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The Mainstream Media News is selling FEAR again... This time it's North Korea. I do not support a brand new pointless war there...

We were fooled into believing there was a need for a pointless war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Panama and Vietnam... How many times can they fool us?
To Quote George Bush...
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... ... Won't Get Fooled Again!" 

For those you you that do not know the cultural "In Joke". A Rock band called "The Who" had a hit record called "We Won't Get Fooled Again"... When Bush was making the speech, he could not bring himself to complete the famous saying accurately by stating "Shame on Me"... so his baby boomer brain switched to a rock music lyric...

When Michael Moore was accepting his Oscar for the film Fahrenheit 911, he stated the quote correctly...
"Shame on YOU, Mr President, Shame on YOU."

Sadly, those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it while those of us that do, watch them shoot themselves in the foot again and again and again...

I just finished Two Bob Woodward Books. "Bush at War" and "Plan of Attack" documenting the first few years of the Bush Presidency. I totally recommend these books as he takes us inside the White House for in depth interviews with everyone of significance... He spent many hours in person with Bush, Cheney, Rice, Franks, Rumsfeld and Tenet.

One thing I learned is that Dick Cheney was planning to invade Iraq in 1999... He felt that his job a Secretary of Defense under Bush the father was not completed as Saddam Hussein was not removed from power during Gulf War #1.
The Who "Won't Get Fooled Again" from the record...

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