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We need a Teacher's Strike in All 50 States. Higher Pay. Fund Schools, Buy Books and Supplies... Labor Unions are a Good Idea.

and... we need to fire Education Secretary Betsy DeVos because she is opposed to Public Education. She wants to change our education system into private businesses teaching whatever Republicrime Propaganda they want... paid for by taxpayer dollars.

Christian Schools will be funded. All OTHER Religions will NOT be funded. She opposes Loan forgiveness for students that were defrauded by phony private universities... The Fake colleges stole tuition from students but the students still have to pay back student loans. Trump ran a Fake Real Estate College.

HEADLINE: Teachers Are Going on Strike in Trump’s America
In the heart of a deeply red Oklahoma, teachers redefine the image of labor activists and inspire beleaguered colleagues in other red states.

HEADLINE: Group Beloved by Betsy Devos and Koch Brothers Launches Counter-Attack Against Teacher Rebellion.

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