Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Let's Ban Alcohol Ads on TV. We Banned Tobacco Ads and That Worked! Everyone Knows That Alcohol is Dangerous... Keep it Legal but STOP Promoting Use.

The Main Trouble with Those TV Ads Is:
I'm an Alcoholic and Those Ads Make Me want to Drink. We Have Delivery Service Here and I Could Simply Order Online! So Two or Three Times an Hour I'm Tempted... 

Crown Royal promises a Psychedelic Trip in their TV ADS
It Appears That Crown Royal is Promising a Psychedelic Experience...
Drink and You'll Go to "Pepperland" in a Yellow Submarine Just Like the Beatles Did!
That's Simply Not True...
They are Just Encouraging People to Drink More and that Leads to Brain Damage, Liver Damage and Automobile Crashes... DUI Tickets and Eventually Death... But That's Balanced Out by all the Bad Decisions that Lead to Unwanted Children... 
BOGUS Alcohol Ad - Misleading - Could Cause Harm - meme by gvan42
It's Damn Unlikely that You will become "The Most Interesting Man in the World." More Likely You Will Become Just Another Loudmouth Drunk... and a Menace to Society... maybe get in a Fight...

We don't see Tobacco Ads on TV anymore... Because WE, as a Society, Refused to Allow Obvious Poison on TV.
We don't see Tobacco Ads on TV anymore...
Because WE, as a Society,
Refused to Allow Obvious Poison on TV.

Psych-Meds TV Advertisements - Totally Creepy!
Notice the Side Effects Printed in Tiny Letters 

Let's Stop Advertising Prescription Drugs... and Non Prescription Drugs as Well... Who Benefits from these Advertisements? NOT THE VIEWERS... NOT PATIENTS...

Corporations make money selling Alcohol, Drugs and so do the TV Networks... Corporations that have a Horrible Track Record of Abusing People... Remember The Massive Lawsuit that Purdue Pharmaceuticals Lost about Oxycontin? Killing People, Causing Addiction... Billions of Dollars... and The People that Caused the Nationwide Crisis Got To Keep Millions of Dollars... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Ronald Hadley Stark & The Brotherhood of Eternal Love... One Kilogram of Liquid LSD

Stark told them that he had a mission to use LSD in order to: “facilitate the overthrow of the political systems of both the capitalist West and communist East by inducing altered states of consciousness in millions of people.”

The Brotherhood was impressed, and the Golden Era of cheap, high-quality LSD began. From then on through to 1973, Stark and the Brotherhood dosed almost an entire generation of America’s youth.

Ronald Hadley Stark - Brotherhood of Eternal Love - meme

Here's an Interesting Radio Show that was broadcast from Foothill Junior College near San Jose, CA in the 1990s. David Emory Inherited Mae Brussel's Show when she died... 

Program Title: 
The C.I.A. and L.S.D. / produced by David Emory.


Documentaries about U.S. intelligence agencies and the military's development and popularization of LSD for their own purposes.

r.1. pt.1. The influence of the CIA on the cultural and intelligence figures who helped popularize the use of LSD in the 1960's (13:36) ; pt.2. Captain Al Hubbard as an agent : Humphrey Osmond, Aldous Huxley, Louis Jolyon West and Jack Ruby (13:39) ; pt.3. Louis Jolyon West's work on LSD for the CIA : Aldous Huxley, Ken Kesey, Timothy Leary (12:44) ; pt.4. The CIA and Timothy Leary (11:20) ; pt.5. The Brotherhood of Eternal Love : Timothy Leary and William Mellon Hitchock (12:08) -- r.2. pt.1. Brotherhood of Eternal Love : manufacturer and world distributor of LSD (13:03) ; pt.2. Ronald Hadley Stark : U.S. intelligence supplies the Brotherhood of Eternal Love (13:14) ; pt.4. The world and work of Ronald Haldey Stark (14:19) ; pt.5. Ronald Hadley Stark and the underworld of intelligence agents (13:46) -- r.3. pt.1. Ronald Hadley Stark and American intelligence (12:37) ; pt.2. Ronald Hadley Stark and Timothy Leary (12:26) ; pt.3. Timothy Leary's international flight in the 1970's : the CIA denys involvement with LSD (12:56) ; pt.4. CIA's attempts to distribute LSD : efforts to blunt political activism (12:20).

These terms will not bring up a complete list of all items in our catalog associated with this subject. Click here to search our entire catalog.

Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1990.
PRA metadata viewPRA metadata view
This recording is currently on a 1/4” reel tape and has not been digitally preserved. If you would like to contribute to the cost of transferring this recording, and receive your own personal copy on CD, please complete this form and we will return your request with pricing information. You will hear from an archive staff member once your request has been researched. We can also be reached by phone at 800-735-0230. 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

and on FaceBORG I Said:
The Johnny Depp Amber trial is a Classic Example of The Fall of the Roman Empire: "Bread and Circuses" - THIS is the Circus that's designed to Distract Attention from The Reality that Western Civilization is Collapsing...

And Biff Rose Replied:
you know better than that oh Saint Gregory II.....that ol' cliche about The Fall of the Roman Empire....everyone knows there was a transition....bridged over and re-glued Saint Augustine's BEST SELLER....1500 years on the NY Times Best Seller list...." The City of God"... where the "Rome's Caesar" was renamed "The Pope" and the Roman Senators were all re-named Cardinals and Bishops....and the Vestal Virgins were re-named nuns.........and the mystical "God of the Army" was shifted from MITHRAS whose birthday was Dec 25th to Jesus whose birthday was shifted to Dec much..OR MOST of "that Old Time religion" was continued intact..just like NOW as N.O.W..... the New Order of the Word...where the Roman Empire CONTINUES thru "Caesar CZAR" Vlad Putin...and Moscow the THIRD ROME arising...petulant as a kid...blocking food for the world's poor.....unless the old dead..dying and corrupt WEST Hollywood... release some of those great and totally decadent fleshpot flicks Czar Putin likes to watch late at nite before halting another shipment of grain to Sri Lanka,,WTF's WRONG witchoo Saint Greg?
You know damn well every thousand years there's a BIGGIE to satisfy and tittylate yo' Tupac....a THOU years ago it was the eastern Orthodox SCHISM where the original Nicaean Creed ( the Apostle's Creed of 325 a.d....) was re-invoked where grace PROCEEDS from the FATHER...some Monks in the 6th century I read inserted "and the SON" and so the gospel read "Grace proceeds from the Father, AND THE Son and the Holy Spirit".....SPIRIT used to be GHOST but as the tired and waning West's white male.........began losing it in Nam......grace began proceeding from a FATHER MACHO dude once more and the Patriarch Kyrill in Moscow has blessed that move by coronating Czar Putin whose gonna beat the WEST cuz he's ONE with the FATHER fig...the WEST meanwhile keeps praying to the SON GUY....the fall guy come riding in on the silver stallion...from Calvary to the cavalry....Czar Putin meanwhile keeps dangling the Atomic Carrot over the heads and those GIVING head in the WEST'S Hollywood...

and I Replied:
and today the verdict was read... She got fined 15 Million for lying about Johnny Beating her up and He Got fined for Lying about How it was all a Hoax... She Called the cops, they found nothing wrong... so she threw wine all over the living room and tipped over some furniture AS IF there had been a Fight... and She Called the Cops again... and They Found Nothing Wrong Again... BUT... When Johnny said That action was a Hoax... the Jury awarded her 2 Million... because they didn't think it was a HOAX... it was Just another day in Paradise!

Colorful Pattern by gvan42 purple64ets

768 Javascript Series by gvan42 purple64ets

768 Javascript Series Business Card Shape by gvan42 purple64ets

768 Javascript Series by gvan42 purple64ets

768 Javascript Series business card shape by gvan42 purple64ets
Looks Like a Flower... a Digital Flower That is!

Ask your Doctor - Mushroom meme - gvan42 purple64ets

Here's a Great Song That I'm Playing 
while Posting on this Blog...

and the Movie: Magic Trip by Ken Kesey...

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