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Charles Koch was responsible for Flint Michigan Water Crisis. It's cheaper to let people drink from the poisoned river... Great Book: Democracy in Chains" by Nancy Maclean

According to Nancy Maclean's Book, "Democracy in Chains" Charles Koch selected to change the source of drinking water in Flint to the river... sadly the river is heavily polluted and people got sick from drinking it. However, it was cheaper than the previous source and so it cost the corporation less money to provide.

"What happened in Flint was not a natural disaster. Nor a case of government incompetence. What happened there was directly attributable to the prodding of the Mackinac Center, one of the first Koch funded - and in this case Koch -staffed -state level "think and do" tanks that now exist in all fifty states and are affiliated with the State Policy Network (SPN), also Koch-concocted, to coordinate efforts to prevent state governments from responding to the demands of the "takers." - page 214


"[A] remarkably important book...this book is a superb contribution to our understanding of the rise of libertarian notions and right-wing political power in the US. If you wonder how the Supreme Court came to define speech as money or corporations as people, this volume will help you to figure it out...The melting ice caps, if nothing else, stand as testament to the folly of listening mainly to the rich and powerful."Bill McKibben, The Times Literary Supplement

Whose Idea Was It to Switch the Water?

Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan, elected in 2011 and a former CEO of a computer company with little governing experience, had tapped several “emergency financial managers” across the state in cities that had no money, including Flint.
As a way to save money, one of the managers in 2014 chose to switch Flint’s water from Detroit’s source of Lake Huron to the Flint River. To ensure that this switch would not poison people and forever change the lives of thousands of children, a system to sanitize the water would need to be in place. It was not. The “emergency managers” appointed by Governor Snyder made the switch anyway, opening spigots of poisonous water across the city like some alternate plot in a Batman movie. In this version, however, the villains are not masked lunatics and dark-alley criminals, but those in charge of managing a city.
The switch was supposed to save $1 million. If trading the health and safety of children to save money seems like a deal with the devil, it’s pretty close.
The infamous Koch brothers are not the only family that has used its gargantuan fortune to impact policy for the worse. In Michigan, another family has been throwing its money around to support an ideological agenda that led to the Flint water crisis.

OIL on the WATER - Free Coloring Book art by gvan42

Bubble UP Economics - Free Coloring Book art by gvan42

Repeal and Replace tRUMP'S Tax Cut for the Rich Law. It's Bankrupting America. Tax Cuts for the 99% would Stimulate Our Economy. BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS WOULD WORK

If the Majority of people paid less taxes, we would spend that Extra Money at American Businesses... Increasing Profits for the Stockholders, Creating Jobs, Cutting Unemployment Payments, Cutting Welfare Payments... Everybody Wins.

It's Called BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS and a Proven Success.

See? There IS a Cure for Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome... 

What IS Bubble UP! Economics and How Does it Work? Simply Raise the Minimum Wage to Fifteen Dollars an Hour and that Money will Bubble UP! Throughout all levels of Society!

Everyone Who gets a Raise will spend the extra money at American Businesses. Increasing Profits. Making Stockholders Happy! Then those Businesses will have to Hire More People to Handle the Extra Customers. Decreasing Unemployment Insurance Payments. 

People will buy more food for their Children. Causing Better Health and Smarter Kids... Starvation is Not Good for Children or Other Living Things... Farmers will sell More Food. Truckers will move more merchandise to stores. 

Increased Competition for Workers will cause Everybody's Wages to Go Up. All those Workers will pay more in Income Taxes... That would make the Government happy... Right NOW, we are having a National Debt Ceiling Crisis because the Government is Spending More that it Takes in with Taxes... Bubble UP! Economics would reverse that trend... With a Rising Tide, Every Boat Floats! 

With EMPLOYMENT AT A JOB becoming a Viable Alternative to Selling Drugs for a Street Gang, Some teenagers will choose Employment... Reducing CRIME... Reducing Costs for Prisons... Reducing Costs for Law Enforcement... Everybody WINS!

"Some People" say that Businesses will have to let people go if they have to pay $15/hour. OBVIOUSLY FALSE. Businesses have ALREADY let everyone go that they possibly can. What! You think there are EXTRA Employees Sitting Around Doing Nothing? ABSURD!

Satire MEME - Fight for the Cure - COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME is an epidemic - Joke - silly- fake disease - OR IS IT?
Are You an OUT Of Control GREED FREAK? Get Help NOW!

So, Who Could Possibly be Opposed to all the JOY of Bubble UP! Economics? Well, there are people in this world that have COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME. It's a Mental Health Disease just Like The Crazy Cat Lady or People that save thousands of newspapers until their house is a maze of paths thru stacks of papers that they never read. People with CHOMS want more, more, more money even though they cannot possibly spend what they already have. Think about it, Once someone owns five mansions, what is the motivation to buy a SIXTH Mansion?  OH! That's right, it's a disease! COMPULSIVE HOARDING, of Money! However, We can Help these people... If you meet them, have a talk, explain that doing evil for money is not the best way to live life. Simple Conversations Can Have an Effect. Repetitive Conversations... It May Take Many, Many, Many Explanations because PEER Pressure is REAL... Currently, people with CHOMS are surrounded by Other Greed Freaks... Encouraging Evil Behavior as a Sick Game. I remember that Michael Milkin and Ivan Boesky competed to see who could win the most money on the stock market and they used DOLLARS AS A WAY TO KEEP SCORE. Then they went to prison... Well, Maybe we could talk to CHOMS Victims before they Get Arrested. And if not, maybe we can expose them in the press or online and help them by PUTTING THEM IN JAIL.  

For Example: The CEO of Dow Chemical makes a Pesticide (sulfoxaflor) that is Killing BEES. The EPA just ruled that they can continue to sell the pesticide if they just put a warning label on the side of the barrel... BUT BEES CAN'T READ! It is possible to GOOGLE Dow Chemical and find out Who the CEO is and Where He Lives... Maybe a person could get a Job as a Waiter at the Catering Company that serves his Mansion... Maybe they could ask him to stop Killing Bees? Tell Him: NO BEES, NO FOOD. MASS STARVATION... and even You Can't Eat Money...

BUT... There is Hope for the Future! Hey, If Katy Perry and Taylor Swift can bury the Hatchet and become friends, then anything is Possible. Maybe the 1% and the 99% Could stop fighting... Lions laying down with Lambs... It's All Possible... All you need is LOVE, La, la la la lah... 

WAKE UP! It's Fun, It's FREE and Everybody's Doing IT!
Ask Yourself, Is this Statement TRUE? 
Are they Telling Me This In Order to USE ME?

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Why not Learn How to Do a FACT CHECK on Google? 
Go to and type in the words 
FACT CHECK and the Statement you are Questioning... 
Press Enter and READ The Results! 

OR... Continue to Be a Gullible Fool...

Free Coloring Book Art. Find MORE at Google Image Search using the Words: "gvan42 Coloring Book" - Print as Many Copies as You Want and Share With Friends... <--- Click Here

Creepy Eye Wall Dark Side of the Moon Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42
That Creepy Masonic Eye from the Back of the Dollar Bill - and Pink Floyd's Wall - Dark Side of the Moon Prism
Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

People That Have Had The Psychedelic Experience Are, In General, Nice. It’s The “Straights” That Are Destroying the World…

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