Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

My Parents had a SNCC fundraiser at our house during the 1960s. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.

 A Black Man gave a speech about The Civil Rights Movement and we sold admission tickets. Many people attended and the house was packed. In general, my parents were opposed to racism. Los Gatos had VERY few Black people but Many Mexican Americans and Orientals.

I remember watching the Television News. Black and White films of The MOON Landing and The  Police Riots at the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968. "The Whole World is Watching" chanted the Anti-War Protesters... Television was a new invention and bringing news films into the living rooms of America helped end the Vietnam War. The Moon Landing was kind of dissapointing as the film was grainy and dark... What a whiner I am...

I also enjoyed Rowan and Martin's Laugh In and That Was The Week That Was (a satire of the news).

Read more of my Autobiography at:

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