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Big Wave Surfing ART... and Photos of Eureka's North Jetty

My interpretation of surfing done in the computer where 
there is an automatic math function that "waves" any image.

Inside the Tube
Organic Waves...
Splashing over the North Jetty of Eureka. 
Many days you may walk on this concrete...
Underwater after wipeout... looking up at the wave
Surf the Web
Fish Surfing a Wave
These waves destroyed the concrete jetty. 
Note that it is missing from right hand side... Swept Away...
This place is great for Jet Ski towing a Surfer and Board
out to the mouth of the Channel between the North and South Jetties.
It is a very long ride and paddling out would be just too much exercise.
Here is another day when it's a good idea to walk on the beach where it is safe.
That's me... My Friend took this photo and she was up 
on the SAND DUNES where you never are in danger. SMART!
Tsunami Tidal Wave Art
It's all done using MATH... 
The reason a breaking wave looks the way it does is PHYSICS... 
and one thing MATH does really well is describe PHYSICS. 
Seagull Wave Clouds
Tropical Flowers, a Tiki God and Sue Nami

Fish Swimming Against the School
MAO had a famous quote "The true revolutionary will swim thru the people like a fish in the sea." What I believe he meant was... While the revolution is being realized it would be best to stay low profile so the old regime's police force will not notice you and throw you in jail... 
Just the opposite of what this illustration shows.
I wonder what LMAO would say...

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