SCOTUS IS EVIL - They Ruled In Favor Of More Air Pollution. Bribery? Corruption? Demonic Possession? Coal Baron Robert Murray's Wish Has Come True! That $1 Million Dollar "Donation" to Trump Has Finally Paid Off.

 We Need an Exorcism of the Supreme Court!

Bring Drums, Rattles, Whistles and Sage to Burn.

Let's Encircle the Building and Sing, Dance, Chant Until the Evil is Driven OUT! 

Link to All My Zazzle Gear!

cartoon - corporate bribery scotus

Headline: Coal Barons Who Donated $1 Million to Trump’s Increasingly Suspicious Inauguration Fund May Get Huge Favor...

Bloomberg published an eyebrow-raising report Thursday night about a draft proposal being prepared by the Trump administration that would subsidize the coal industry in part by invoking a Cold War–era law intended for use in national security emergencies:

Trump administration officials are making plans to order grid operators to buy electricity from struggling coal and nuclear plants in an effort to extend their life, a move that could represent an unprecedented intervention into U.S. energy markets.

The Energy Department would exercise emergency authority under a pair of federal laws to direct the operators to purchase electricity or electric generation capacity from at-risk facilities, according to a memo obtained by Bloomberg News. 

This would be a controversial move on a number of levels—for one, it is literal socialism, the thing that the right wing spent 2009–16 accusing Barack Obama of imposing on America—but let’s look in particular at the Bloomberg report’s aside about one of the industry groups that is involved: 
The issue is a priority for some of the president’s top supporters, including coal moguls Robert E. Murray and Joseph Craft of Alliance Resource Partners, who donated a million dollars to the president’s inauguration. The move would be one of the most direct efforts by Trump to make good on campaign promises to revive the nation’s shrinking coal industry. “This action is essential in order to protect the resiliency and reliability of our nation’s electric power grids,” Murray said Friday in an email.

Robert Murray Died of Black Lung Caused by Coal... after Donating $1 Million to Trump and Declaring Bankruptcy.

Robert Murray Dies from Black Lung Caused by Coal. 

It Appears to Be 
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and on a Different Subject:

Larisa Stow Said:  

Dear Shakti Love Warriors, in this time of great polarity, we are being called to rise and model heart-centered awareness and leadership. What would love do? How would love treat ourselves and our fellow humans?
Please look over the Six Agreements of the WEvolution and see if you are in alignment with these understandings. These Six Agreements outline the core values and practices of our group.
Please use the agreements as a guiding light when you post and leave comments. Our mission is to create a kind, supportive and empowering space for people to meditate and grow together, as we share and celebrate our diverse beliefs, perceptions and ideas with each other. Are you all in?
The Six Agreements of the WEvolution:
Authored by Larisa Stow, with insightful contributions from Laurie Goldstein, and the beloved WEspace.
1. Plug daily into source: Meditation/mindfulness, breathwork, yoga, mantra, prayer and stillness are examples. Just as Olympic athletes rigorously train, so, too must we strengthen our spiritual muscles, deepening our connection to Source and expanding our energetic capacities. Daily spiritual practice is the practice of love.
2. Cultivate Courageous Vulnerability: Allow people to see your struggle, to see your humanity. Take off your social mask. Dare to be transparent. You allow others to contribute more to you when you do, creating deeper connection in your relationships.
3. Lead with Compassionate Curiosity: When you find yourself judging, defending your position, becoming critical, or self-righteous step back and observe. Put in the effort to see through another’s eyes. Get curious about how they came to be the person/personality they are today. What shaped their consciousness and perceptions? What informed their beliefs? What are the needs and values driving their unconscious behaviors and their conscious choices? The more you understand how a person came to be who they are, the more compassion and empathy you can hold for them. Genuinely care about their wellbeing.
4. Practice Radical Self-Acceptance: Compassionately witness your critical thoughts. How can you be even more kind to yourself? Even the inner judge needs compassion and kindness. Deeply listen to the inner voices of your wounding—seek to understand, allow, heal and transform. Practice accepting the parts of yourself that feel unlovable. Speak with as much kindness to these parts of self as you would to your beloved or a newborn baby. The more you accept disowned aspects of yourself, the easier it will be for you to have compassion for others.
5. Respect Each Other: You don’t have to agree with another’s beliefs to be thoughtful and considerate in your communication. Refrain from yelling, using words and body language that objectify, generalize, or dehumanize. Use language that creates connection, rather than black/white, right/wrong dialog. Before you engage in conversation, get clear on your own motivation in the exchange. Are you sharing to affirm how you think/feel, and to change someone’s opinion, or are you allowing the space to create deeper understanding and connection?
6. Play together: Get out there and play. Find the humor in life. Play improves relationships; it inspires deeper connection and bonding with others. Play creates rapport as you come into more sympathetic resonance with one another through fun and laughter. It teaches cooperation.

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Five years ago I was supposed to fly to Maui to stay in Ram Dass' guest house for a week and hang out with him and his people. Several days before I was to get on the plane I found out a hurricane of mass proportions was heading up the center of Florida.
Something clicked in me. It was weird. I asked myself "Why would I leave my family and travel across oceans to find the answers when everything I needed was here (now!), within me, within every person I met, in every situation I found myself in. I needed to stay and face the storm.
So I wrote Ram Dass and told him just this. I never got to meet this great teacher.
Five years since have passed. Ram Dass has left his body. I've gone through a divorce, I've bought and sold houses, wrote and published books, and cried more than I ever thought possible... In those five years I have faced more storms than I can count...but through all of the noise has been THIS!
This grace, this moment, this golden truth that whispers in my ear every moment of every day "Isn't it grand?...isn't it grand?"
I've learned Ram Dass' lessons without meeting him because, in the end, it wasn't about him at all. It was about letting go again and again and again, learning the fine and delicate art of diving in deep and allowing the swirling waters to take me straight to the center of the storm. I needed to get tossed around, spit out, and then emerge right here where I am right at this moment...wet and wild...a creature of it all.

More Blog Posts:

Domestic Madmen... Unabomber, Oklahoma City, Waco, Ruby Ridge, QAnon, Proud Boys, World Trade Center BASEMENT BOMBING - Lead by the Blind Imam from Queens, Las Vegas 58 Dead Shooting at Outdoor Concert, Endless School Shootings - Columbine - Parkland - Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon Bomber,

While there is not much of a Threat by people from Other Countries, Americans are a Danger to The USA... Did you Notice the 840 QAnon FREAKS That Have been Arrested at Trump's FAILED Attempt to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Himself King on January 6th... I guess the Proud Boys ain't too Proud anymore... while they serve time in America's Jails...  

But there seems to be an Infinite Supply of Angry Right Wingers... TRUE, Their World is Crumbling and They are In Danger of Losing their Way Of Life... Years ago a Man Could Support a Family by Working at a Factory Job... Well, The Corporations Shipped those Jobs to The Orient and NOW... Families have to Have Both Wife and Husband Working Multiple Jobs to Make Ends Meet... The Good Old Days" are gone forever... No Matter How Often they Chant "MAGA, MAGA, GAGA" We Have Not Invented Time Travel and Going Back to the 1950s is Not Happening... So The Crazy QAnon Freaks Simply BLAME SOMEONE ELSE! 

Trump's Read a Book project: This week 1984 by Orwell - next week: The MonkeyWrench Gang by Abbey
Trump's Read a Book project:
This week 1984 by Orwell -
next week:
The Monkey Wrench Gang by Ed Abbey

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The Weathermen, Patti Hearst, The Standoff at the Cattle Ranch - Clyde Bundy, Texas Tower Shooting, Gay Nightclub Shooting, Beltway Assassin, Republican Representative's Baseball Game Shooter, Bonnie and Clyde, Zodiac Killer, Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite, Billy the Kid, FBI Murder of Black Panthers, MKULTRA - Victim Dr Frank Olson, Presidential Assassinations, RFK - Sirhan Sirhan Brainwashing, MLK - WHO REALLY Killed Doctor Martin Luther King?, 

George Wallace - He was shot at a campaign rally and then quickly ended his run for President.  The Altamont Concert - Hell's Angel Beat a Dancer to Death with a Pool Cue, but there was NO POOL TABLE for miles around... 

#MAGABomber, The Neo-Nazi car driver who killed a woman at the Tiki Torch March in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Synagog Shooter. The Trump supporter that Shot up a Newspaper Office and Killed many "Enemy of the People" Reporters in Annapolis Maryland. "Going Postal" a fired Post office Employee came back and killed other Post Office Workers... The Mad Bomber - George Matetzki - Satirized as a Character in Mad Magazine's Don Martin's Cartoons.  

Al Capone and the Saint Valentines Day Massacre. We Outlawed the Thompson Machine Gun because of this event. We also have outlawed Hand Grenades and Bazookas. Assault rifles were outlawed for a few years and the murder rate went down but then the law magically expired and the murder rate went up. NRA is a Mysterious Organization that has switched it's goals to be all about donating money to politicians that support laws favorable to gun manufacturers. Recently, one of their Puppets proposed that we ought to ARM School Teachers so they could kill Students that are Murdering their Classmates. That would have been a Massive sale paid for by the Government. This plan did not happen because it was rejected universally by everyone who had a brain... Unless you have been bought off by the Gun Lobby, it sounds like a bad idea. The most obvious problem is that teenage students can easily overpower teachers and steal the gun, then use it to commit mass murder. Think about that for a minute, A High School Boy wrestling a Lady Teacher... OR... maybe the Teacher would hide the weapon in her desk... and After school a kid with a crowbar stolen from his dad's car forces the desk open... Hell, I would do that just to steal the gun which I can sell to a local drug dealer!

Anthrax Mail Killer - an inside job. He was a Scientist that made an Anthrax Cure and he wanted to Drum up some Business. Really. His plan worked because after a few people died, sales went up and THAT'S what lead the FBI to the Killer.

MKULTRA victim Frank Olson "Given LSD by the CIA and driven MAD, Then Thrown out a Hotel Window to his death" - So states the Conspiracy Theory that Later was proven to be TRUE/FALSE we just don't know. - Dick Cheney was involved in the cover-up. One of Dick's first jobs at the White House was to arrange the PAYOFF of the Widow Olson. $75,000 and an apology from President Gerald Ford. 

The Unabomber wrote a Manifesto. He also promised that IF IT WAS PUBLISHED in the New York Times he would stop bombing. It was an Ecology Statement AND Theodore Kaczynski's BROTHER Read that newspaper, recognized the words as what his brother had been saying for years. The brother called Law Enforcement and the Unabomber was arrested. The Unabomber was a Paid test subject of the CIA's Project MKULTRA. I have never read his manifesto. If only we had the Internet back then, he could have written a BLOG... and maybe not felt the NEED to mail bombs to people... I still probably wouldn't read it... I'm too busy writing my OWN Manifesto... and using it to defuse my urges to mail bombs. SO FAR, It has worked!
I know that he is not a Domestic Terrorist but... Osama bin Laden trained hijackers who flew airplanes into the World Trade Center #1 and #2 in New York City. WTC #7 fell down for no explainable reason - Looked like intentional demolition. Another airplane crashed in Pennsylvania and SOMETHING HAPPENED at the Pentagon that day but no one really knows... NO PHOTOGRAPHS EXIST OF AN AIRPLANE FLYING INTO THE BUILDING.

Defund the Pentagon
Defund the Pentagon

There are many security cameras that film all day long but all that film was confiscated by the Government. Years later President Obama had him Killed in Pakistan. Thank YOU! The REASON Osama was angry at the USA was: We had a war in Kuwait and built a military base in Saudi Arabia to provide support. It was a safe place for soldiers to deploy from, rest, receive medical treatment and Fly airplanes, Helicopters out of the airport. AFTER the war was over we kept that military base and it made Osama angry for INFIDELS to occupy land in Saudi Arabia. Osama felt that all NON-Muslims were evil and should be killed... or at the very least driven out of the Holy Kingdom... So he declared JIHAD and made many plans to kill Americans. An Embassy in Africa and New York City. There is an extreme group in the Islamic Religion called Wasabism... and they Took over the Mosque at Mecca and held it hostage... The King agreed to the Demands and Those people have special privileges and financial backing of the Royal Family - the SAUD Family. Osama was a spoiled brat son of a Rich Contractor that built roads, airports and Mosques all over North Africa and the Middle East. He built the Mosque at Mecca. The ONE BIG CHURCH of a Billion People. AND... the rest is History...

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If you want to contribute Knowledge or Opinions to my BOOK "America's Bogus Wars" email me at I really want to hear from Veterans and Defense Contractors... You may be quoted or remain anonymous... Have fun! I might be entirely wrong about the facts and conclusions of this Book. I would want to know what to improve BEFORE PUBLICATION. 

Click here to Read my BOOK "America's Bogus Wars" - All about How the Military Industrial Complex has Staged a Dozen Wars Simply to Sell Weapons.

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A Brief History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 American Soldiers Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School... "Too Controversial"

During the 1950s Americans went into a Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and fallout shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs. During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "the Domino Principle"while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was that one by one those countries over there would turn Commie and soon they would take over Mexico and threaten the American Way of Life. Soon, President Eisenhower and Kennedy sent advisors to help the South Vietnamese soldiers fight the North Vietnamese soldiers. Then President Johnson sent even More American Soldiers to fight the Viet Cong. Then President Nixon continued the War for another 5 years before eventually he decided to allow the South Vietnamese to fight their own war and we left. Quickly the South lost and thousands of Boat People fled South Vietnam because they thought they would be killed. As it turned out, The Domino Principle was false. Communism did not take over the world. The entire war was a waste of lives and money.

You may read More Blog Posts by Clicking on the LABELS Below... 

It's JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! With Biden. Wages are UP! The Stock Market is UP! "America is back to work' --- Thanks, Joe!

It's Jobs, Jobs, Jobs with Biden. Thanks Joe! meme Flag - gvan42
Wages are UP - Thanks Joe chart meme

Everybody Sing Along With Mitch! 
"Happy Days are Here Again" 

and Inflation is Up Too... so those Higher Wages are Eaten Up by Higher Prices... SAD... Corporate Greed is Ruining America... 

What is Actually Causing Inflation? 

DEBUNKED INFLATION CAUSE CLAIM: Federal spending on pandemic relief like stimulus payments, small business loans and childcare credits gave consumers too much spending money, and raised demand and prices for everyone...

However: "Inflation is global. There's been an acceleration of core inflation across every advanced economy, even the ones that did very, very little fiscal relief," he said. "And so I think the evidence linking specific Biden-era policies to the surge in inflation is just really, really weak."

Here is an excellent opportunity to TEST THE Bezos/Musk THEORY... If Prior Government Cash Giveaways ACTUALLY CAUSED Inflation... This one ought to CAUSE inflation ALSO... It's called Science... Repeat the experiment!

Headline: 23 million Californians to get up to $1,050 in "inflation relief" checks

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How to Whip Inflation Now 2022 - Problem: The Ruling Class Has Voluntarily Selected to Raise All Prices. What's the Solution? 
The People That Actually Set Prices at Corporations Do Math to Determine Just How High They Can Set Prices before Customers STOP Buying. The Goal is to Maximize Profits and, if Customers are Not Buying, the Prices are Too High and It's "ROLL BACK" Time. SO... One Way to Motivate them is to SIMPLY STOP BUYING... 
My Personal Boycott is to Stop Shopping at Amazon. I Cancelled my Prime Membership and Haven't Bought Anything in Months... Of Course, This is Not a Big Deal because I Already Have Everything I Want... Jeff Bezos Has Been Behaving Badly Recently and I Refuse to Fund His Plans. 
How to Whip Inflation Now 2022 - by gvan42

Remember: The Trouble With Taking Economics Classes is That You End Up BELIEVING the Fantasies They Teach... Watch the Film "Boom Bust Boom" Instead... MUCH More Insightful... It Starts with a Quote by Alan Greenspan, former Chainman of the Federal Reserve Speaking of the Collapse of The Banking Industry in 2008: "There was a Flaw in the Model I Percieved is the Critical Functioning Structure that Defines How the World Works... So To Speak... " - and That's Why the "Free Free Free Markets Crashed in 2008... He Believed in a Fantasy... and the Banks Lost all their Money... and Obama Magically Replaced the Money for Everyone Except Lehman Brothers... SOMEONE Had to be the Scape Goat... However, CEO Richard Fuld Personally Kept Millions of Dollars and Has Come Back to Play the Stock Market Again... The OCCUPY WALL STREET Movement was In Reaction to This Bailout of the Super Rich... 

Whip Inflation Now - FREE Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Sally Said: "I believe It's Time to Actually DO the Things President Ford Suggested... Carpool, Plant Victory Gardens, Go on a Diet and Buy Less Food, Keep Your Cars a Few Extra Years... You Know, Common Sense Thrift." 

and Billy Said: "Nope. Not for Me... I just got this New Job at Higher Pay and I'm Just Going to Continue Shopping! I Can Afford It!" 

and Sally Replied: "Oh That's Great for YOU but I'm Actually Being Paid LESS than I was Before... Inflation is Greater Than Wage Increase... So The Bottom Line is... When I Go Shopping, I Come Home With Less." 

Boycott Everything Until Prices Go Down - meme - gvan42

Do You Remember When Trump was President and... 
  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) falls 2,997 points, losing 12.9% in its largest point drop ever.[135]

Biden trumpets strong jobs report: 

Jobs Meme

Trump's Stock Market Failure: DJIA: BIGGEST POINT LOSS in The History of the Universe... 
3/16/2020: 2,997 points
MEME Trump Screamer - gvan42

Selling accelerated during the final hours of trading this Monday as the coronavirus task force updated the nation on the crisis. In response to a question, President Trump said the crisis could extend until August.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 2,997 points or nearly 13 percent. The worst point drop on record and worst turn since the 1987 financial crisis.

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Texas Being Their Own Country Would Be Great... They are a FAILED STATE and the USA Spends a Lot of Money Solving Their Problems. FEMA, Welfare, Food Stamps, Border Security... If They were a Separate Country We Could Simply IGNORE THEM!

Make Washington DC and Jefferson States... We Can Keep the 50 Star Flag if we Simply Threw Texas and Florida OUT! 

State of Jefferson and Washington DC - map of the USA
State of Jefferson and Washington DC
Added - Texas and Florida GTFO!
 - New map of the USA

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    During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

    During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


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