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Trump says EPA chief Scott Pruitt has received Death Threats. That makes me ask some VERY TROUBLING QUESTIONS...

For Example: What if you invented a Time Machine and could travel to Austria in 1900, would you shoot Adolph Hitler as a child? Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one?

Yes, Scott Pruitt is causing damage to the USA by repealing Clean Air Laws and Clean Water Laws... and Yes, others in the Cursed Trump Administration want to repeal the Endangered Species Act... and Yes, Ryan Zinke wants to allow drilling for oil off the coasts... and in National Monuments...


Do they deserve to die? 

Why not Psychic Re-Grooving? Wouldn't THAT be a better solution? Simply take them camping and let them eat peyote and dance all night around a fire while people play the drums? That would re-groove their bad attitudes... They would learn to LOVE animals and plants...

We would have an Environmental Protection Agency instead of an Enable Polluters Agency...

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