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The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many... according to corporate rule... Profit for Stockholders instead of for The Common Good.

Corporations will do anything to stay alive... Bribery, eco-disaster, murder, propaganda... anything.
During the last years of ExxonMobile, BP and Shell expect desperate measures to protect the profits of the shareholders (The Few)... Ignoring Climate Change ( the many)...

One propaganda machine is a TV commercial generator stating that the oil companies are making our wonderful life. Yes, it's true that I love driving my car... and I love all the plastic goods made out of petroleum... However, I'm not thrilled by Hurricanes and Wildfires, Droughts and Floods... and they are caused by oil...

So, what can a person DO to prevent Climate Change?

1. Stop Driving Cars...  OR... Drive Cars Less... Is there a real need to do all this traveling? Air Pollution from automobile exhaust is the main cause of global warming. Jet Airplanes are really bad.
Solar Powered Electric Cars would help. Motorcycles would help. Especially little scooters...
Shorter Commutes to Work Everyday is Essential. Choose jobs that are close to home. Make that a priority like high pay or benefits... consider your commute and what a waste of time it is... Ride the Bus, Light rail or commute by train.

2. Use less electricity generated by Natural Gas and Coal. Unplug your transformers that power computers, routers, printers and modems when not in use. Those little black boxes get warm... that's wasted electricity. Simply plug in all those transformers into one power strip and FLICK THE SWITCH when you are not actually using the computer. Stop farming marijuana indoors using grow lights. Simply plant gardens outdoors in the sunshine.

Use the air conditioner less. Sweat... Learn to become accustomed to hot weather. It's not fun but... people lived like this for millions of years... too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter... wear a sweater... turn off lights when not in use... switch to LED lamps...

3. Have fewer children. Pollution caused by automobiles is worse when there are 7 BILLION people polluting in comparison to 1 Billion... What will the world be like with 10 BILLION people? 15 BILLION? How Many is Too Many? Use Birth Control... 30 BILLION PEOPLE? Mass Starvation? It will become impossible to grow enough food...

4. Simply Run Away... Move to a cool and rainy climate while that's still an option. The Oregon Coast will be a wonderful place to live for the foreseeable future. Northern California and Washington State Coastal Towns also. Let FUTURE generations solve this problem...

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