Showing posts with label rule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rule. Show all posts

The REAL Reason the QAnon House of Representatives REFUSES to Make America Great. Their Plan is...

To Cause America to Go Bankrupt and Then Crown Trump King of the World After the Fall of Civilization... He Will Rule over the Three Billion Survivors of The Apocalypse...  and the 1,000 Years of Dark Ages... 

After All: Bankruptcy is a Major Part of the Trump Business Model... 

The QAnon House Plan: Crown Trump Kink of the World after the Collapse of Civilization.
How is that Possible? After Trump Dies his Son Barron will Rule... as Junior and Eric Deemed too Dammed Stupid to Rule... and a Dynasty of Trumps Will Rule over the Entire Earth... for Generation after Generation... 

KEEP VOTING LEGAL! If We Don't Protect Voting, QAnon Wins and We All Will Live in Hell on Earth Forever. CZAR Donald the Loser Will Rule over a Bankrupt Country and Billions of People Will Starve to Death After the Global Economic Collapse.

The Old White Men that Rule the USA are FRANTIC about The Fact That They are a Minority... and Every Day More of them DIE, Never to be Replaced... Most Voters are Young People, Women, Minorities or College Graduates... and All Those Groups Vote Democratic... IF WE HAVE ELECTIONS AT ALL... The QAnon/GOP Party is Doing Everything it Can to END Democracy and Crown Trump CZAR... with Barron to be Heir to the Throne... or Maybe Ivanka will be Queen... Whatever Happens, They are Total Idiots About Business and They Will Cause the Entire USA to Go Bankrupt... That's All Trump Really Knows How to Do... If the USA Declares Bankruptcy, Global Economic Collapse is Soon To Follow...

Keep Voting Legal Sunset gvan42
Frankly Speaking: I Don't Care if Joe Biden Spending Plan Wins... So What if Our Infrastructure Keeps on Eroding... as Systems Fail, They Will Be Repaired... Just Look at the Example of the Power Lines Melting in a Fire in Oregon that Stopped Electricity from Flowing to California... Well... I Don't Hear Much About That Now...  

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Changing the Subject
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"They" are Simply trying to Increase Sales RIGHT NOW because Your Chinese Junk is on a Boat floating off Long Beach Harbor... and PRICES ARE HIGHER! The ABSURD part of this is that Joe Biden went there to encourage them to work 24 hours a day... OK... WHY HAVE THEY NOT BEEN WORKING 24 HOURS A DAY ALREADY? Don't they Have LIGHTS?

Refuse to Buy Chinese Junk!
Refuse to Buy Chinese Junk!

Colin Powell is Dead!

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire... Iraq Had No WMD, No Ties to Al-Bundy and Nothing at All to do with 9/11... Here is a Photo of Colin Powell Lying at the United Nations... Holding a Bottle of Flour while pretending it was WMD...

Colin Powell Lying at the UN

There was a Group of Five Evil People that Caused a LOT of Pointless Death During the Reign of American Idiot George W Bush the Son... So Far... Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell have died... The world will be a better place once George the Son, Dick Cheney and Condi Rice have passed away... and I really shouldn't Forget George Tenet... the Head of the CIA that PROVIDED the LIES Bush Needed to Invade Iraq... He was Evil as Well...

Colin Powell Guernica
Colin Powell Guernica

This Image Shows What Colin Powell's 2003 UN Press Conference Would Have Looked Like. He Was Promoting the Insane Bombing of Civilians in Iraq... Just Like the Insane Bombing of Civilians in Pablo Picasso's Guernica Painting...

Traditionally Press Conferences are Filmed IN FRONT of this Painting BUT... For Colin Powell's Press Conference The painting was COVERED BY SHEETS so it would Not be Visible... Because the HYPOCRISY Would Be Obvious...

Two Down, Four to Go...


Six Evil People... Slowly they are All Dying, Making America A Better Place... No, I Don't Know who that guy in the back is... Left to Right: Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Condi Rice, George Tenet (seated), Unknown, Donald Rumsfeld...

A Brief History of the War In Iraq. OOPS, We Blew Up The Wrong Country. On 9/11 Fourteen (14) SAUDI ARABIAN Hijackers Flew Airplanes into The World Trade Center. Five (5) Were NOT Saudis.

Silly Heart Face Art by gvan42
Silly Heart Face Art by gvan42

Art and JOKES by zazzle gregvan

You MAY Change the Words on These Gifts... Go Ahead and State What's On Your Mind... 

LINK to My Main Page at Zazzle/Gregvan:

Trump's Base (Uneducated White Men) Have Fewer Children Than Minority Groups and At The Same Time, Death Rates of Uneducated White Men Have Increased In the Last Four Years. Suicide=UP, Alcoholism=UP, Drug Overdoses=UP - CLICK HERE FOR THE SOLUTION!

The Only Thing Anyone Has Any Control Over is EDUCATION. You Can't Change Your Skin Color or Gender... SO... LEARN A TRADE... I Borrowed Money for Tuition from the Department of Education, Went to Humboldt State University, Did My Homework, Attended Every Class and Graduated with a BS Computer Science - and Then Instantly Was Hired at a Great Job... at The County of Humboldt, California. Union Job With High Pay, Benefits, Health Care, Retirement... In An Office with Air conditioning in the Summer and Heat in the Winter... 

"The Ideal Man is One With a Job." - Wisdom From a Lady I Married... 

Fewer Births Than Deaths Among Whites in Majority of U.S. States.

Less than half of US children under 15 are white, census shows.

The US white majority will soon disappear forever.

Trump Spelled with Guns MEME -gvan42 #MAGAKillers Suck

Most Voters are Young People, Women, Minorities or College Graduates AND ALL THOSE GROUPS VOTE DEMOCRATIC. The Quantity of Uneducated Racist Old White Men is SHRINKING... They are Dying Off... DOOMED TO EXTINCTION!

Headline: GOP lawmaker: If the party doesn't adapt to new demographics 'there won't be a Republican Party'

Is tRUMP INSANE? Should we use the 25th Amendment to remove him from office before he does permanent damage? What IF tRUMP, like his Hero Adolph Hitler, Decides to Commit Suicide at the end? What IF He Starts WW3 using Atomic Weapons to CAUSE THE RAPTURE? 

Sure, he Appears to Be a Phony Christian by his Ignoring the 10 Commandments concerning ADULTERY but... It Does Seem Like He Would Truly Believe that Jesus Will Save Us Just in Time... and all those OTHER PEOPLE will burn... Just Like It's OK For Californians to Burn because WE Didn't Vote For Him...

MEME - gvan42 - Trump is Insane - Futurama
Believing Trump's Lies Is NOT The Best Plan For Life. 

MEME - gvan42 - Trump's Boys are Insane - Killing a Big Cat

Millions of Trump Supporters #RUNAWAY from Mad King Donald. "He is Insane! Sure, I Voted for Him in 2016 but... I Woke UP! #IMPEACH! Da Mo Fo" - says Benjamin Ghazi: QAnon Baker

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and Now for Something Completely Different!
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My Favorite Beautiful Nude Women Dancing GIFs

The People Have Spoken! The Majority Voted for Hillary Clinton. We Realized That tRUMP was a Con Man, Saw Through is Lies AND REJECTED the #BogusPotus! Even with Russia's Help HE GOT FEWER VOTES... LOSER!

The Republican Party is a Minority Group and they are Getting Smaller Every Day. Old White People Shriveling Up and Dying without Having Enough Children to Replace them... Most Voters are Young People, Women, Minorities and College Graduates... When tRUMP Attacked Minority Women He "PEED IN HIS OWN CANTEEN" - His Supporters Chanting "Send Her Back!" Angered Everyone With a Brain and There has been a GREAT Healing in the Democratic Party. We Can All Work Together as a TEAM to Fight EVIL... We Stand For Truth, Justice and The American Way! The Statue of LIBERTY? She is a Miracle! MY ANCESTORS WERE IMMIGRANTS. We Fled The Potato Famine in Ireland and That's what the Climate Change Refugees are Doing Today. Farmers in Central America are GETTING NO RAIN... and so, Instead of Starving to Death, They Did What MY Ancestors Did... MOVED to a Place Where they Could Survive...  

We Need to Save America from the Corporate GREED FREAKS... tRUMP'S "Tax Cut For The Rich" Law Enabled Amazon to Pay ZERO Taxes... While tRUMP Pretends to Hate Jeff Bezos, he Gave Bezos a Giant Gift! Well, Isn't That Special? and Now, The National Debt is the Highest Ever... The Government is simply Not Collecting Enough Taxes to Pay for Their Services... It's Like a Checking Account where you Spend More Than You Earn, BUT... It's a MIRACLE... WE HAVE A CREDIT CARD! Let's Go Shopping! and Now, #DitchMitch McConnell wants to Cut Social Security so we can Give More Money to the Super Rich... I paid into that fund my whole life and NOW, they want to NOT PAY? Freaking Weasels... 

Are There enough Racists in the USA to Re-Elect tRUMP? NO... BUT We have to Win BY a GIANT AMOUNT... Because a Simple Majority of the Votes would Allow Czar Donald to "Win" the Electoral College. Ironically, Most People Prefer Majority Rule. and Yet, this CRAZYSYSTEM [tm] allows Losers like George Bush The Son and Czar Donald to become the 'Resident of the United States... 

Republicriminals are PRETENDING that the Democratic Party is in Favor of "Democratic Socialism." In Reality, Only One Candidate is... Bernie Sanders... 19 out of 20 Candidates are NOT Democratic Socialists or Communists or Worshipers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster... WAKE UP! The Leading Candidate, Joe Biden, is in favor of IMPROVING OBAMACARE. He Helped President Obama Write That Bill when he was Vice President and He Plans to Return America To an ERA of Prosperity and Sanity. 

LOOK IN THE MIRROR and ask yourself: Is My Family Better Off Now or Five Years Ago? Obviously, Obama did a Better Job than tRUMP and If we Just Elect Joe Biden we can USE Obama's Sage Advice to FIX The Disasters Caused by Czar Donald. Rejoin the Iran Nuclear Deal on Day One. tRUMP encouraged Iran to Build Atomic Bombs, and NOW there is a LOT of Trouble over there... OBAMA HAD A MUCH BETTER STRATEGY and It Worked! 

End the Crazy Tariffs and the Trade War with China, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Russia... The Trade War is Harming American Farmers and Consumers. The only people that Benefit are Russian Soybean Farmers who are shipping MegaTons of Beans to China. Putin says: Thank You Donald, You are a wonderful Puppet... HORRORSHOW!

LOOK at the Ecological Damage tRUMP is Doing. Legalizing a Poison that Kills BEES! No Bees, No Food... Mass Starvation... I guess the Super Rich can Eat Their Money... Legalizing Oil and Gas Well Drilling on Public Land, Enabling FRACKING, Building the #NODAPL Pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico so we can sell more Oil Oversees... WTF! The GOP believes that Corporate Profit is More Important Than People's Health. Selling Oil Overseas CAUSES CLIMATE CHANGE HERE AT HOME. Did you ever notice that the Earth is ONE CLOSED BIOSPHERE? Burning Fossil Fuel in Europe or Asia puts air pollution in OUR air too... the wind just blows it around... Legalizing RoundUP! - Saying that it's NOT a Known Cause of Cancer... That's an OBVIOUS LIE. I see TV Commercials advertising Lawyer Services helping People SUE MONSANTO... It's a BIG Industry! Almost as big as Suing for Health Problems Caused by Asbestos... 

So Called "Christians" who support tRUMP believe that "The Rapture" will save them and only Those "Left Behind" will experience God's Wrath in Firestorms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Drought... Did You Notice the GREEN SLIME in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida? That's Like the Old Testament Turning the Nile into a River of Blood... But this time the Color is different... OH! That Make it all Groovy! No Problem Here, It's GREEN! 

I can relate to Climate Change Deniers: They are Mostly Old People and will be DEAD before We Go Extinct... Just like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says: "Just Move North into Canada." - Problem Solved! But What do we do when Everybody Lives on the North Pole? and There is No Place to GO NORTH TO!

What abut tRUMP'S Adultery? Didn't Moses Get The Ten Commandments from GOD? One said: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery. Is tRUMP Challenging the word "Shalt" ??? In tRUMPSpeak, "Shalt" means a Suggestion, a Hint, something He can Simply Refuse to Do... If it FEELS GOOD DO IT... including Hiring HOOKERS... at the Same time He was Married... Just Like the Law that says "Congress Can Subpoena any American Citizen's Tax Returns and the Head of the IRS "SHALL" Provide them... Once again tRUMP states that the word SHALL means MAYBE, If he feels Like it... or Not... especially if those Tax Returns Expose Him to Criminal Tax Evasion Charges... We Arrested Mobster Al Capone on Tax Evasion, Why Not tRUMP? Why Not Lock Up The Entire Crime Family? Charity Fraud in New York State -Stealing Money from Veterans... Fraudulent Multi Level Marketing Scams selling Vitamins... Fraudulent Real Estate School... 

FREE #DumpTrump MEMEs at collect them all - Wake UP! It's Free, It's Fun and Everybody's Doing It!
tRUMP's Impeachment Insurance.
Leave Me Alone or You'll Get Mikey...
FREE #DumpTrump MEMEs at

Did you know that Vice President Mike Pence is 60 years Old? REALLY! He's Younger than ME! and with that white hair he LOOK like he has one foot in the Grave. Could it be that living a life of EVIL has Caused Premature Aging? Speaking of People that are OLDER THAN DIRT, How if tRUMP'S Health? We have never read a Doctor's Report except the one tRUMP wrote himself... The one where he LIED about his Height... What kind of Pathetic Wanker would LIE about his Height? Was that the REAL REASON he fired James Comey? He was Jealous of Comey's Six Foot Ten Height? Has a lifetime of JUNK FOOD set tRUMP Up for a Heart Attack? Will the Stress of being in a Job that is WAY TOO COMPLEX send him to the Hospital? The Main trouble with tRUMP Dying in Office is that Evil Mike Pence Becomes 'Resident... OH NO! That Would Truly Be a SIGN That the End Times Have Come!

Get Your FREE #DumpTrump Coloring Book at - and FREE MEMEs - Man holding a Sign that says: "This is a Sign" Absurdist Theater or End Times Warning?
Man holding a Sign that says: "This is a Sign"
Absurdist Theater or End Times Warning?
FREE #DumpTrump MEMEs 
 collect them all... 

Why Not Wake UP? 
It's Free, It's Fun and Everybody's Doing It! 

PATRIOTS ARISE! Help Campaign for Amy McGrath for Senate in Kentucky... Beat #MoscowMitch Like a Pinata! He is a Corrupt TrumpNik - Obeying His Master, Vladimir Putin - Register and Vote! Throw all the Corrupt Old White Men OUT. 

Vote against All Republicriminals Every Time Every Where. Remember the Tax Cut for the Rich Law? NEXT: They'll try to Cut Social Security, Food Stamps and Medicare...

The GOP Politicians simply did what their employers (the Super Rich) wanted and not what the public wanted. The USA has become a Feudal Empire with Kings and Lords and We the People are not Represented...

2020 is time to fight back. We Impeached Trump and Now We Need to Convict Him and Remove Him From Office... and Fire all the Republicriminals... Let's bring back Majority Rule... Most People Prefer It...

MEME by gvan42 Elephant Clicker Game

How to Prevent Your Own Brainwashing.

Avoid listening to people that are trying to influence your beliefs. Stop looking at them also. For Example: On TV there are endless advertisements that are trying to sell you products... simply mute the sound with your remote and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and say your mantra... Then after a minute, look at the TV to see if your show has started. 

My Mantra is [Inhale]HERE...[Exhale][Inhale]NOW...[Exhale]...

Some TV shows are pure propaganda and should be avoided entirely. The Channel called "RT" tells news from a Soviet perspective. Beware of Fox News. It's blatantly promoting lies that support The Republicriminal Agenda and the wishes of the 1% Super Rich.

Help Defeat tRUMP by Sharing these Free MEMEs on Social Media... It's Especially Fun to Copy and Paste Into Republicriminal Facebook Groups! Remind Them That Their Boy is an Adulterer... After All, tRUMP got a "Mulligan" for Boinking a Porn Star While Married Because Moses Was "Just Kidding" About Those Commandments!

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!
Mockery of Mad King Donald the Corrupt


free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!

#Impeach tRUMP Embroidered Baseball Cap FOR SALE!
Most Americans are in Favor of Impeaching 
tRUMP and Removing Him From Office... 
and then LOCK HIM UP for Corruption...
#Impeach tRUMP Embroidered Baseball Cap
#Impeach tRUMP Embroidered Baseball Cap
by gregvan
free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!
Many More MEMEs at

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!

End the Crazy Tariffs and the Trade War with China, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Russia... The Trade War is Harming American Farmers and Consumers. The only people that Benefit are Russian Soybean Farmers who are shipping MegaTons of Beans to China. Putin says: Thank You Donald, You are a wonderful Puppet... HORRORSHOW!

FREE #DumpTrump MEMEs at collect them all - Wake UP! It's Free, It's Fun and Everybody's Doing It!
tRUMP's Impeachment Insurance.
Leave Me Alone or You'll Get Mikey...
FREE #DumpTrump MEMEs at

Get Your FREE #DumpTrump Coloring Book at - and FREE MEMEs - Man holding a Sign that says: "This is a Sign" Absurdist Theater or End Times Warning?
Man holding a Sign that says: "This is a Sign"
Absurdist Theater or End Times Warning?
FREE #DumpTrump MEMEs 
 collect them all... 

Why Not Wake UP? 
It's Free, It's Fun and Everybody's Doing It! 

QAnon Sucks

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!
Russians Campaigned for Trump. Trump Campaigned for Trump. There was A LOT of Communication between the Trump People and Russians. MANY OF TRUMP'S PEOPLE WENT TO PRISON. and Many More are Going to be Locked up! Including Rude Julie Anna!

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!

Repeal Trump's "HELP CRAZY PEOPLE BUY GUNS" Law. People that Receive Social Security Disability due to Insanity SHOULD NOT OWN GUNS. Trump signed that law in 2017... Obviously, he was wrong... Now is the time to reverse Trump's Mistake! #MAGAKillers SUCK

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!

Impeach Trump. 25th Amendment. Emoluments Clause. Three ways to save the USA.

If Three Hundred Million of us Protest we have a chance to get Donald Trump OUT of the White House. While Robert Mueller and the FBI, the Senate and the House are working on their investigations WE THE PEOPLE can help by contacting our representatives. OR... If you are able... March in the streets! We saw that the TrumpCare Bill was defeated by overwhelming rejection by the people. We can do it again.

25th Amendment - How to replace a president who has health problems...
There are a few ways to remove Trump from office... Impeachment is the obvious first choice but Disability has potential... If he becomes bored with being 'resident he can voluntarily step down. He has a history of declaring bankruptcy in business deals, would this be any different? If his cabinet agrees that he can't do the job they can force him to quit. If he goes to a hospital for example... Not that unlikely as he is older than dirt and lives a high stress lifestyle...  Even a MENTAL HOSPITAL... and He cannot serve if he is locked up in Jail...

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!

The People Have Spoken! The Majority Voted for Hillary Clinton. We Realized That tRUMP was a Con Man, Saw Through is Lies AND REJECTED the #BogusPotus! Even with Russia's Help HE GOT FEWER VOTES... LOSER!

The Republican Party is a Minority Group and they are Getting Smaller Every Day. Old White People Shriveling Up and Dying without Having Enough Children to Replace them... Most Voters are Young People, Women, Minorities and College Graduates...

Repeal Trump's HELP CRAZY PEOPLE BUY GUNS Law MEME - More at Google Image Search Keyword: gvan42
#MAGAKillers Suck
So Called "Christians" who support tRUMP believe that "The Rapture" will save them and only Those "Left Behind" will experience God's Wrath in Firestorms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Drought... Did You Notice the GREEN SLIME in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida? That's Like the Old Testament Turning the Nile into a River of Blood... But this time the Color is different... OH! That Make it all Groovy! No Problem Here, It's GREEN! 

Dump Trump MEME - Lock Him UP! - Global Impeachment Movement - gvan42 - Copy and Paste - Like and Share - FREE SATIRE ART by Gregory Vanderlaan

Dump Trump MEME - Lock Him UP! - Global Impeachment Movement - gvan42 - Copy and Paste - Like and Share - FREE SATIRE ART by Gregory Vanderlaan

Dump Trump MEME - Lock Him UP! - Global Impeachment Movement - gvan42 - Copy and Paste - Like and Share - FREE SATIRE ART by Gregory Vanderlaan

Dump Trump MEME - Lock Him UP! - Global Impeachment Movement - gvan42 - Copy and Paste - Like and Share - FREE SATIRE ART by Gregory Vanderlaan

MEME: It's a Global Dump Trump Movement - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
MEME: It's a Global Dump Trump Movement

#DumpTrump, #ImpeachTrump, #DitchMitch, #BogusPotus

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!

Link to a Google Image Search
for all my artwork!

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and Now, on a Different Subject... 
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using the Keywords: gvan42 free coloring book 
or click on this link!

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Click and Enjoy the Bliss!

Corporate Party USA Candidate Joe Biden Says: Let the Old White Man Rule! Father Knows Best - Not Just a Quaint 50s Sitcom, but a Path to the Mountaintop!

Read More at : If Elected I'll Continue Business as Usual... Critics may say that I've spent a Lifetime Being Wrong on Every Issue but I Say... they are just Nattering Nabobs of Negativism! 

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All Seriousness Aside...
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Check Out Pirate Television... 
They have a Different View of the World... 

Annie Jacobsen: The Secret History of the CIA.

When diplomacy fails and war is unwise, the president calls on the CIA’s Special Activities Division—a highly-classified branch of the CIA and the most effective black operations force in the world. Almost every American president since World War II has asked the CIA to conduct sabotage, subversion, and even assassination. To unveil the secret world of the president’s guerrilla warfare corps, Pulitzer Prize finalist Annie Jacobsen takes the stage with excerpts from Surprise, Kill, Vanish, her thriller-like exposition of the world of paramilitary and intelligence work.

Chris Hedges: Corporate Totalitarianism: 

The End Game...

In his current book, America: The Farewell Tour, Hedges, takes a close look at the array of pathologies that have arisen out of a profound malaise of hopelessness as the society disintegrates due to the "slow moving [corporate] Coup d'état" instituted by the ruling classes in the '70s in reaction to the activist movements and reforms of the '60s. This disintegration has resulted in an epidemic of diseases of despair and a civil society that has ceased to function. Hedges asserts that the opioid crisis, the rise of magical thinking, the celebration of sadism, and a host of other ills are the physical manifestations of a society ravaged by corporate pillage and a failed democracy. Join Hedges for a sobering discussion of the changing landscape of our country—and a poignant cry from communities across America that seeks to jolt us out of complacency while there is still time.

Nancy MacLean: 

The Origins of Today’s Radical Right.

Nancy MacLean gave this keynote talk at Fix Democracy First’s 2019 Annual dinner in which she outlined the radical covert plan being implemented by the Koch network to change the rules of our government to make “capitalism safe from democracy” while we are distracted by Trump. Fix Democracy First ( is a non-profit in the state of Washington fighting to improve our Democratic processes. They have been running initiatives and projects in support of public financing of campaigns, fair elections, overturning Citizen’s United, protecting voting rights and other similar efforts for almost two decades and have recently merged with WAmend and continue to work very closely with allies, partners, and volunteers towards the common goal of getting money out of politics.

Nick Estes: Our History Is the Future.

Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline In a book that is history, memory, and manifesto, Nick Estes explains how two centuries of Indigenous resistance created the movement proclaiming, “Water is life.,” how a small protest encampment established to block construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline grew to be the largest Indigenous protest movement in the twenty-first century. Thanks to Verso Books, Elliott Bay Books & Red May Seattle.

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*The Violet Overgrow - An Eco-Warrior's Journey by Gregory Vanderlaan - FICTION

*Trump Confesses to Adultery! "Hey, Moses Was JUST JOKING When He Wrote those Ten Commandments...

*Generate Electricity and Clean Drinking Water AT THE SAME TIME. A Solar Powered Desalinization Plant Would Convert Seawater into Energy, Pure H2O and NaCl.

*Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics

*Tree Sitters Protest Lignite Coal Mine in Hambach Forest, Germany

*The Passage of Roe v Wade Led to Fewer Unwanted Babies Being Born... and 20 Years Later, Less Violent Crime... Because Unwanted Babies Grow Up to Become Violent Criminals...

*FREE COLORING BOOK: Print The Drawings and Color Using Felt Pens, Pencils or Potatoshop... American Indian

*HEADLINE: Deadline for "Real ID" for Air Travel Postponed AGAIN Until May 7, 2025... WONDERFUL!

*My Music Video: FREE ALL THE CANNABIS PRISONERS - A Mockery of Nancy Ray Gun... Jest Say KNOW

*Bubble UP! Economics. Raise the Minimum Wage, Social Security and LOWER Taxes on 99% of Americans. Actually Collect Taxes on the Top 1%... We The People Will Spend that Extra Money in Our Paychecks and it will BUBBLE UP! Throughout The Entire Economy...

*How to Escape the Cult of Trump: Deprogramming by Family Members of the MAGA MORON is Essential... If Someone you Know has been Brainwashed... RESCUE THEM!

*The Best Five Restaurants Near Eureka, California - Eat a Fish, Watch the Boats...

*Trump: "The Art of the Failed Deal" Book. Every Deal in that book LOST MONEY. That's why He declared Bankruptcy SO MANY TIMES. Will his Business Stupidity cause the ENTIRE COUNTRY to Go Bankrupt?

*Photographs of a Journey to the Headwaters Forest - Now a State Reserve... Near Eureka, CA - Plus The Story of How It Came To Be!

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*Add THIS to Your Bucket List: Swimming at Bear Hole in Upper Bidwell Park, Chico California. Crystallized Black Lava Rocks - Basalt from the Eruption of Mount Lassen.

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1967: The Summer of Love... San Francisco, Hippies, Flower Power, Peace, The Diggers, Haight Ashbury, LSD and the Grateful Dead. It certainly has been a Long Strange Trip. Congratulations to all those of us who have survived... One thing is for certain...The culture of the United States was radically different After the 1960's...

*American History: "The Thunder Machine" was a Giant Sheet Metal Sculpture that you Got Inside and Played like a Drum. Made by Ron Boise and used at Ken Kesey's Acid Tests.

For Maximum Effect, Don't Read This Book. Write Your Own! --- "Lessons Learned" by Gregory Vanderlaan. A Lifetime of Trial, Error and Survival Yielded These Words of Wisdom...

My Biff Rose Trip: Driving To a Cabin in the Woods - down The Coast of California from Arcata thru Ft Bragg to Mendocino... An Excellent Adventure!

How To Remove Smoke from Indoor Air. Tape a Filter to a Box Fan. During Wildfire Season the Air Indoors is Bad to Breathe...

Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown
from Smoke, Pollen and Dust.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics