Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I remember playing "Witchy Woman" in Chico on Main street with a college girl... Busking for spare change...

When she sang I expected to see her head spin around like the exorcist... She was an enthusiastic singer and we collected a LOT more money when she was performing than when I sang solo.

I also played "Witchy Woman" with Mike Gardener (Lou's Son) after the AA meeting at Campfire Council Ring in Bidwell Park. Then we played "Keep your Lamps Trimmed and Burning" to bring the listener back into the LIGHT... Send them into madness then bring them back with an Old Negro Spiritual..

I had a meaningful AA meeting with Lou Gardener. He was the Chairperson and we were discussing making amends. The 12 steps says you should make amends to PEOPLE where needed but it DOES NOT say anything about making amends TO CORPORATIONS. How would you even do that? Should you do that at all? Do we have Freedom to Screw Over Corporations at Will? Who did I really harm? The Stockholders? It was an interesting conversation... His advice was that IF it was bothering me and making me feel guilty THEN I should make amends to someone... Maybe an employee in Management... but if it did not bother my conscience, just let it fade into the past. The point of making amends is to help you stay sober and events that don't bother my conscience are not really significant. He also recommended I stop bragging about my life of crime...

Other songs that were fun to play in public were... "People Are Strange" by the Doors, "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles and "Time Warp" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show...

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