Did You Know? Bovine Growth Hormone has CHANGED the Humans That Drink the Milk, Eat the Cheese & Meat... The FOOD CHAIN IS REAL! Look at the people you know and then look at photographs from 50 years ago... Big difference...

That FREEDOM Guy Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Geometric Mushroom Clipart!

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and now for something completely different!
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When I Read Opinions Written by People That Have Absolutely NO Understanding of a Subject, I Report 'em to the FaceBORG Brain Police, and Block 'em So I'll Never Read What They Have to Say Again... I'm Just Doin' My Part to Clean Up the Internet!
What If Everyone Took Action to Eliminate CrazyTalk® Everywhere? Every Social Media Platform has a Way to Report QAnon FREAKS and Block Them!
Wikipedia Proved that Most People Prefer Truth... Anyone May Post Anything and Everyone May Delete False Statements... Only Brainwashed TrumpNiks® Howl About Freedom of Speech When They Really Want Freedon to LIE...
I Have Noticed a Trend. Many Republicans are Totally in Favor of YOU OBEYING THEM. They will make all the Decisions and Pass Laws That Make YOU Do What they Tell You To Do...
If We Are to "Make America Great Again" there must have been a Time When America Was Great! 1775? 1848? 1969? 1999? This Morning?
The America of 1848 in the South was the Ideal Time and Place for the People Shouting The Slogan "Make America Great Again." We Had Slavery, Which allowed White People to Live a Work Free Life... Women did not have the right to VOTE. Homosexuality did not exist, No Hippies and NO TRAFFIC Jams! Orientals Lived in the Orient. Mexicans Lived in Mexico, Tejas or California...
Staircase in the Movie Gone With The Wind... That Era Was a LOT Better Than Living in a Double Wide Mobile Home... and Working at a Gas Station...
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Did You Know That Most Mindless Vegetables Vote for Republicans... I have Verified This in Real Life. People with Extreme Dementia or are Actually in a Coma often Have Their Children Fill Out The Ballot Without Their Noticing... and Usually the Type Of Weasel That Would Commit Fraud While Voting are Members of the QuackAnon GOP Party... Total Sleaseballs!
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However, I Too Enjoy Stating My Own Opinion About Subjects I Know Nothing About... Join the Fun! Be a PUNDIT!
For Example: I Know Nothing About Sub Atomic Physics and Yet, In My Humble Opinion, CERN Has Been Almost a Complete Waste of Money... NOTHING Learned There Has Been of Any Value to Anyone... Supposedly, They Found the God Particle! Well, SO FREAKING WHAT! Really... If You Can Explain HOW That Has Made a Difference, GO RIGHT AHEAD... The Comments Section is Down at the Bottom of the Page... You Can't!
However, Tim Burners-Lee Invented the World Wide Web while working there... The Hyperlink is a Way to Organize Pages of Information that he was Involved With at CERN... and We ALL are Glad He Did...
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Did You Know that Congress Often Pass Laws Without Having any Understanding... For Example: Medicinal Psychedelics are Illegal in the USA. Doctors and Patients are Forbidden from Making their Own Treatment Decisions... Did the Congress Have any Understanding of MEDICINE? NO...
They Based Their Decisions on Advice Given by "Big Pharma" Who Wanted to Make their Competition Illegal so they Could Sell More of their Own PsychMeds... After All, If a Patient Becomes CURED they a Customer is Lost...
Some People have Gone on Healing Journeys to Peru to Take the DMT that the Indians have been Using for Thousands of Years... Ayahuasca Tourism
It would be VASTLY Safer for the Consumer if Psychedelics were Legal and Subject to FDA Oversight... Having Quality and Doseage Regulated would prevent Many "Trips" to the Emergency Room.
Bribery and Corruption of Elected Officials has been Made Legal by a Law Named "Citizens United" - That Allows Rich People to Donate Unlimited Amounts of Money to Untraceable Campaign Political Action Commities... Organizations that can Buy TV ADS for Candidates without the Candidate being Involved in Justifying the Source of the Money...
For Example: The Country RUSSIA Donated Money to the NRA which Paid for Donald Trump Campaign Advertisements...
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AN ADDICT FELL IN A HOLE and couldn’t get out.
A businessman went by and the addict called out for help. The businessman threw him some money and told him to buy himself a ladder. But the addict could not buy a ladder in this hole he was in.
A doctor walked by. The addict said, “Help! I can’t get out!” The doctor gave him some drugs and said, “Take this. It will relieve the pain.” The addict said thanks, but when the pills ran out, he was still in the hole.
A well-known psychiatrist rode by and heard the addict’s cries for help. He stopped and asked, ” How did you get there? Were you born there? Did your parents put you there? Tell me about yourself, it will alleviate your sense of loneliness.” So the addict talked with him for an hour, then the psychiatrist had to leave, but he said he’d be back next week.
The addict thanked him, but he was still in the hole. A priest came by. The addict called for help. The priest gave him a Bible and said, “I’ll say a prayer for you.” He got down on his knees and prayed for the addict, then he left. The addict was very grateful, he read the Bible, but he was still stuck in the hole.
A recovering addict happened to be passing by. The addict cried out, “Hey, help me. I’m stuck in this hole!” Right away the recovering addict jumped down in the hole with him. The addict said, “What are you doing? Now we’re both stuck here!!” But the recovering addict said, “Calm down. It’s okay. I’ve been here before. I know how to get out.”
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"The Path Forward" - 20 Simple Suggestions for Making the World a Better Place to Live...
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1. Tax the Rich, Cut Taxes for the 99%. All that Extra Money in People's Paychecks will Bubble
UP Throughout The Entire Economy. Raise the Minimum Wage to $15.00 and Increase All
Social Security Checks by 15% - People WILL
Spend that Extra Money at American
Businesses Causing Higher Profits... and
Increased Hiring to Handle the New Customers. EVERYBODY WINS!
2. Gerrymandering Allows Unpopular
Candidates to Serve in Elected Offices. By
Drawing Crazy Lines on a Map We Have Insane Monsters Represent Minority Viewpoints. A
Tool That Has Allowed the Republican Party to Rule... UNTIL 2020... In That Election Trump
Backlash Caused the Democrats to WIN The
House, Senate and Presidency.
A Total Rejection of Trump AND His Evil
3. Trump's EPA=Enable Polluters Agency. Let
FLIP The Mission to Protecting the
Environment! Do It For The Children!
4. End Federal Subsidies for Oil and Gas. Start Subsidizing Solar and Wind. Create a "Manhattan Project" to Do Basic Research into
Better Batteries... and Solar Powered
Desalinization... We Need Clean Drinking Water...
5. Increase Federal Spending on Our Crumbling Infrastructure. We Can Pay For It By Cutting
Defense Spending In Half. Remember: Since
1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The
USA. NOT EVEN ONCE. All Those Taxpayer
Dollars are Just BOGUS Welfare for The Military Industrial Complex...
6. Start Training Classes For the Police So They
Stop Murdering Unarmed Black People. This One Simple Trick Will Save Billions of Dollars Currently Wasted on Rebuilding Cities from Riots! There
Simply Will Not BE Riots! and No Million Dollar Settlements With the Family
of the Murder Victim. DUH!
$12 Million Awarded to Breonna Taylors Family
AND Countless Millions Spent on Riot Control...
The Police Don't Work For Free!
7. Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free
All the Cannabis Prisoners. Use the Empty Jail
Cells as a Homeless Shelter. Just Remove the
Bars and They are Already Set Up With Food, Medicine, Showers, a Library and Basketball
Court! This Would Cause a Massive INCREASE
In Voluntary Taxes and a Massive DECREASE in Government Spending... EVERYBODY WINS!
8. Fund Basic Research into Fighting
Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome. It's
an Epidemic! Destroying The USA By The Blood Sucking
Leeches of the Ruling Class... This
Mental Health Disease Manifests Itself By The
Super Rich Purchasing Senators and
Congressmen That Pass Laws Benefitting the
Super Rich... at The Expense of 99% of
The only Solution I Can Think of
is #FRANCE1789... #OccupyWashingtonDC
There is a CrazyLaw® Called Citizens United
That Needs to Be Reversed... It Legalizes
Bribery of Politicians... WITH NO RECORD of
Who Spent What... Enabling Russian Funding
of The NRA and the GOP...
9. #ImpeachBrett #ImpeachAmy - Remove
Bratt Kava Kava NOOGIE from the Supreme
Court. Remove Amy Too... No Reason Needed...
Just Have the House File Impeachment
Charges and The Senate Convict Them...
Before They Do Any More Damage to the USA...
10. Allow ARREST of a Sitting President by the Department of Justice... There is a DOJ
OPINION that Says We Cannot
Indict a Sitting President...
That's a Crazy Idea...
In Effect, It Made Crime Legal for
and His Friends... #fuBARR is a
Co-Conspirator... It's Just an Opinion...
The Supreme Court Has NOT Ruled That
It's VALID...
11. Overturn Citizens United. Remove Bribery
From US Elections...
12. End the Electoral College. Most Americans
Prefer Majority Rule... The Electoral College
George Bush The Son and Donald Trump The Insane...
13. Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let
Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves
What Treatment is Best. Get Corrupt
Lawmakers OUT of Medicine... They Are
Just Puppets of Big Pharma. The GOAL of
Pharmaceutical Corporations is PROFIT, NOT HEALTH.
14. We Could Provide Shelter for Homeless
People in the Unused Jail Cells that Once
Were Used to Incarcerate Cannabis Prisoners...
Once you remove the Bars, a Jail Cell has a
Bed, Food, Medicine, Showers, a Library and
Exercise... Everything Needed to Rebuild a Life...
15. Get Vaccines for Your Children. They Save
Lives. Not Just Your Own Children's Life but
Everyone In The Community.
16. End Trump's Trade War With China. That
Would Let American Farmers Sell Them More Food...
17. Let's Cut the Budget for NSA Spying on
Americans And CIA, FBI, DIA, DARPA and EIEIO
Programs... Those Program has Proved to be
Useless and a Fundamental Invasion of
Privacy... a Violation of the Fourth Amendment
to the Constitution...
Hey, If You're a Freaking NARC, UckFay OuYay...
18. Wear Masks, Practice Social Distancing
19. It Ought to be Illegal for People to Go on
TV and Call for Murdering Other People. Like
Steve Bannon, Rude Julie Anna and Trump's
Lawyer Joe DiGenova Did.
20. Net Neutrality. Let the Internet be a Level
Playing Field.
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Chapter ZERO:
in Which Billy and Sally Go to Portugul in Search of Legal Drugs...
Sally Said: "I'm gonna Do Some Online Research before we go so We'll Know What's Going On!"
Billy Said: "Good Plan... Sure Wouldn't Want to Spend a Fortune on Airplane Tickets and Then Find Out We'd be Better Off at Home"
---> and Sally Did the Research and Found Out That While Possession of Small Amounts of Drugs IS LEGAL, Dealing is Illegal... SO... If they Went to Portugal It Might be Difficult to FIND a Dealer Who Wanted to Sell to Tourists. <---
She Said: "You Know, Billy, Since We Already are Here in California... We'd be Better Off Buying Marijuana Cookies and Bags of Weed in the Retail Stores... and Cookies & Coffee Get me as Stoned as I Really Want to Get... So... Portugal is Out."
---> and here are the Articles <---
Portugal decriminalized the public and private use, acquisition, and possession of all drugs in 2000; adopting an approach focused on public health rather than public-order priorities.
They Recriminalized Large Quantities of Drugs in 2008... The Supreme Court of Justice took the position, by judgment of reestablishing the crime of drug use when the quantity detected exceeds the average individual use for a period of ten days.
SO... Dealers Can be Arrested but Users Are not... Interesting!
A 2015 study found that the social costs of drug use in Portugal fell 12% between 2000 and 2004, and 18% by 2010. While the former figure was largely driven by the reduction in drug-related deaths, the latter was linked to a ‘significant reduction’ in costs associated with criminal proceedings for drug offences and lost income of individuals imprisoned for these offences.51
Portugal has set a positive example for what can be done when drug policies prioritise health rather than criminalisation. At the turn of the century, Portugal was facing a crisis, including high levels of HIV infection among people who use drugs. Many impacts of reform were felt immediately: new HIV infections, drug deaths and the prison population all fell sharply within the first decade.
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Then Billy asked: "What About Amsterdam? I've Heard It's Great!"
And Sally Replied: "Let's Find Out!" and Started Doing some Research...
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MORE TO COME! as soon as I think up the next paragraph...