Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Outlaw Guns, Collect Guns, Melt Guns. It's Not Complicated.


Outlaw Guns, Collect Guns, Melt Guns. It's Not Complicated.

Remember: GUNS DO NOT SAVE LIVES... They Make Your Family Less Safe.  Suicides, Accidents and Murder by Family Members VASTLY Outnumber The Lives Saved by Defending Your Family from "Bad Guys."

If Your Plan of Owning a Gun to Defend Your Family WORKED IN REALITY I Would Be In Favor of it. But Sadly, It Doesn't. 

"Conclusions: Guns kept in homes are more likely to be involved in a fatal or nonfatal accidental shooting, criminal assault, or suicide attempt than to be used to injure or kill in self-defense."

People Who PROFIT From Gun Sales Have Been Publishing FALSE Information To Frighten People Into Buying More Guns. The NRA Sells Memberships... Their Trick is to Scream Danger Danger You Need a Gun... Gullible Members of the Public are FOOLED... 

Outlaw Guns, Collect Guns, Melt Guns. It's Not Complicated.

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On a Different Subject
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Harvey and Me... Relaxing on the Sofa At Home
Harvey and Me... Relaxing on the Sofa At Home

For a Halloween Costume at work we all dressed up as the TV Game Show "Deal or No Deal". My Task was to Make Fake Money. My Printer at Home Refused to Print the Money because it SOMEHOW KNEW that I was attempting to Counterfeit... so I Told my Boss That I Couldn't print money. She took a Disk of my artwork to Kinko's and They Printed a Hundred Fake Bills with our Boss's Face on them. Big Success! People all over the office complex kept those bills and thumb tacked them to their cubical walls... and Dr. Crandall Himself Reportedly Loved the Fake Money with His Picture on it. My Printer Printed Half a Bill and then Stopped... and printed a Website URL "for help" ... So I Typed that URL into my Computer and There Was NO Actual Help... Now I'm Registered with the Secret Service as a Failed Counterfeiter because I visited That website... 

Fake Money I Printed for a Halloween Costume at Work.

Deal or No Deal Halloween Costume at the Office

Fashion History: When I went "to Town" in the 1960s (San Francisco) I was wearing My High School Sports Letterman Sweater... When we went out to a Dance at the Fillmore West, My Friend Loaned my a Second Hand Army Jacket... So I Would Appear Cool...Remember Army Jackets? Like Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band... 

and then much later I bought a Lightweight Camouflage Jacket and Sewed Stripes Running Down The Sleeves made out of Purple Sequins... With a Circle at the End of the Sleeve... My Attempt to Make a Sgt. Pepper Jacket...

My Goal in Life was to Become a Record Cover Artist... OOPS... Didn't Happen... Became a Draftsman at a Computer Company Instead... BUT... I Did Get To SELL DRAWINGS FOR A LIVING... My specialty was Printed Circuit Board Artwork. It was Photographed and Used to Make the Actual Electrical Connections between Integrated Circuits... I Learned that Skill at West Valley Junior College in Saratoga, CA

Solar Wind, Desalinization Drawing (pen and Pencil) on a Lumberjack Newspaper - My Beautiful Mind - Caffeine Scribbles

I really got into drawing on newspapers using the subject of the articles as data input for my sketches. In general, these were created while stoned on Marijuana, Tobacco, Caffeine, Aspirin and Acetaminophen... WIRED... I thought up a Totally Different Artform... Now that I stopped smoking, I don't have any BIG IDEAS. I Miss That... Click on the pictures to see them bigger.

Drawings on Newspaper by Gregory VanderlaanDrawings on Newspaper by Gregory VanderlaanDrawings on Newspaper by Gregory VanderlaanDrawings on Newspaper by Gregory VanderlaanDrawings on Newspaper by Gregory VanderlaanDrawings on Newspaper by Gregory VanderlaanDrawings on Newspaper by Gregory VanderlaanDrawings on Newspaper by Gregory VanderlaanDrawings on Newspaper by Gregory VanderlaanDrawings on Newspaper by Gregory VanderlaanDrawings on Newspaper by Gregory Vanderlaan


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