Showing posts with label policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label policy. Show all posts

American Class War [Fiction] - The Super Rich had Purchased the Congress, the Supreme Court and the White House and were Using their Puppets to Pass Laws that Made the Rich Richer... and Force Their Bizarre Views of the World onto the 99% - OBEY!

Chapter 1: Silly Billy had come to the Conclusion that Something Needed to be Done... But... What Exactly was the Solution? 

Remember: Do Not Assassinate Donald Trump. That would Grant Him Martyr Status; Just Like Jesus Christ.

Class War Protest - banner

Order of Assassins 

In general, I Oppose Assassination with One Exception... PUTIN... He's going to keep on doing Evil for the Rest of his Life... and Some Other Russian Ought to Make that Life SHORT. 

Maybe I'm Wrong... Maybe Just Arresting Putin and Sending Him to a Prison Camp in Siberia Would be Enough... but Maybe He would Escape and Come Back to do Evil Again! 

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We do have Severe Corruption Problems in the Supreme Court but simply IMPEACHING the Sleazeball Justices would solve the Problem... as soon as they are Unemployed, we can get back to Making America Great... They can get a "Book Deal" and then Go on Fox News as a Talking Head... 
The US House of Representatives has the Power to IMPEACH Supreme Court Justices and then the Senate can Convict... Then GTFO! 

Please Write to Your Representative and Remind them to DO YOU JOB... IMPEACH THE SCOTUS!

I believe they won't know what I think unless I tell 'em... and they will make decisions based on BRIBES Entirely... Of Course, They Don't Call 'em Bribes, they are Called Campaign Contributions to a PAC...

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Chapter 2: 
This Part will be written by Other People that Make Recommendations for Exactly What the Solution is... Comment or Email Me!

"Don’t tell me corporations have no choice but to raise prices. Their profit margins have hit 70-year highs. They’ve been using inflation as cover to squeeze more money out of you, and they don’t want to give it up." - Robert Reich

While Robert has Great Insight, He is Lacking in SOLUTIONS... 

A Specific Example of this was... Just before the Last Election Gas Prices went Up a Dollar a Gallon... For No Reason... and then Profits went Up to the Highest in History... The Dual Goal of CAUSING INFLATION was to Rake in Huge Piles of Money AND To Give the Appearance that Democrats were doing a Bad Job of Governing... The Corporate Freaks wanted People to Vote Republican so they could have Fewer Regulations and Less Taxes... Their Plan was "See? The Democrats are NOT doing a Great Job... Just LOOK at the Price of Gas! Better Vote Republican!"

and The After the Election was Over... Gas Prices went Down... because Gas Prices are an Arbitrary Number... The Oil Companies Set Them AT WILL... and then send out Marketing Men to EXPLAIN their Voluntary Choices... "Oh, It's blah, blah, blah that's causing the Price Increase..." 

One thing we can do to FIGHT BACK is BUY LESS GASOLINE... Simply Travel Less... Take a Job that's Close to Home and You Save Hours Commuting... Hours that COULD be used Playing With Your Children... Remember: When You Get Laid OFF... The #1 Priority of the New Job Should be Distance from Home... 
Jet Setters Awaken - meme

Another way to Buy Less Gas is to Stop Unneeded Trips... This Memorial Day Weekend Millions of People Traveled by Car, Truck and Jet Airplane... VOLUNTARILY... To Visit Family... Why not Call 'em on the Phone? Use ZOOM to see their smiling faces... Almost Everyone COULD cut their Gasoline Bill by DRIVING LESS!

Jet Airplane Travel is Insane - meme

Robert Reich Posted:
Friends, Republican leaders have mastered the art of manufacturing crises to divert the public’s attention from the real crisis of our era — the siphoning off of income, wealth, and power by a small group at the top.
Consider the fake fears they’ve been whipping up:
1. “Woke.” Florida’s governor (and now Republican presidential candidate) Ron DeSantis has declared “war on woke.” Immediately after the mangled launch to his campaign on Wednesday, he claimed on Fox News that “the woke mind virus is basically a form of cultural Marxism.” But what is woke? Can anyone define it? It seems like an all-encompassing term for what we used to consider tolerance — an attribute that in a different age was considered positive.
2. “Trans people.” Former president Donald Trump says that one of his top priorities if he’s reelected in 2024 will be a “sweeping federal rollback of transgender rights.” But why have he and so many Republican lawmakers targeted transgender people as dangers to the public? There’s not a shred of evidence that trans people are threats to anyone. But they’re easy scapegoats.
3. “Critical race theory.” Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin’s “day one” executive order banned the teaching of critical race theory. DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott have also banned it from the schools. Here again, though, there’s no evidence of a public threat. CRT simply teaches America’s history of racism, which students need to understand to be informed citizens. Banning it is a scare tactic to appeal to a largely white, culturally conservative voter base.
4. “Couch potatoes.” In the negotiations over a bill to raise the debt ceiling, Republicans demanded that work requirements be added to food stamps and welfare, alleging that too many “couch potatoes” were receiving benefits. Like Ronald Reagan’s claim that so-called “welfare queens” were collecting benefits without working, the “couch potato” characterization is a cruel pretext — and racial dog whistle — for imposing additional work requirements on public assistance for those in need, when the needy often have difficulty finding work that pays enough to live on. The vast majority of poor people who collect benefits already work exceedingly hard.
5. “Out of control government spending.” Rubbish. In fact, discretionary spending has fallen more than 30 percent in the past 50 years as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product (from 9.6 percent in 1973 to 6.6 percent in 2022). Lately, rising deficits have been driven by Social Security and Medicare (to be expected, as boomers retire), and by defense spending. But the biggest culprits have been George W. Bush’s and Donald Trump’s huge tax cuts that mostly benefited the wealthy and big corporations — and that will have added $8 trillion and $1.7 trillion, respectively, to the debt by the end of the 2023 fiscal year.
All five of these so-called crises have been manufactured by the GOP. They’re entirely made up.
Why? To deflect attention from the near record share of the nation’s income and wealth now going to the richest Americans.
As the super-wealthy and big corporations pour money into politics — especially into the GOP — they don’t want the rest of America to notice they’re rigging the economy for their own benefit, that their unrestrained greed is worsening the climate crisis, and that they’re also undermining democracy.
So the game of the Republican Party and their major donors is to deflect and distract — to use scapegoating, racism, and outright lies to disguise what’s really going on.
Friends, don’t let them get away with it.

The Global Class War.

How America’s Bipartisan Elite Lost Our Future, and What It Will Take to Win...

Why is America’s governing class so indifferent to the fate of its people? In his provocative new book, The Global Class War, economist Jeff Faux argues that now that they can find workers and investment opportunities elsewhere, America’s rich and powerful are abandoning the social contract that until recently had united the economic interests of all Americans.
Faux explains how globalization is creating a new global political elite?”The Party of Davos”?who have more in common with each other than with their fellow citizens. Their so-called trade agreements (like NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization act as a global constitution that protects only one kind of citizen?the corporate investor. The inevitable result will be a drop in American living standards that will have dramatic political consequences. Faux concludes with an original strategy for bringing democracy to the global economy beginning with a social contract for North America.

Let's Lay Off Half of the Police and Refund their Salaries to the Taxpayer. Actual Crime is Down. What we have is Bored, Armed People with Nothing to Do... A Recipe for Disaster!

avoid-hangovers-forever-by-switching-to-marijuana-Trey-Gowdy-purple64ets gvan42
Avoid hangovers forever by switching to marijuana
Trey Gowdy purple64ets gvan42

Why not Create Psychedelic Art Instead?

For Safety... Since ACTUAL crime is down... and Marijuana is Legal... Why not retrain the police to do something useful with their lives? They CAN become productive members of society. They could work as teacher's assistants in Elementary School. Tutoring Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.

The DEA says Heroin is as safe as Marijuana. DO NOT BELIEVE THEM. THEY ARE LYING. Heroin is VERY dangerous and often Fatal.
Schedule I drugs are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote.  

Those "Brain on Drugs" advertisements seemed absurd to me... Until I understood that the Prohibitionist's marketing department had an impossible task... When you have The Beatles singing "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and Led Zeppelin buying a "Stairway to Heaven" ... gee, how do you compete with that?
This is your brain on Photoshop. Any Questions? Sure, why did they design their program to make psychedelic art so easy? Did they realize that there is a MARKET for psychedelic art and simply give the customer what they want? Who knows... I'm sure glad they did...
Thanks for the functions...

Charles Koch was responsible for Flint Michigan Water Crisis. It's cheaper to let people drink from the poisoned river... Great Book: Democracy in Chains" by Nancy Maclean

According to Nancy Maclean's Book, "Democracy in Chains" Charles Koch selected to change the source of drinking water in Flint to the river... sadly the river is heavily polluted and people got sick from drinking it. However, it was cheaper than the previous source and so it cost the corporation less money to provide.

"What happened in Flint was not a natural disaster. Nor a case of government incompetence. What happened there was directly attributable to the prodding of the Mackinac Center, one of the first Koch funded - and in this case Koch -staffed -state level "think and do" tanks that now exist in all fifty states and are affiliated with the State Policy Network (SPN), also Koch-concocted, to coordinate efforts to prevent state governments from responding to the demands of the "takers." - page 214


"[A] remarkably important book...this book is a superb contribution to our understanding of the rise of libertarian notions and right-wing political power in the US. If you wonder how the Supreme Court came to define speech as money or corporations as people, this volume will help you to figure it out...The melting ice caps, if nothing else, stand as testament to the folly of listening mainly to the rich and powerful."Bill McKibben, The Times Literary Supplement

Whose Idea Was It to Switch the Water?

Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan, elected in 2011 and a former CEO of a computer company with little governing experience, had tapped several “emergency financial managers” across the state in cities that had no money, including Flint.
As a way to save money, one of the managers in 2014 chose to switch Flint’s water from Detroit’s source of Lake Huron to the Flint River. To ensure that this switch would not poison people and forever change the lives of thousands of children, a system to sanitize the water would need to be in place. It was not. The “emergency managers” appointed by Governor Snyder made the switch anyway, opening spigots of poisonous water across the city like some alternate plot in a Batman movie. In this version, however, the villains are not masked lunatics and dark-alley criminals, but those in charge of managing a city.
The switch was supposed to save $1 million. If trading the health and safety of children to save money seems like a deal with the devil, it’s pretty close.
The infamous Koch brothers are not the only family that has used its gargantuan fortune to impact policy for the worse. In Michigan, another family has been throwing its money around to support an ideological agenda that led to the Flint water crisis.

OIL on the WATER - Free Coloring Book art by gvan42

Bubble UP Economics - Free Coloring Book art by gvan42

Repeal and Replace tRUMP'S Tax Cut for the Rich Law. It's Bankrupting America. Tax Cuts for the 99% would Stimulate Our Economy. BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS WOULD WORK

If the Majority of people paid less taxes, we would spend that Extra Money at American Businesses... Increasing Profits for the Stockholders, Creating Jobs, Cutting Unemployment Payments, Cutting Welfare Payments... Everybody Wins.

It's Called BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS and a Proven Success.

See? There IS a Cure for Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome... 

What IS Bubble UP! Economics and How Does it Work? Simply Raise the Minimum Wage to Fifteen Dollars an Hour and that Money will Bubble UP! Throughout all levels of Society!

Everyone Who gets a Raise will spend the extra money at American Businesses. Increasing Profits. Making Stockholders Happy! Then those Businesses will have to Hire More People to Handle the Extra Customers. Decreasing Unemployment Insurance Payments. 

People will buy more food for their Children. Causing Better Health and Smarter Kids... Starvation is Not Good for Children or Other Living Things... Farmers will sell More Food. Truckers will move more merchandise to stores. 

Increased Competition for Workers will cause Everybody's Wages to Go Up. All those Workers will pay more in Income Taxes... That would make the Government happy... Right NOW, we are having a National Debt Ceiling Crisis because the Government is Spending More that it Takes in with Taxes... Bubble UP! Economics would reverse that trend... With a Rising Tide, Every Boat Floats! 

With EMPLOYMENT AT A JOB becoming a Viable Alternative to Selling Drugs for a Street Gang, Some teenagers will choose Employment... Reducing CRIME... Reducing Costs for Prisons... Reducing Costs for Law Enforcement... Everybody WINS!

"Some People" say that Businesses will have to let people go if they have to pay $15/hour. OBVIOUSLY FALSE. Businesses have ALREADY let everyone go that they possibly can. What! You think there are EXTRA Employees Sitting Around Doing Nothing? ABSURD!

Satire MEME - Fight for the Cure - COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME is an epidemic - Joke - silly- fake disease - OR IS IT?
Are You an OUT Of Control GREED FREAK? Get Help NOW!

So, Who Could Possibly be Opposed to all the JOY of Bubble UP! Economics? Well, there are people in this world that have COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME. It's a Mental Health Disease just Like The Crazy Cat Lady or People that save thousands of newspapers until their house is a maze of paths thru stacks of papers that they never read. People with CHOMS want more, more, more money even though they cannot possibly spend what they already have. Think about it, Once someone owns five mansions, what is the motivation to buy a SIXTH Mansion?  OH! That's right, it's a disease! COMPULSIVE HOARDING, of Money! However, We can Help these people... If you meet them, have a talk, explain that doing evil for money is not the best way to live life. Simple Conversations Can Have an Effect. Repetitive Conversations... It May Take Many, Many, Many Explanations because PEER Pressure is REAL... Currently, people with CHOMS are surrounded by Other Greed Freaks... Encouraging Evil Behavior as a Sick Game. I remember that Michael Milkin and Ivan Boesky competed to see who could win the most money on the stock market and they used DOLLARS AS A WAY TO KEEP SCORE. Then they went to prison... Well, Maybe we could talk to CHOMS Victims before they Get Arrested. And if not, maybe we can expose them in the press or online and help them by PUTTING THEM IN JAIL.  

For Example: The CEO of Dow Chemical makes a Pesticide (sulfoxaflor) that is Killing BEES. The EPA just ruled that they can continue to sell the pesticide if they just put a warning label on the side of the barrel... BUT BEES CAN'T READ! It is possible to GOOGLE Dow Chemical and find out Who the CEO is and Where He Lives... Maybe a person could get a Job as a Waiter at the Catering Company that serves his Mansion... Maybe they could ask him to stop Killing Bees? Tell Him: NO BEES, NO FOOD. MASS STARVATION... and even You Can't Eat Money...

BUT... There is Hope for the Future! Hey, If Katy Perry and Taylor Swift can bury the Hatchet and become friends, then anything is Possible. Maybe the 1% and the 99% Could stop fighting... Lions laying down with Lambs... It's All Possible... All you need is LOVE, La, la la la lah... 

WAKE UP! It's Fun, It's FREE and Everybody's Doing IT!
Ask Yourself, Is this Statement TRUE? 
Are they Telling Me This In Order to USE ME?

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Why not Learn How to Do a FACT CHECK on Google? 
Go to and type in the words 
FACT CHECK and the Statement you are Questioning... 
Press Enter and READ The Results! 

OR... Continue to Be a Gullible Fool...

Free Coloring Book Art. Find MORE at Google Image Search using the Words: "gvan42 Coloring Book" - Print as Many Copies as You Want and Share With Friends... <--- Click Here

Creepy Eye Wall Dark Side of the Moon Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42
That Creepy Masonic Eye from the Back of the Dollar Bill - and Pink Floyd's Wall - Dark Side of the Moon Prism
Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

People That Have Had The Psychedelic Experience Are, In General, Nice. It’s The “Straights” That Are Destroying the World…

Trump FLIPS on His Trade War Policy and the Stock Market Goes UP! Trump Magically Decides to NOT DO TARIFFS on China and Wall Street Cheers!

"When it comes to Business, Trump's a Total Bonehead... Just Dumb as a Rock." says Anonymous Investor... (Quote: "Hey, I Won't Reveal my Name... I don't want to get HIT like Jeffrey Epstein was...")
QAnon Sucks!

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and Now, on a Different Subject... 
a Happier Subject... ART! and Photographs...
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Text Art Man with Lightning Bolt Spirals Poster 
BIG ART FOR SALE! 24 by 18 Inches
Coloring Book ART Poster... Use Felt Pens to Make this Your Own Special Design!

For Sale:
Honey Run Covered Bridge over Butte Creek Two-Tone 15 OZ Coffee Mug...
Sadly, this bridge was burned during the Fire in Paradise, California... But the memory lives on in photographs...

Honey Run Covered Bridge over Butte Creek Two-Tone Coffee Mug
by gregvan

Magic Rainbow Flag Two-Tone 15 OZ Coffee Mug.
Totally Trippy Flag designed using the Automatic Psychedelicizer built into Paint Dot Net! Thanks!

Stopped on the Train Tracks Two-Tone Coffee Mug.
Chico, California Train Depot... on a trippy background... Caution do not stop on the tracks... totally dangerous! Don't do this! I'm an Idiot for Risking my LIFE to get a Great Photograph... but I did... On the left hand side is the Food Not Bombs Free Meal... My Favorite Restaurant in Chico...

Tie Dye Digital Rainbow Spiral 15 OZ Coffee Cup.
North Coast of California Road Trip Background image... Highway 101 near Eureka on my way to Oregon...

Classic Rainbow Flag Two-Tone Coffee Mug.
Simple yet Elegant... You never know when you will need a Rainbow Flag! on a Trippy Pastel Background...

Trump's Trade War CAUSES Stock Market to Drop. Millions of Americans Lose Money Due to "BONEHEAD" Tariff Policy. MASSIVE INCREASE IN HOMELESSNESS Caused By Trump-0-Nomics.

Trump's Failed Economy: Suicides are at the highest rate in decades, CDC report shows...

China imposes tariffs on American products. Wall Street says Trump "Has No Clue" about Business!

China raises tariffs on U.S. pork, fruit... 

MEME gvan42 Millions of Americans Lose Money Due to "BONEHEAD" Tariff Policy.

The GOP Tax Cuts Didn’t Work

Matt Foley: Van Down By The River - SNL -
After their cleaning lady finds pot in the house, parents (Phil Hartman, Julia Sweeney) hire motivational speaker Matt Foley (Chris Farley) to talk to their teens (David Spade, Christina Applegate) about drugs and their future. 

Yes, Joe Biden is Corrupt... BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY ---> He Has Been Wrong on Every Issue His Entire Life. <--- WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER IDIOT!... Vote For the Warren/Sanders Team... EW4POTUS and Bernie for VP.

What did Hunter Biden DO to Earn $50,000 a Month Salary?

Joe Biden prides himself on his foreign policy experience, but one can't help but look at the scoreboard of foreign policy decisions Biden has gotten utterly wrong over the last 20 years.

and Not just on Foreign Policy... He wrote a law that made Crack Cocaine Sentences 10 times as Long as Powered Cocaine. Causing Millions of Black People to go to jail for a Long Time while Whites got out a lot earlier... DUMB! AND RACIST... 

He thinks Marijuana should remain Illegal. WTF?

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - LEGALIZE THE KIND HERB -  Joe Biden thinks Marijuana should remain illegal... what a freaking Idiot! - Not Only Corrupt but Stupid as well  - a corporate stooge - he is just OBEYING the Commands of the Criminals... and the bribes received from the alcohol industry and Opioid Manufacturers...

He prevented female witnesses from testifying in the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas Hearing... NO, NO, NO, we don't need to know any truth here... 

But his IDIOCY on Foreign Policy is astounding! He Opposed the Persian Gulf War lead by George Bush The Father. He was In Favor of the War in Iraq lead by George Bush the Son. He Opposed the Raid that Killed Osama Bin Laden... 

Was Biden always wrong?

Crazy Trump-0-Nomics... Tariffs FAILED with China, So He's Going to Do it Again with Europe! Headline: As new tariffs against Europe take effect, get ready to pay more for your cheese and wine

Headline: US Airbus row: European goods hit by new US tariffs. The EU says it will have no choice but to respond with its own tariffs on US goods next year, because of US government tax breaks for Boeing.

at Google Image Search
using the Keywords: gvan42 free coloring book art
or click on this link!

Click and Enjoy the Bliss!

Trump-0-Nomics is a Disaster... Trump Withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal and NOW... We Have to Pay More for Gas... Because of the War He Caused... Selling Lockheed Weapons to Saudi Arabia Enabled Their War in YEMEN... and Then... Yemen Fought Back! Blowing Up Saudi Oil Refineries! Or Maybe it was Iran... Who Knows!

Cosmic Visions Mug FOR SALE!
The Other Side of the Coffee Cup Has a Totally Different Pattern... With some "Space" for Words... a Slogan, a Name or a Manifesto!
HEADLINE: The Dow Fell 143 Points Because Stocks Felt the Aftershock From the Oil Attack... Oil Surges, Stocks Slip. All three main stock indexes closed modestly lower on Monday, despite the soaring oil price and rising energy stocks. A drone attack on Saudi Arabian oil infrastructure this past Saturday has disrupted about 5% of the world’s total crude output. General Motors stock (ticker: GM) tumbled as union workers went on strike over the weekend. 

Journey Thru The Wormhole Mug FOR SALE!

"Deep" abstract art... 
Reminds me of SpaceTime Travel... 
YOU MY CHANGE THE WORDS IF YOU WANT TO... OR REMOVE THEM ENTIRELY... Be Aware that there are two layers of letters. A White Layer with slightly larger type to "Outline" the Black Letters...
HEADLINE: CIA predicted the Iran crisis that spiraled out of Trump pulling the US from the 2015 nuclear deal... About a year before President Donald Trump pulled the US from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, the CIA circulated a classified report that largely predicted the crisis that would ensue from such a decision.
According to The New York Times Magazine, the report warned that "radical elements of the government could be empowered and moderates sidelined, and Iran might try to exploit a diplomatic rupture to unleash an attack in the Persian Gulf, Iraq or elsewhere in the Middle East."
Since Trump pulled the US from the deal in May 2018, tensions between the US and Iran have spiraled toward conflict as Tehran has placed increasing pressure on Europe to save the deal by offering it relief from US sanctions.

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*Generate Electricity and Clean Drinking Water AT THE SAME TIME. A Solar Powered Desalinization Plant Would Convert Seawater into Energy, Pure H2O and NaCl.
*Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics
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49er Rose - gvan42
Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics