Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Remember: What people do in Washington DC has almost NO EFFECT ON MY LIFE. When the news makes me angry, I change the channel.

The only thing that had any effect on me is the Tax Cut for the Rich Law. BUT, since I have a TAX MAN do my taxes, I don't even know if I paid more this year or less...

Real life is my Wife, my Brother, my Nieces, The lady that drives the Senior Bus, the other Seniors that join me in our group sing along society... The "Off Key Singers"... My roommates, the Caregivers at my old folks home... That's REALITY!

I believe in The American River and Folsom Lake... I believe in Sunshine and Trees... Frogs, Creeks and the sound of a Harley Davidson driving away on the street where I live...

TV Shows are Trump, James Comey, The Russia Investigation, CNN,  MSNBC News, FOX News, The Turner Classic Movie Channel, The Rock concert channel (AXS TV), Perry Mason reruns, The Flying NUN, C-SPAN, Star Trek, Democracy Now!, Ancient Aliens, M*A*S*H, ... I don't worry to much about what happens on TV Shows as I often question... So What! How does Trump pardoning Scooter Libby have any importance in MY LIFE? If we go to war with Syria... SO WHAT? I don't know any soldiers... and anyone who VOLUNTEERS to go to war is a gullible fool... Remember, the US Military has NOT Defended the country since 1945. All the wars during my lifetime have been the USA attacking some other country for BOGUS Reasons... Think... Does anyone care who won the war in Nicaragua? Do you even know where Niger IS? Is joining the military a Brilliant Idea? Dying for Nothing? PTSD? WTF?

I did not vote in 2016 because both Trump and Clinton were HORRIBLE. I voted for Bernie Sanders and he wasn't even running... The primaries of the Democratic party were RIGGED with Super-Delegates and The Goldman-Saks Candidate won (Hillary).

I will vote in 2018 because we will have better candidates this time. I like Gavin Newsom, Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris and Ami Bera (my Representative in the House)...

Think for Yourself and Question Reality

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