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Bringing the Zero Home - Fibonacci - In Reality the "Roman Numerals" are hard to use for MATH - Having ZERO is a Great Advantage...

The Number Zero was invented in India  and then taught to Arabian Traders. Fibonacci learned from them and soon all of Europe had discarded Roman Numerals. He also invented the Cash Accounting Business Principles Still Used Today.

Fibonacci Sequence:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, [13+21], [last two digits added together]

Inspired by Fibonacci... I Wrote The Vanderlaan sequence:
4, 42, 420, 4201, 42012, 420123 etc. etc etc... What's NeXT?

4201234, 42012345, 420123456, 4201234567 etc etc etc...

It has a practical use: Handy for naming .jpg files on the same subject. For example: What if I wanted a Series of Pictures to be in NUMERICAL ORDER... and then LATER I wanted to Insert a Picture Right in the Middle...

4 really long file name with accurate and meaningful keywords including my name and where.jpg

42 really long file name with accurate and meaningful keywords including my name and where.jpg

Later, I added a Picture Called:

43 really long file name with accurate and meaningful keywords including my name and where.jpg

There is Plenty of room between 42 and 420 to name pictures... Especially Valuable for Animated GIF... Because GIMP LOADS an Entire Folder of Pictures In Numerical Order. 

420 really long file name with accurate and meaningful keywords including my name and where.jpg

4201, 42012, 420123 etc etc etc

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