Groovy! No Problem Here, It's GREEN!
I can relate to Climate Change Deniers: They are Mostly Old People and will be DEAD before We Go Extinct... Just like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says: "Just Move North into Canada." - Problem Solved! But What do we do when Everybody Lives on the North Pole? and There is No Place to GO NORTH TO!
What abut tRUMP'S Adultery? Didn't Moses Get The Ten Commandments from GOD? One said: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery. Is tRUMP Challenging the word "Shalt" ??? In tRUMPSpeak, "Shalt" means a Suggestion, a Hint, something He can Simply Refuse to Do... If it FEELS GOOD DO IT... including Hiring HOOKERS... at the Same time He was Married... Just Like the Law that says "Congress Can Subpoena any American Citizen's Tax Returns and the Head of the IRS "SHALL" Provide them... Once again tRUMP states that the word SHALL means MAYBE, If he feels Like it... or Not... especially if those Tax Returns Expose Him to Criminal Tax Evasion Charges... We Arrested Mobster Al Capone on Tax Evasion, Why Not tRUMP? Why Not Lock Up The Entire Crime Family? Charity Fraud in New York State -Stealing Money from Veterans... Fraudulent Multi Level Marketing Scams selling Vitamins... Fraudulent Real Estate School...
![]() tRUMP's Impeachment Insurance. Leave Me Alone or You'll Get Mikey... |
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Did you know that Vice President Mike Pence is 60 years Old? REALLY! He's Younger than ME! and with that white hair he LOOK like he has one foot in the Grave. Could it be that living a life of EVIL has Caused Premature Aging? Speaking of People that are OLDER THAN DIRT, How if tRUMP'S Health? We have never read a Doctor's Report except the one tRUMP wrote himself... The one where he LIED about his Height... What kind of Pathetic Wanker would LIE about his Height? Was that the REAL REASON he fired James Comey? He was Jealous of Comey's Six Foot Ten Height? Has a lifetime of JUNK FOOD set tRUMP Up for a Heart Attack? Will the Stress of being in a Job that is WAY TOO COMPLEX send him to the Hospital? The Main trouble with tRUMP Dying in Office is that Evil Mike Pence Becomes 'Resident... OH NO! That Would Truly Be a SIGN That the End Times Have Come!
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Man holding a Sign that says: "This is a Sign" Absurdist Theater or End Times Warning? |
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PATRIOTS ARISE! Help Campaign for Amy McGrath for Senate in Kentucky... Beat #MoscowMitch Like a Pinata! He is a Corrupt TrumpNik - Obeying His Master, Vladimir Putin - Register and Vote! Throw all the Corrupt Old White Men OUT.