Did You Know? The Main Way AIDS Was Spread was Gay Men Sex. Women Having Sex With Other Women Was NOT a Major Vector. Later, some Men who Got AIDS From Other Men Spread Their Disease To Women because They Had Sex With Both Men and Women... That's History. Learn... OR DON'T!
Everyone Has The Option of Pretending Reality Does Not Exist but... That FAILS! and Sometimes Beliefs Are Fatal...
The Quilt was conceived in November of 1985 by long-time San Francisco gay rights activist Cleve Jones. Since the 1978 assassinations of gay San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone, Jones had helped organize the annual candlelight march honoring these men. While planning the 1985 march, he learned that over 1,000 San Franciscans had been lost to AIDS. He asked each of his fellow marchers to write on placards the names of friends and loved ones who had died of AIDS. At the end of the march, Jones and others stood on ladders taping these placards to the walls of the San Francisco Federal Building. The wall of names looked like a patchwork quilt.
The Sutro Baths in San Francisco 1896
Headline: San Francisco Banning Public Sex: (4/10/1984)
After more than a year of controversy over homosexual public meeting places that critics say contribute to the spread of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), city public health director Mervyn F. Silverman today announced steps to ban sexual activity in homosexual bathhouses, sex clubs and the back rooms of bookstores...
"If they're going to send some 1984 Orwellian 'Big Brother' goons in there to see what people are doing, that's fine with me, but it's closing me down," said Bill Jones, owner of Sutro Baths, where heterosexuals and homosexuals often gather for anonymous sexual activity...
AIDS Gives PRIDE a Whole Different Flavor...
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on a Related Subject...
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Guns Do Not Save Lives. Suicides and Accidents Outnumber Lives Saved Shooting "Bad Guys"
I saw a post on GAB by a Soldier In Iraq at 18 Years Old... They Were Opposing the Age Limit Change from 18 to 21 Years Old for Assault Weapons...
Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right. Sending an 18 Year Old to Fight in Iraq was Insane... Selling an AR-15 to an 18 Year Old is ALSO Insane... Remember: Iraq had No WMD, No Ties to Al-Qaeda and Nothing at All to do with 9/11... That Entire War was an IDIOT MISTAKE! As Green Day Said: George Bush the Son was The American Idiot. and Here's a Photo of the entire EVIL CREW...
On FaceBORG:
SE Eaid: Some people are saying that if 18-year-olds can be in the military, they should be allowed to purchase an assault rifle. I think these people must not understand that 18-year-olds in the military have strict training and supervision. An 18-year-old soldier using an assault rifle in the line of duty is not at all the same thing as some random 18-year-old civilian walking into a gun store and purchasing an assault rifle with zero knowledge or training. It blows my mind that anyone would think they are the same.
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and then I Read on FaceBORG:
I think it's important to understand something concerning the nature of giving in the Christian faith. You see when Jesus saw someone who was in need of anything, whether it was something as small as bread or fish to eat or perhaps even something more like an act of healing that would set the sufferer free, he didn't ask that person if they were ready to "get right with God" or even condemn them for the life they led before. No, Jesus acted with one intention, and that, was love. He always gave to the needy 1st and then offered them a new life, but did not force it, he simply offered. And this simple process of loving 1st is something that has been lost in the evangelical world today, and even with those who profess the faith in leadership roles, especially in public office. It's not our jobs as Christians to withhold the good in order to coerce the people into believing what we believe. No, and it's not our job to shame people who live different lives than we do either. No, the only command we as believers are supposed to adhere to is, love thy neighbor. Not shame thy neighbor, not hate thy neighbor or badger or ridicule thy neighbor. Love thy neighbor. Anything less is simply, un-Christian.
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