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Labor Union Strike at Mental Hospital in Eureka, CA. Unsafe Working Conditions. In 2015, Half of the Employees at our Mental Hospital (Sempervirens) Quit. The County of Humboldt Refuses to Hire Security Guards and an Employee got Hurt.

One rally attendee, Tim McDermond, explained the purpose of the rally to KHUM’s Mike Dronkers:

So, this blog post is about the Labor Union Rally by AFSCME.

I really enjoyed the comments section of the newspaper website. Many people had interesting opinions but... Most of the Conservative Posts were from Anonymous People that used Fake Names and No Photo... Just a Grey Man Icon.  ...and... The Comments seemed to be Copied and Pasted from a Standard Template of Ayn Rand Philosophy. Tea Party Trolls. Paid Puppets of Koch Industries.

greg vanderlaan:
What's up with everyone using Secret Identities and Grey Man pictures for your thumbnail? Why not use your real name? Why not Upload a Picture of Yourself? Why be Anonymous when you can be A NOM NOM NOM MOUSE?

my thumbnail picture for posting comments

'face reality' replied: Bla Bla Bla

greg vanderlaan:
Many Grey Man Commenters are Paid employees of Koch Industries. They refuse to reveal their real names because often ONE employee can post under Many different screen names to give the illusion of a Grass Roots Movement when in fact it's just Astroturf. Come out of the closet 'face reality'... Are you the same person as 'you know why', 'Groff' and 'Go Team' ? Who Are You?

'you know why' Replied: Quack Quack Quack

'Groff' Stated...
'Go Team' Stated...
'aiko' Stated...

greg vanderlaan: 
Some County Employees are Simply Paid Too Much. Dr Phillip Crandall's 2009 salary somehow exceeded $215,000 despite the fact that his position's maximum annual salary is listed as $161,692. I wonder what it is now... If Dr. Phil could somehow squeak by on merely $161,692 we would have enough money to hire security guards... Source:

greg vanderlaan: 
Thank You Tim McDermond! Unsafe working conditions at 720 Wood Street.

'DAV ' Stated...
'Not The 60's Anymore' Stated... 
'California Conservative' Stated...
'Jim' Stated...

greg vanderlaan: 
I prefer Private Sector jobs like Radio Shack also but they went bankrupt...

Hey, Jim dude, you're swinging both ways on this thread. Below you support the generous public employee benefits but here you're critical of the same.

'Hillary didn't either' Replied...

'Curiouser & Curiouser' Summed it all up by Singing: I Don't Want to Work, Just Want to Bang on the Drum All Day! a song by Todd Rundgren...   

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