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I wonder what the Legal Consequences are of Revealing US Military Secrets 32 years later. NSA DeClassified TEMPEST.

The NSA has declassified Project TEMPEST but I still feel creepy about publishing my own experiences working for Pulse Engineering of College Park, Maryland. Where can I get some legal advice about writing a "Kiss and Tell" NSA book? A LOT has already been written. I remember when we were not even supposed to say the NAME of the place [we] worked... No Such Agency... Never Say Anything... I was always a civilian and worked for defense contractors and the Customers were the NSA and the USAF. My First Ex-Wife worked for the Agency. We went to many parties at the homes of other employees. Whenever they wanted to talk about secret subjects they would just start talking in Russian... The Women from the CIA Threw the Best Parties. They had a keg of Beer and Volleyball court in the backyard of the house. They invited a whole bunch of boys... One weekend they invited Deadheads, Pizza Drivers and Drug Dealers. The next weekend they invited the Engineering Department of Westinghouse Defense Systems...  By Co-incidence, I fit into both groups.
TEMPEST is a National Security Agency specification.

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