Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Atomic Waste Stored near Eureka, California... Underground Casks near the Earthquake Zone... There is a Handy Trail so You can Go Visit if You Feel like it!

Atomic Waste Stored near Eureka, California... Underground Casks near the Earthquake Zone...

This Site is Visible from my Home...
In the Event of a Leak I'm a "Downwinder"

Trail to the Atomic Waste Dump - Eureka, CA
Convenient Parking on King Salmon Ave
and a Shoreline Trail...

One Night I saw Seven Large Explosions at the PG&E Power Plant. (It's Visible from my Living Room) I Emailed them Later to Ask if the Atomic Waste was Safe... They said it was Safe and the Explosions were Overloaded Transformers on the Other side of the Power Plant.

Earthquake Map Eureka, CA History
Earthquake Map Eureka, CA - History

4.9-magnitude earthquake strikes in Pacific Ocean near Eureka, CA 2/2/2024

Atomic waste at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.
The LAST Active Plant in California...

Atomic waste at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant

"Swimming Pools" for Cooling Atomic Waste
and Above Ground Casks for Long Term Storage.

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant

Diablo Canyon Marked on a Map of California

Diablo Canyon Marked on a Map of California

about Half Way between San Jose and Los Angeles...
as Far Away as Possible from where people live!

Solar-paneled Canals Getting a Test Run in San Joaquin Valley.

Solar-paneled Canals Getting a Test Run in San Joaquin Valley. Thirty-seven tons of commercial nuclear waste are stored on the inland coast of Humboldt Bay, California, in an underground storage vault called the Humboldt Bay Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (HB ISFSI). Its location is vulnerable to three adjacent earthquake faults, encroaching sea level, potential tsunamis, and general erosion. Within 44 years, by 2065, Humboldt Bay is projected to experience 3.3 feet (1 meter) of sea-level rise, which will flood the low areas around the ISFSI during king tides, turning it into an island that will be increasingly vulnerable to wave erosion, sea level rise, and saltwater intrusion. Under these projected future conditions, the site will be difficult to access for waste management, in an emergency, and for relocation.


Keeping uranium mining out of the Grand Canyon:

You’d think the Grand Canyon — the homeland of at least 11 Native American tribes and the crown jewel of our national park system — would be protected from uranium contamination. Think again.

Uranium mines and mining claims outside park boundaries threaten to pollute the most remarkable gorge in the world. We're working alongside many partners in support of regional tribes to permanently protect lands and waters surrounding Grand Canyon National Park from mining.

The Havasupai live deep within the canyon and rely on a spring-fed creek that runs through their village to drink, cook, and irrigate fields of corn and alfalfa, as well as other ceremonial and cultural uses. Worried that Canyon Mine could contaminate the water that flows underground and feeds the seeps and springs in their village, they have opposed uranium mining around the Grand Canyon since the 1980s.

Grand Canyon Uranium Mine Flood... OOPS!

Remember: The Vast Majority of Jobs Nuclear Power Creates are For Newspaper Writers That Say: "It's Great!" It's a Classic Example of Unemployed People That Can't Get a Job Designing or Building Nuclear Power Plants... So In a Frantic Search They Become Cheerleaders! Making Youtube Videos, Magazine Articles and Blogs... all about How Wonderful Nukes Are Going to BE! No Carbon Air Pollution!

IN REALITY: Vogtle, Georgia is the Only New Power Plant in the USA in the Last 30 Years and It's $16 Billion Dollars Over Budget and 6 Years Behind Schedule. AWAKEN! Fission is a Failure!

However, they Usually Fail to Mention the Solid Radioactive Waste that NO ONE Has Figured Out What To Do With... Except Store it for 10,000 Years... and GUARD IT to Prevent Terrorist from Creating a Dirty Bomb... A Madman Could Simply Place a Normal Bomb under a Cask... and Kablooeeeee! Fallout For Hundreds of Miles Downwind... 

In Fact, there are Many Jobs Decomissioning Closed Nuclear Power Plants. A Group of Skilled Workers Take Apart The Abandoned Power Plant and Store the Dangerous Parts Safely. I Personally Watched People Dismantle The PG&E Humboldt Bay Power Plant for Years... and Drive North with Truckloads of Radioactive Material... Finally They are Done and they Left Behind SIX Casks of Atomic Waste... and the Employees all travel on to the NEXT Abandoned Nuclear Power Plant... In This Case, San Onofre... in Southern California... While Security Guards Watch the Atomic Waste for 10,000 Years... That's Steady Employment!

meme - Nuclear Power is Wonderful - except for the Radioactive Waste

and Every Year there are Fewer and Fewer Nuclear Power Plants because the Executives that Actually Make Decisions at Power Companies CHOOSE SOLAR, WIND And HYDRO. PG&E Plans to Shut Down Diablo Canyon in California... It's a Doomed Industry. EXCEPT IN CHINA! They Keep On Building Nuclear Power Plants... WHY? 

Here in the USA, Cost Overruns at Vogtle, Georgia Caused Westinghouse to Go Bankrupt... That was a Famous Old American Company... So Sad to See Them Fail...

South Carolina Electric and Gas was also in the process of constructing two Westinghouse AP1000 plants, which had been scheduled to go into service in 2020, but construction on these was abandoned in 2017...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

and In Vogtle News:

Consumers may end up paying for billions of dollars in cost overruns on the Plant Vogtle nuclear expansion.

The project is years behind its original schedule and billions of dollars above its original budget. The two Westinghouse AP1000 reactors were expected to enter service as early as 2016, at a cost of about $14 billion, after construction was approved in 2012.

That amount doesn’t count the $3.68 billion that original contractor Westinghouse paid to the owners after going bankrupt, which would bring total spending to more than $34 billion.

Vogtle is the only nuclear plant under construction in the United States, and its costs could deter other utilities from building such plants, even though they generate electricity without releasing climate-changing carbon emissions.

Homer Simpson and a Nuclear Meltdown - meme - gvan42 purple64ets

Chernobyl disaster inspired Matt Groening to put the unqualified Homer Simpson in a nuclear plant job... 

U BLUES - A, D, E, B7
Red and white, blue suede shoes, I'm Uncle Sam, how do you do?
Gimme five, I'm still alive, ain't no luck, I learned to duck.
Check my pulse, it don't change. Stay seventy-two come shine or rain.
Wave the flag, pop the bag, rock the boat, skin the goat.
Wave that flag, wave it wide and high.
Summertime done, come and gone, my, oh, my.
I'm Uncle Sam, that's who I am; Been hidin' out in a rock and roll band.
Shake the hand that shook the hand of P.T. Barnum and Charlie Chan.
Shine your shoes, light your fuse. Can you use them ol' U.S. Blues?
I'll drink your health, share your wealth, run your life, steal your wife.
Wave that flag, wave it wide and high.
Summertime done, come and gone, my, oh, my.
Back to back chicken shack. Son of a gun, better change your act.
We're all confused, what's to lose?
You can call this all the United States Blues.
Wave that flag, wave it wide and high.
Summertime done, come and gone, my, oh, my.

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