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We should Teach Nursing and Computer Science at Humboldt State University. Approve Funding for Practical Majors.

We need to fund the Nursing Department at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. Currently, a person cannot study to become a nurse here... I predict that in the future we will need nurses. No BS degree offered.

Also restore the computer science department... I predict that computers will become popular and students that have CS degrees will be able to get jobs... really... Why NOT teach practical and useful skills at school.

After graduation with a BS CIS, I immediately got a job at the County of Humboldt. I used a computer all day every day interviewing clients and entering their data. Then I used the computers to determine eligibility and what benefits clients would receive. I learned how to use a computer at HSU and would not have gotten the job without this knowledge. I also became the "go to" guy when other employees were having trouble with their computers. I wrote a series of step by step instructional emails for troubleshooting common problems. When a co-worker called me, stumped... I just emailed the solution and became the Hero for the Day...

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