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Photo of a Truck hauling a Big Grey Box at PGE Atomic Power Plant on the Humboldt Bay, Eureka, CA - It's Decommissioned

I wonder where they are taking the atomic waste in those Big Grey Boxes...
They move about six boxes a day...

While decommissioning the building they have to dispose of the materials that they built the power plant with... Concrete, steel and plastic...
That's what's in the big grey boxes that travel North from Eureka

Seven Explosions Happened near the Transformers at the Top Right of the Photo late one night.
I checked with PG&E via Email and they said that there was NO LEAK of Radioactive material.
They store spent fuel rods in a pool.

7 Explosions at Humboldt Bay Nuclear Power Plant.near King Salmon, CA. I saw 4 green explosions on the South Side of the PG&E Plant then about 10 seconds later three white Explosions. The electric power went out in King Salmon and Humboldt Hill. It is now restored. April 12th 2016 9PM California time.
Parked there for an Hour on 4/6/2016. About 12 trucks a day leave King Salmon, CA
In my opinion... The power plant gets overloaded whenever people start up a Marijuana Grow House. The farmers steal electricity for their grow lights and that unregulated surge blows up the transformers.
Video Taken about 15 Minutes after the Explosions. taken about an Hour after the explosions. Electric Power Has Been Restored in King Salmon, California. The PG&E Plant Appears to be normal. Also Humboldt Hill and Johnny's RV Park are Lit Up. Ahhhh...

PG&E Humboldt Bay Nuclear Power Plant after 7 Explosions 4/12/2016

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