Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I Remember Eating at FOOD NOT BOMBS in Chico, CA... It was a Wonderful Free Dining Organization that served free vegetarian lunches in the Train Depot park...

One Day, I Met a Woman and Later Be Became a Couple... I'm always Grateful for That Introduction!
...another EPIC Free Meal is "The Jesus Center" - on Park Ave in Chico. They Serve Breakfast and Dinner to about 200 people a day... and then on Sunday there was a Free Meal at The Salvation Army... Neither Meal Required Listening to a Sermon... After I Got a Job, the Lady That Ran the Jesus Center asked me to stop coming... Maybe since I Could Buy My Own Food and Did not need their services I Could DONATE to the Less Fortunate... That's How It Works...

Then I Bought a Used Truck from "The Well" a Prisoner Halfway House that helped People STAY OUT of Prison... I Bought That Truck on a Handshake... The Man Called my Job and My Boss Verified that I Worked there... and Since It's a Small Town, They ALREADY Knew Each Other... and... If MIKE SAYS You are OK... That's Good Enough...

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