Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

How Do You Charge an Electric Car When the Power is Out? It's Simple! If you have Solar Panels on Your House, You Can Charge The Car's Battery from Your Own System when the Power Company Fails.

There are Power Outages All the Time! Hurricanes in Florida... Terrorists Shooting Power Company Distribution Installations... Tornadoes... Freezing Temperatures in Texas... Rolling Blackouts... Wildfires... 6.4 Earthquake in Humboldt County California - 70,000 People Without Power... 
Solar Car with built in Charging panels on the roof and hood. - Illustration by gvan42

If you run a Gas Powered Car with the Heater On... you can avoid freezing to Death... Internal Combustion Engines CREATE HEAT... and That's Really Important when the Temperature is Less that 32 Degrees Fahrenheit... 

Years ago it was Fashionable to Buy a Tesla... Proof that You Were "With It", "Groovy" and Totally "Up to the Minute" - WELL, Now With Elon Musk revealing Himself to be an Asshole... If You Own a Tesla Car, You are Considered to be a "Sucker" or "Pathetic Dupe" - Just Like the QAnon Shaman... 
QAnon Shaman - Now serving time in Prison for being a Pathetic Dupe... LOSER! - meme by gvan42

Not Everything Elon Musk Makes is Absurd... I Like the Home Batteries for Solar Panels on the Roof of a House... The Panels Generate Electricity during the Day and Release it At Night when People Want to Run Lights, Electric Heaters, TV Sets... Makes perfect sense!

Solar Power Parking Lot Shades. Keep the Car Cool in the Summer and Charge the Batteries

Solar Power Parking Lot Shades. Keep the Car Cool in the Summer and Charge the Batteries...
These have a SHORT Distance between the Creation of Electricity and the Use of Electricity... 

A Centralized Power Plant (Like PG&E, SMUD or SoCal Edison) Creates Power and the Distributes it Using Long Wires to Their Customers... and those Wires CAUSE Wildfires... When wind blows the wires into Leaves of a Tree... Sparking FIRE... 

Sure, That Design Made sense Long Ago BUT... Having Solar Panels on the Roof of the House eliminates the need of wires from the Power Companies Generator... Mostly... 

Solar Powered Streetlights - commercially available NOW
Replacing Streetlights Connected to The Grid using wires with Solar Panel Powered Streetlights using LEDs Could Dramatically Reduce the Need for Power Plants in the USA... and Here in Sacramento I See LED Streetlights All Over the Place... SOMEONE in the Government WOKE UP and Realized they Could Save a LOT of Money by replacing Sodium Vapor Lights with LEDs... 

Good Job! Waking Up is an Excellent Plan! 
Wake UP meme by gvan42


Adobe Houses are Very Energy Efficient and Quiet. Thick Mud Walls stay Cool in the Summer, Warm in the Winter. AND THEY RESIST FOREST FIRES... Tile Roofs Do Not Burn when a Spark Lands on Them...

When we rebuild Paradise and Santa Rosa, California it might be an Opportunity to Use Smart Design Ideas. I remember going inside the Mission Santa Clara on a Hot Summer Day... Built over 200 years ago, it has withstood Earthquakes.

Adobe Walls and a Tile Roof - RESISTS FOREST FIRES - MEME - gvan42
Read More: 

"Let's Build the Space Mirror and Fix Global Warming." Click Here to Read More About NASA Project Starshade.

Space Mirror illustration - FIX Global Warming - Climate Change - gvan42

The Basic Idea Was Written by Arthur C. Clarke  
in his Book SUNSTORM. 

Dimming the sun to cool the planet is a desperate idea, yet we're inching toward it. The scientists who study solar geoengineering don't want anyone to try it. But climate inaction is making it more likely.


Gavin Newsom for President 2024. Joe Biden Can't Win a Second Term Due to Failures, Rejection by Voters and Old Age... and We MUST Beat The CULT of TRUMP...

 We NEED A SMART President... It'll be Like Camelot 2.0

First Family 2024 - Gavin Newsom for President MEME
First Family 2024

The Vast Majority of Jobs Nuclear Power Creates are For Newspaper Writers That Say: "It's Great!" - IN REALITY: Vogtle, Georgia is the Only New Power Plant in the USA in the Last 30 Years and It's $16 Billion Dollars Over Budget and 6 Years Behind Schedule. AWAKEN! Fission is a Failure!

It's a Classic Example of Unemployed People That Can't Get a Job Designing or Building Nuclear Power Plants... So In a Frantic Search They Become Cheerleaders! Making Youtube Videos, Magazine Articles and Blogs... all about How Wonderful Nukes Are Going to BE! No Carbon Air Pollution!

However, they Usually Fail to Mention the Solid Radioactive Waste that NO ONE Has Figured Out What To Do With... Except Store it for 10,000 Years... and GUARD IT to Prevent Terrorist from Creating a Dirty Bomb... A Madman Could Simply Place a Normal Bomb under a Cask... and Kablooeeeee! Fallout For Hundreds of Miles Downwind... 

In Fact, there are Many Jobs Decomissioning Closed Nuclear Power Plants. A Group of Skilled Workers Take Apart The Abandoned Power Plant and Store the Dangerous Parts Safely. I Personally Watched People Dismantle The PG&E Humboldt Bay Power Plant for Years... and Drive North with Truckloads of Radioactive Material... Finally They are Done and they Left Behind SIX Casks of Atomic Waste... and the Employees all travel on to the NEXT Abandoned Nuclear Power Plant... In This Case, San Onofre... in Southern California... While Security Guards Watch the Atomic Waste for 10,000 Years... That's Steady Employment!

meme - Nuclear Power is Wonderful - except for the Radioactive Waste

and Every Year there are Fewer and Fewer Nuclear Power Plants because the Executives that Actually Make Decisions at Power Companies CHOOSE SOLAR, WIND And HYDRO. PG&E Plans to Shut Down Diablo Canyon in California... It's a Doomed Industry. EXCEPT IN CHINA! They Keep On Building Nuclear Power Plants... WHY? 

Here in the USA, Cost Overruns at Vogtle, Georgia Caused Westinghouse to Go Bankrupt... That was a Famous Old American Company... So Sad to See Them Fail... 


Six Way Heart Kaleidoscope B&W by gvan42

Eight Way Kali - with a 180 Degree Whoosh by gvan42

mostly white spiral by gvan42
mostly white spiral by gvan42

I'm NOT a Fan of Electric Cars. How do you charge them when the Power is Out? Eureka, CA Just had a 6.4 Earthquake and 70,000 customers lost power... Including my ex-wife... She is safe and our house was not damaged but... She was in the dark for a couple of days... Thankfully if it got too damn cold... she could go sit in her car and run the heater and listen to the radio... you can't run the heater in an electric car... with a gas powered engine the explosion of the fuel in the engine creates heat... and fans blow that heat into the passenger compartment... in an electric car... the heat is provided by coils of wire that function just like a plug in space heater at home... and those things use a LOT of POWER... from the Electric car's batteries... reducing the potential distance the car can travel...

and what if you want to travel a thousand miles? We went from San Jose to Seattle for Christmas Often... because we had family there... and... we just got up earl in the morning... got on highway #5 and drove 80 or 90 mph for hours... and we were there! You can't do that in an electric car... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

another problem with electric cars... The Electricity is often Generated by burning COAL or Natural Gas... In Eureka, CA the PG&E Power Plant burns Natural Gas... It used to Have a Nuclear Power Plant there but That was Closed Many Years Ago... 

Here in Orangevale, we have SMUD... and Most of the Electricity is Hydroelectric... Generated in Many Dams on the American River... WONDERFUL... Except when there is a Drought and the rain stops falling... 

The Federal Government Just Spent ONE BILLION DOLLARS to Keep the PG&E Nuclear Power Plant at Diablo Canyon Running for another five years... REASON? Solar and Wind have not replaced Nukes... SO FAR... 

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