Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

It's Time for WALL STREET to Throw Trump OUT. Trade War causes Stock Market Crash. "Masters of the Universe?" Do Something MASTERFUL!

The Mercer Family Lost a lot of money on the stock market today.
The Koch Brothers Lost a lot of money on the stock market today.
Betsy DeVos and Eric Prince Lost a lot of money on the stock market today.

When will they correct their errant boy?
Their PUPPET has cut the strings and is now dancing the Macarena!

Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos WERE NOT AMUSED when the DJIA dropped 600 points.

Trump's Trade War with China is Really Stupid.

HOWEVER, DONALD TRUMP HAS MOST OF HIS MONEY IN REAL ESTATE. and Real Estate value has not been hurt by Tariffs... Go Figure...

Save US Goldman-Sucks! Call the President on the phone and tell him to Stop.

When you go to the grocery store this week, buy some almonds... California Farmers Need your Support.


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