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Reefer Madness is Real. I stayed stoned continuously for a month AFTER I STOPPED SMOKING WEED.

Something to be aware of now that Cannabis is Legal and you can buy as much as you want... When the Great State of Oregon legalized Marijuana I drove north every other week and bought an ounce. I did that for seven months during the winter of 2016... I smoked about a pound total... Then I decided to take a driving vacation in the spring and I left the marijuana at home. I didn't want to risk having an ILLEGAL drug in the Van while driving around California and Nevada. What I failed to realize was that my body contained enough THC to impair my ability to tell the difference between reality and fantasy. For Example: I believed that I won $10,000 in a casino playing a slot machine... I really won a few HUNDRED dollars but in my imaginary paradise I was confused. Then I came to believe that the owner of the Casino was angry at me for winning so much money... In retrospect, Mr John Asquaga probably didn't have any opinion at all about me... I got all worried about nothing!

Yes,  it's true that this was a beautiful driving vacation... I left Eureka, California on a bright sunny day and drove first to The College of the Redwoods. During that seven months of continuous smoking I had lost about a hundred pounds of weight. For some odd reason, Marijuana did not make me hungry but was actually an appetite suppressant... Go Figure... At that time I was also eating Caffeine/aspirin/acetaminophen pills and smoking tobacco. I find that for the first hour after smoking I don't feel like eating because I'm sort of queasy... During this time I smoked a puff or two EVERY HOUR and so I didn't eat except once a day at bedtime...

At the college of the Redwoods I enjoyed kicking a soccer ball around with some students... Since I had lost so much weight I enjoyed running... I had a Spring to my Step... Lighter than Air... Then a fat security guard came over and kicked me off campus because I wasn't a student. I told him I was an ALUMNI and he insisted I leave. I got angry and ridiculed him for being fat and uneducated... HE wasn't an Alumni... He was a FAT FUCK and couldn't catch me because I could run faster than he could... I ran rings around him and then Left... Why stay at a place I wasn't wanted? Those Caffiene pills shorten my fuse and I'm not very tolerant of mindless vegetables.

Then I drove south and picked up a couple of Hitchhikers in Fortuna and we drove over the amazing route 36 to Red Bluff. 36 is a twisty mountain road thru the Redwood Forests of rural Humboldt County. Then I let him drive and we went to Los Angeles via highway 5. On "The Grapevine" the CHP were creating a "Rolling Roadblock" so people would not drive too fast. The week before there was a horrible auto accident with many cars crashing so the CHP actually stopped traffic when we were traveling. The CHP trucks were driving back and forth across all four lanes while we were parked. It seemed to me like the trucks were dancing... like a square dance... You don't see THAT every day of the week!

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