Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Trump's Ideas about Immigration. Let's Stop Non-Whites from Coming Here.

No one has actually answered Trump's Question about Why we allow people to immigrate from "Shithole" Countries... Why DO we allow them in? Is there ANY advantage FOR US to letting them in?

At the very least we should require them to speak ENGLISH... and an evaluation to see if they can get a job would be nice... SOME immigrants are high quality and make America a better place to live. Specifically, Japanese Engineers and Computer Programmers... Other Asians too.

You may say that I'm a Racist. IT"S TRUE! Racism is Accurate...

Question: What do The Beatles, Leonardo Da Vinci, Steve Jobs, Harrison Ford, George Washington, Frank Sinatra, Isaac Asimov and Albert Einstein have in Common?

Answer: They are Great White Males.

However, Not all Colored Folk are Bad. President Obama was Great! He's a perfect example of Nature VS Nurture... Half White, he had a Black father who went back home to Africa. He was raised by a White mother and two White Grandparents, sent to a White school (with some Hawaiians), then attended a White college and got a job working as a community organizer in the Black housing projects of Chicago. My only question is what is we raised all Black Children in White Homes?

Another question I have is Who Paid Obama to be a Community Organizer? WHY would anyone PAY to have a Community Organized? If you pay a man to paint a house, when he's done you have a painted house. If you pay for a hamburger, you get a hamburger... That makes sense... Paying for goods or services... However, who would WANT to have an Organized Community? Not Me...
Gerald Kellman Hired Obama... Why is still a mystery...

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