Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Go to College! - It Helps prevent Suicide and Opioid Overdoses. Uneducated Middle Aged White Males are killing themselves in record numbers....

WHY? Because "Hope for the Future" is at an all time low. Many Jobs that do not require a college degree have moved to China. Many Jobs that do not require a college degree wear out your body and leave men unemployable and in constant pain. When I worked at the Welfare Office interviewing people I often met men that had worked in the Lumber Mills, Driving a Truck, Fishermen, Soldiers and Carpenters. They were about 40-50 years old and had experienced an accident that made them unemployable yet too young to retire. Like my brother in law said... "Sooner or later the scaffold will collapse and that's the end of work for a bricklayer." Then you go to the Doctor and get Pain Pills...

A better career is to become an office worker. Sit in an air conditioned cubicle and type on a computer. You can do work like that into your 70's or 80's. HOW? Get a Degree... Be a Nerd...

and they Voted for Trump... and Trump has been very disappointing for his "BASE". The Tax Cut for the Rich Law didn't do anything to help Uneducated Middle Aged White Males. Health Care COSTS have gone up... wages are stagnant... no GOOD jobs... no CHANCE of Getting a GOOD JOB... all those factories are going to STAY in China...

So, GET Student Loans from FAFSA and get a degree in Computer Science and then GET a Good Job... I did that and so can you.

One of my favorite Classes at College was CRITICAL THINKING. It helps students tell the difference between truth and fiction. VERY handy when avoiding Fake News... In general, you can assume that TV News broadcast by RT (Russian Times) is propaganda... Fox News is obviously Trump's Bogus Channel... It's the ultimate result of the CIA MKULTRA Brainwashing program. They just repeat lies until the viewer believes them. The "TRICK" is to poke the FEAR gland in the viewer's brain. A person becomes compelled to watch continuously because a million years of biology has trained us to be acutely aware of DANGER. People ten thousand years ago had to avoid being eaten by lions, tigers and bears... People that had acute awareness of danger survived and had children. Our Grandparents.

That's why they say... DANGER, DANGER ALIENS APPROACHING... Notice the hysteria about Mexicans crossing the border... even though actual crossings by Mexicans is at the LOWEST number in 46 years... PURE Propaganda designed to make Americans AFRAID of Aliens! Build a WALL!

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