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KOYAANISQATSI (Life out of Balance) movie review: by Greg Vanderlaan - Save the Redwoods - Jail Hurwitz, Pacific Lumber Hostile Takeover - MAXXAM SUXX

This film, made in the 1980's deserves watching again due to it's insight into ecology and "time capsule" footage.. It features stunning video images and the music of minimalist composer Phillip Glass. You just don't see movies like this anymore. Another layer of emotional meaning is felt when we see film of American factory workers making television sets... They did that in the PAST but not in 2005. There is historical archive footage of dynamiting abandoned housing projects in the New York area... I can't watch the buildings collapsing without remembering 9/11/2001. There is NO DIALOG OR PLOT but the film causes the viewer to slip into a meditative trance and frees the mind to "GROK" concepts. I was fortunate to see this at the Uptown Theater in Washington DC when it was new. When I left the theater, the whole world had changed... I saw it through new eyes. I can see the influence of this film on POP culture. For example: Pink Floyd's Video "Us and Them" uses scenes of office workers in super slow motion.

***** (~);-} *****

Texas corporate raider Charles Hurwitz, with the help of junk-bond broker and convicted felon Michael Milken, looted and crashed a Savings and Loan, United Savings Association of Texas (USAT), costing U.S. taxpayers a staggering $1.6 billion! With looted money funneled from the S & L, Hurwitz engaged in a hostile takeover of the Pacific Lumber Company, commenced rabid clearcutting, and tripled the rate of logging of the world's largest stands of privately held ancient redwood forests, including Headwaters Forest, a precious, sacred and irreplaceable international treasure of the ages.

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