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Where were you on 9/11/2001? my friends on Facebook respond...

Jessie Dallaire: at home with unbelieving eyes and a heavy heart

Sherry LaBrier Pomicter: Driving to work

Luke Muslimforlife: Getting baked :D at mi crib

Linsie Dawson: driving my school bus route...watching the skies empty out...very memorable morning.

Thomas Speak: Watching the events unfold on tv live -- but not believing what I was a movie, but something that could never happen...

Greg Vanderlaan: I was at work at WREX plastics Factory in Chico, CA. I was sitting out front waiting for my shidt to start and a co-worker drove up... He said, "They blew up the Pentagon." I said "Good." We had no more information about what happened in New York or Pennsylvania until a couple of hours later when the QA inspector gave us updates... It turned out to be more than just the Pentagon... eventually over a million people died as a result of the events of thet day. 3,000 in America on 9/11/2001 and 6,000 Americans in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and an uncounted loss of life of Iraqi and Afghan people.

Don Land: at a Muslim Mosque in Tacoma Washington Learning about Islam.

Luke Muslimforlife: Bridgeport Way? @ Don Land

Town Lake Angel:
i was in somewhere way deep...unbelievable to remember...

Don Land: ‎@ Luke..Yes

Fred Capp: Driving to work when i first heard about it.
Two weeks later I didn't have a job anymore.

Luke Muslimforlife: Oh lol I went there b4 that same mosque b4 i converted and after converting

Don Land: I was there reciting the Sha-hadeeth whil on the TV in the next room the Towers were on fire...

Billy Gartside: I was delivering a quarter of weed to a couple of students just around the corner on Parkfield Road.They opened the door,one said "you won't believe what's on the TV" so I sat down in the living room and watched transfixed for 45 minutes.

Spanhippy Kevin: I was waking up for high school. Turned on the tv to find the first tower hit. Then about 10 min later I watched the second tower get hit on tv. It was horrible and still is. The feeling I got from all those peoples energy. But now to find out through documentaries seeing how beautiful strangers where risking their life to help anyone they possible could. My Love and Prayers go out to the family's that where effected through 9/11. May God Bless You All

Luke Muslimforlife: It was damn sad when it happened everyone was like at shock it honestly felt to me time took a halt like it froze i honestly froze..sad.,

Andy Singletary: I395 South, Crystal City, VA - Working for BIW (not bwi) delivering military household goods to a storage warehouse in Suitland, VA

Suzanne Cohen: in bed my friend kept calling going OMG OMG, I turned the TV on just in time to see the second tower

Tracy Voiles: Asleep. Woke up to my neighbor yelling at me and hitting the wall wanting me to come over and see. It was awful :'(

Unsolved Mysteries. 
Why didn't the airplane hitting one corner of the World Trade Center cause it to tilt?
Why didn't the building lean towards the structural damage? 
Why did WTC 7 fall down at all? No airplane hit #SEVEN yet it fell down as if it was a controlled demolition... Oh MY... 
Never forget that CIVILIANS DEFENDED THE COUNTRY in Pennsylvania. 
Why did the military fail completely? 
What can we learn from this experience to help the military NOT FAIL?
How can we avoid blowing up the wrong country in retaliation?
Iraq had NO WMD, No ties to Al-Qaeda and Nothing at all to do with 9/11. 
How can we end the war in Afghanistan that is still being fought today?

Downwind of twin towers? 2010 Census data of the neighborhoods under the smoke cloud shows what trends? We have clear photographs taken from space showing the footprint of the smoke from the Twin Towers. 
9/11/2001 Smoke Seen from Space with Map of Brooklyn
Click on image for a bigger picture.

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