Showing posts with label immigrants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immigrants. Show all posts

tRUMP's Wall Failed - Immigrants Simply Walk Around the End of the Wall... The USA Spent All That Money and... Now We Have More Immigrants Than Ever!


Immigrants walk around the end of tRUMP's Wall
Immigrants walk around the end of tRUMPs Wall

SEE? Immigrants are simply walking around the end of tRUMPs Wall.

The Border Wall Didn’t Work... 

One of former President Donald Trump’s main presidential accomplishments was constructing hundreds of miles of wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. President Joe Biden temporarily suspended work on some unfinished sections in January 2021, but is now plugging some “holes” in Trump’s wall and adding some other portions. He shouldn’t bother. A few miles won’t fix what hundreds of miles already failed to. It’s time to just admit: Trump’s wall did not work.


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Trump's Wall Failed. How Can We Fix the Disaster He Left Us? The Children in Cages Are STILL THERE and More People Come into the USA Than EVER!

 Family Separation and Detention... 

In April 2018, Attorney General Sessions announced a “zero tolerance” policy under which the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will refer all migrants who enter the U.S. without authorization to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for criminal prosecution. This policy expands “Operation Streamline,” a program which began in 2005.

As a result of the zero tolerance policy, the government separated more than 2000 children from their parents at the border during the period of mid-April to June.  Since children cannot be held in criminal detention, the children are designated as “unaccompanied alien children” and placed in the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).  ORR places the children in shelters until they are released to a family member, guardian, or foster family.

Trump's Wall Failed Totally - meme - gvan42

Family detention is not the answer to family separation. It's a failure and a disgrace. Asylum seekers are fleeing chilling violence and threats. They deserve help, not inhumane, sometimes terrifying treatment at family detention centers.

and on FaceBorg, SG Asked: 
WHY IS fox news Allowed To lie, Deceive, and Promote Murder???

and JB Said: 
All news outlets are allowed to lie according to the 1996 Telecommunications Act (Media Deregulation Act) Bill Clinton signed into law. That saw the birth of Fox News and all other corporate news channel’s becoming Advertising Arms of Corporate Interests rather than Objective News Providers.
CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc all lie to promote their corporate interests of choice.

and I Replied:
It's entertainment... NOT NEWS... Fiction Shows often have Strange Events - Witchcraft - REDRUM - Kidnapping etc etc etc

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and then SC Said: 
How in the world can nuclear power reactors be considered clean and safe sources of electricity?
For the first time in history, six nuclear reactors and thirty-seven years’ worth of high-level nuclear waste are in the middle of a battlefield in an active war zone—one artillery shell, on site or off, could interrupt the control and cooling of the operational reactor, or the cooling of the waste in storage, leading to a catastrophic release of radiation that could spread throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

And I Replied:
Uranium Fission Reactors are a Great way to make Plutonium used to make the Atom Bomb. Thorium does not do that.
A Vote for Trump is a Vote for Four More Years of Total Failure - meme - gvan42
A Vote for Trump is a Vote for Four More Years of Total Failure - Everybody Says that Trump was the Worst President Ever... His Big Accomplishments Were the Tax Cuts for the Rich Law, the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law. H.J. RES 40 and The Trade War With China... Which Hurt American Farmers and Consumers but Helped China get Great Grain Deals with Russia... All Three Actions Made America Worse... and While it is True That He was a Disaster... Some Say George Bush the Son was Worse! After all, He Allowed 9/11 to Happen and then Started TWO Crazy Wars... Where Millions Died for No Reason... Remember: Neither Iraq or Afghanistan had anything to do with The Events of 9/11... That was a Saudi Arabian Action... Osama bin Laden Was a Saudi and 14 out of 19 Hijackers were Saudis...George Bush the Son: "OOPS, I BLEW UP THE WRONG COUNTRY!"

Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law. H.J. RES 40

and on FaceBorg SG Said:
So, I went to church today...
It was great! I'm still agnostic right now, but it was nice to be able to spend a Sunday in Church hearing the teachings and prayers and songs and not feeling like I didn't belong or was in a hostile environment. I was able to listen and interpret things in my own way. I never, ever thought I could do that.
I mean, this is a BIG church in the city center with the rotunda, steeple, bell, organs, the whole nine yards, and yet they hoisted a pride flag, the pastor spoke up against the fascist forces that attacked Old Nick's Pub in October, they had pronoun pins that people as old as 80, 90 years old gleefully wore, and they even had a MLK Jr painting on the whole backside.
That's what more churches should aspire to.
I honestly hope to be able to share more experiences like that in other religious places as well. I'm very interested in religion. I'm not against atheism, but I'm not against religion. Religion has its place (which is always outside of government). It can fill you with hope, joy and determination if you let it. However, religion is inaccessible to a lot of folks because it hasn't progressed everywhere. Hopefully God or whatever divinity or spirituality the people of the world have will lead them to see how we've done things wrong in the past, how to raise their level of consciousness in the present and how to manifest peace and justice in the world into the future.

and DB Replied:
Good for you! Decades ago I joined in a church so that I could sing in the choir. I loved their acceptance of LBTQ people. Our choir conductor was a woman with a female partner, top notch choir too. Our organist was an openly gay man who married his female wife before he understood that his sexual preference was for men and stayed married because he loved his wife and they had some kind of mutual understanding. I felt that church accepted people for who they are and also openly respected other religions. The pastor would preach from the Bible and also bring up what the Buddha had to say about the same thing. The woman’s group incorporated some nice Wicca rituals at times. It was a good group of people. I don’t consider myself a Christian but like it when a church follows the words of Jesus which are about love,acceptance and forgiveness.

and I Said: 
We broadcast the service online so those of us who do not live in San Francisco can listen... Often I Find Wisdom in What Vanessa Says... or At Least Something to Think About...
UUSF Sing Along - Martin on Stage

and NOW, Psychedelic Art! by gvan42
Rainbow Spiral Clipart by gvan42

Pencil Drawing by Greg Van Signature

Evil Fox News Morning Freaks - meme - gvan42

Elfin Glen Redwood Carvings gift shop - mom's car - Highway 101 South of Eureka, CA - gvan42

Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox Sculptures at the Trees of Mystery - Highway 101 North of Eureka, CA - gvan42

Real Airplane used as a Children's Climbing Toy in Los Gatos, CA - gvan42

Immigration Solution: One Way Airplane Ride Right Back Where They Came From. That Worked Great for the People from Haiti.

Much Better Than Putting People in Cages... They are STILL In Cages and We Are STILL Paying for Room and Board! Classic tRUMP FAIL...
Immigrants from Haiti at Texas Border. We Sent 'em Right Back where they came from.
Immigrants from Haiti at Texas Border.
We Sent 'em Right Back Where They Came From. 

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Ask Yourself: How many White People are Walking from the USA to Guatemala? Zero... Everyone wants to ESCAPE from Latino countries. Remember the PEACE CORPS? White People Teaching Non-Whites HOW TO LIVE... 'cause they Can't Figure it Out Themselves... 

It's a Worldwide Trend... People Are Escaping FROM Africa sailing to Europe... NO ONE trying to go to LYBIA... People are Fleeing Islamic Countries and Moving TO Europe... and England... 

I visited Mexico ONCE... I was shocked by all the STARVING CHILDREN... I never went back... Why would I spend my Vacation Money and Time going to a place that is Horrible... Years ago Americans Retired to Mexico because their Social Security Checks were worth more money... NO LONGER... Too much Crime prevents retirees from moving there... 

Yes, people say I'm Biased and before I make a Judgement about another people's Culture I should look at it without my American Value System clouding my vision. 

However, No matter how I twist my viewpoint... I can't see STARVING CHILDREN as a Wonderful Way of Life... and now those people want to come here... because we have a VALID SYSTEM... Our Lifestyle Makes Sense...

I say LET THEM IN... We have enough wealth here in the USA to feed their Children... 

AND... WE NEED TO HIRE IMMIGRANTS TO DO ALL THE JOBS WHITE AMERICANS REFUSE... Who will take care of the elderly? We need to hire CARE GIVERS Nationwide... We need Gardeners... we need Farm Workers... People that will Cook and Clean for us... Look at Donald Trump, he hires many Illegal Aliens to work as Maids and Groundskeepers at his Golf Clubs... 

In the 1960s White People VOLUNTARILY selected to use the Birth Control Pill. Therefore, White people have small families... Especially College Graduates... Not enough children to take care of the Elderly... Hispanic People are often Catholic and believe that Every Sperm is Sacred... They sometimes have as many as Fourteen (14) Children... I'm not kidding... I know a Family like that... In Central America, the quality of life is VERY BAD... Over-breeding has lead to Horrible Conditions... THAT'S WHY EVERYONE WANTS TO ESCAPE FROM LATINO COUNTRIES... MUY MALO!

I recently read two Biographies about Americans that moved to foreign countries... On family became Farmers in Rural Ireland and they were happy. The other family was a Doctor and his wife and Daughter who moved to Iran... They were very unhappy. WHY? Because the Culture of IRAN is horrible... Insane... "Oh Come ye Back to Ireland" by Niall Williams and Christeen Breen... and... "Not Without My Daughter" by Betty Mahmoody and William Hoffer... The real secret to life is to avoid living in Countries inhabited by Crazy People... DUH...

Did you know that More People Live in Brazil than the USA? True... And yet, while the People in the USA are Famous for Going to the Moon, Inventing Airplanes, Cars, Trains, Electricity, Light Bulbs, Telephones, Record Players, Computers, Television and Radio... Brazilians are famous for inventing The Tango and The Samba... Both of them! As a matter of Fact, The people near the Equator are famous for Inventing... Oh, I Can't Think of Anything... Sorry...

The MAIN FLAW with Trump's Plan to Build a Border Wall is that It WILL NOT ACTUALLY WORK. Foreigners are coming into the USA by Airplanes, Cars and Boats... They will just Fly over the Wall... How can we prevent boats from crossing the Gulf of Mexico from the Yucatan to New Orleans? NO, a wall will not work... Foreigners like Melania Trump are let into the Country on "Student Visas" or "Work Visas" and then they OVERSTAY THEIR WELCOME... That's how most Foreigners Get in... 

People forget that the Chinese Exclusion Act was SUCCESSFUL... It Really prevented millions of Asians from moving to the West Coast... That's one of the reasons the Supreme Court Upheld Trump's Muslim Travel Ban... Everyone can agree that we do not need any more Towelheads!

People forget that Simply Dropping Two Atomic Bombs on Japan transformed their entire Society from "Let's Invade Countries" to "Let's Build Great Cars, Motorcycles and Electronic Equipment"... Foreigners CAN BE TRAINED!

Keep Voting Legal - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Links to More Blog Posts:

Trump's Border Wall is DOOMED TO FAIL. It's 260 Years Too Late. Mexicans "Invaded" California in 1760... They Founded the Town of Saint Douglas (San Diego)... Then they Founded the City of the Angels (Los Angeles)... San Francisco, San Jose, San Juan Boutista, Santa Clara, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz,The Colorful State (Colorado), The Flowery State (Florida) and the Snowy State (Nevada)...

Trump's Border Wall is also DOOMED because people FLY over it in Airplanes, Sail Around it in Boats and Drive Thru at Checkpoints using Fake ID... What's to prevent a person from Mailing a California Driver License to Tijuana? Then a Person that LOOKS SIMILAR presents it at the Crossing at San Ysidro... A Walls won't prevent Identity Fraud... Remember this: The Great Wall of China FAILED to Keep the Chinese Out... There are Chinese on BOTH SIDES of that wall. 

How do you build a wall on a RIVER? The Great River (Rio Grande) divides the State of TEJAS (Texas) from Mexico... 

The OTHER MAIN FLAW with Trump's Border Wall is that Latino People are Not That Scary. I was born in the City of Saint Joseph (San Jose) and about half the people are Hispanic... For example: My Hero in Junior High School was an Elegant Man Named Isidro M... He was the Basketball Coach... On my Facebook Group of Alumni from The Cats High School (Los Gatos) everyone agreed that he was a LOVED and RESPECTED Teacher... 

Why would you want to build a wall between the USA and Mexico when Mexicans are nice people? Perhaps Trump was Mugged by Puerto Ricans when he was a Child in Queens? Maybe THAT's why he has so much hatred... I remember the Musical "West Side Story" was about rival Street Gangs... One made up of Polish Kids and the Other was Puerto Rican... A famous song was "Maria" and then they Named a Hurricane "Maria" that wiped out the Island Of Puerto Rico... Trump's FEMA Failed Badly to repair Puerto Rico...  

One of the Secrets to the Success of Silicon Valley was that corporate leaders hired smart people from all over the world move to San Jose to work in Computers... My Next Door neighbor was from Nicaragua... Who knew that there were Computer Scientists in Nicaragua? IBM did... We also knew a Nazi who came to NASA after WW2...  When I went to work at System Industries in Santa Clara most of the employees were Asian or Hispanic... I had a LOT of Respect for my direct supervisor who was a Harley Davidson Riding Martial Artist... I certainly did what he told me to do... I was afraid of him because he could beat me up... but he never had to because I simply Honored His Wisdom... 

Trump's Failed Wall MEME

The Number of Uneducated Racist Old White Men is Shrinking... Most Voters are Young People, Minorities, Women or College Graduates. The GOP is Doomed... DOOMED!

Most Voters are Young People, Minorities, Women or College Graduates. The GOP is Doomed... DOOMED!

Kamala Harris, Daughter of Immigrants, Is the Face of America’s Demographic Shift...
Her parents’ arrival to Berkeley as young graduate students was the beginning of a historic wave of immigration from outside Europe that would change the United States in ways its leaders never imagined.

IMMIGRANTS MADE SILICON VALLEY... Sure, All the Famous Names in High Tech are White Men BUT... Behind the Scenes... People From All Over The World Came Here... AND BUILT A MIRACLE.

Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniac, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, William Hewlett, David Packard, Gordon Moore, Andy Grove, Robert Noyce, Jack Kilby, Thomas Watson, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, William Shockley, Herman Hollorith, Alan Turing, John Von Neuman, Charles Babbage, Fibonacci, Nicola Tesla ...White Men... Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper ...White Women...

If You Don't Recognize any of These Names... Just Google Them! and be Thankful that Great White Men Created Electricity, Computers and the Internet!

Joe Biden is in Favor of Solar and Wind Power. tRUMP Was Bribed to Promote Oil and Coal. Any Questions?

Kamala Harris: Smart - Tough - Honest The Opposite of Trump - meme - gvan42
#QAnon, #WWG1WGA, #TheGreatAwakening, #Pizzagate, #saveourchildren, #QueerAnon, #WYSIWYG, #TrumpFailed, #ArrestTrump, #DitchMitch, #DumpTrump, #Purple64ets, #IvankaGate, #QuestionAuthority, #GOPisEVIL, #LockHimUp, #TheDeepStateDoesNotExist, #BiteMyShinyMetalAss, #LegalizeMedicinalPsychedelics #TrumpLiesMatter #BogusPOTUS

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and NOW for Something Completely Different
a Page from my Autobiography...
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In 1971, a friend of mine went to San Francisco and went to the Fillmore West and came back to our high school and said... LET"S BUILD OUR OWN using the old mill in the center of town. We formed an organization called "Youth Unlimited" and got the Town to Sponsor Us with $1 per year rent for Forbes Mill. 

That was the beginning of The Forbes Mill Teen Club in Los Gatos California... We had a light show and electric rock music every weekend... On Wednesday nights we performed folk music.  I was the head of security and did advertising posters. I used the mimeograph machine at the High School to print the posters for upcoming shows...

"Youth Unlimited" first held a concert in the Rec Room of the Presbyterian Church next to Old Town on University Ave. There was a live rock band that featured a saxophone player with an electric sax. We also formed a drum circle outside with me playing harmonica and a couple of guitar players. 

Since we had Town sponsorship of our "Teen Club" thru the organization Youth Unlimited, we had to make sure no laws were being broken at Forbes Mill or the police would shut us down. Certainly no drinking or illegal drug use or housing of runaways. My take on law enforcement was to direct potential lawbreakers to the nearby hole in the fence that lead to the wooded area next to the freeway.  I admit that a lot of laws were broken on State of California property, but that was NOT MY CONCERN. I was responsible for making sure that OUR property was crime free.

The light show was created by using four slide projectors and two spinning wheels with variable speed motors that blocked the light from reaching the white wall behind the bandstand. Each cardboard wheel had holes cut into it so that the slides would be projected in a stroboscopic manner.  Some slides were abstract art created by "crystal craze" paint and others were photographs.

We also owned a strobe light and I learned to not point it at the electric organ player because the blinking light made it impossible to see which keys were black and which were white...

"Youth Unlimited" also built a crisis center called Fre-Ba-ZAK House. 
 It was in an old wooden home on North Santa Cruz Ave. The idea was to have a place for runaways to have a safe location to negotiate with their parents. Kids that had nowhere else to go could go there ... My friend Richard Bergholdt worked there as a counselor. I used to go there because it was a fun place to go talk with other classmates... I remember drinking coffee and discussing weighty subjects late at night. One time I went there because I couldn't go home. I had gone to the Ike and Tina Turner concert at the San Jose Convention Center and took a Large Dose of LSD. I had to wait until my parents went to sleep before going home. It was a great concert and I remember that MANY of the students at LGHS went. I also remember listening to the FM radio there. Talks by Alan Watts about Buddhism... and the story "The Cave" by Plato. There were some totally free radio stations then. They had the freedom of selecting what to play and when to play it. I heard "Space Hymn" by Lothar and the Hand People at Fre-Ba-ZAK House.

Read More At:

"Lessons Learned" by Gregory Vanderlaan. A Lifetime of Trial, Error and Survival Yielded These Words of Wisdom... For Maximum Effect, Don't Read This Book. Write Your Own!

Orange Rose at Home
Intentionally Seek Beauty

"Live Your Life as If Every Action Was Going to Be Published on the Front Page of the Newspaper." - J. D. Vanderlaan

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Secret Trick to Life: Learn How To Do a FACT CHECK on Google. That Way People CAN'T Lie to You. Because You Refuse To Believe Their Lies...Simply Type the Words "Fact Check" and the Statement You Want to Verify... Read the Results... It Can Be Quite Eye Opening!

WAKE UP meme gvan42

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POP QUIZ! WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE IN COMMON??? Steve Bannon=Arrested, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty, George Nader=Guilty, Elliott Broidy=Arrested 
AND... 441 TrumpNiks® Have Been Arrested for the FAILED OVERTHROW OF THE US GOVERNMENT on 1/6/2021



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Peace Sign Pie Chart
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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics