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Remember Roe V Wade and Vote Democratic in November. Trump's Evil Minions Must Be Stopped Before They Outlaw Birth Control... That's the GOP PLAN!

Pro Choice Button

 We Must Fight Against EVIL! 

Remember Roe V. Wade and Vote Democratic in November meme

Remember Roe V Wade and Vote Democratic in November. Trump's Evil Minions Must Be Stopped Before They Outlaw Birth Control...

Pro-Choice Wins Nationwide! Republicans Chose the Wrong Side of this issue as The Vast Majority of Americans are In Favor of Freedom. It's A Massive Blue Wave...

Republicriminals Say: "Women Should Just Do What They Are Told To Do. Old White Men Know What's Best for Everyone. OBEY!" Thankfully, The Vast Majority of Americans are PRO-CHOICE! and We Will Beat the GOP in 2024...

The GOP is Anti-Choice. They Want You to Believe That They are Pro-Life But That's a Lie... What's the Difference? Anti-Choice Takes No Action at All to Protect Children from Gun Violence in Schools... Anti-Choice says: We Will Spend NO Taxpayer Dollars on Free Food for Students...

Can You Imagine What Kind of Sick Person WOULD NOT FEED A HUNGRY CHILD???

What Did Trump DO to Make Your Life Better? ANYTHING??? ANYTHING AT ALL??? Go Ahead... Name Something He Actually Accomplished... You CAN'T! He's a Total Failure...

Yes, tRUMP Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law... HJ RES 40... and Yes, He Signed the Tax Cut for the Rich Law... But Did Either of those Actions Make YOUR LIFE BETTER???

On January 6th Trump Failed to Overthrow the USA and Crown Himself King. THAT'S TREASON. Is the Punishment for that Crime Still Execution?

If We Put him in PRISON... That Would Send a Message to Future Madmen that Want to Crown Themselves King... DON'T DO THAT! You'll Lose and Get LOCKED Da F*CK UP! For Years...

IF You're Lucky... Maybe "Old Sparky" at Sing Sing is Waiting for YOU...

GUNS DO NOT SAVE LIVES. Owning a Gun Makes your Family Less Safe. Suicide, Accidents and Intentional Murder of Other Family Members VASTLY Outnumber the Lives Saved by Protecting Your Family from Bad Guys.

However, Most People Refuse to Notice Reality... It Would be Truly Sad If Someone Put Their Own Family in Danger Just Because they Believed a Lie.

When I was just a baby, my mama told me
"Son, always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns"
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die
When I hear that whistle blowin', I hang my head and cry...
"Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash

Turn in Your Firearms to the Police Before Someone Gets Hurt... It's Simple.

Remember: Many Criminals Steal Their Guns During a Burglary of Your Home. Surrender Firearms to the Police Before Your Gun is Used to Kill Someone and then is Traced Back to You...

Every Police Department Will Help you get Rid of Guns. Some even Offer to Pay You! Contact Your Local Police for How To Instructions. Call Them BEFORE You Go So they Won't Be Afraid of You When You Appear at the Station with a Gun...

If Your Plan of Owning a Gun to Defend Your Family WORKED IN REALITY I Would Be In Favor of it. But Sadly, It Doesn't. "Conclusions: Guns kept in homes are more likely to be involved in a fatal or nonfatal accidental shooting, criminal assault, or suicide attempt than to be used to injure or kill in self-defense."

In the national debate over gun violence—a debate stoked by mass murders such as last December’s tragedy in a Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school—a glaring fact gets obscured: Far more people kill themselves with a firearm each year than are murdered with one.

You May Simply take any Guns in Your Possession to the police and they will dispose of them. Here is How.

People should also know that if they have a gun – legally registered or not – that they want to get rid of and make sure it doesn’t end up on the street, they can contact the police. We’ll take the gun, and as long as it has not been used in a crime, they won’t face any penalties for possessing it.

Here is A How To Article from the Newspaper:

Watching FOX News is Dangerous to Your Health. It Causes High Blood Pressure, Stroke or Heart Attack. Why Look at Screaming Heads Shouting DANGER DANGER About Subjects That You Can't Do Anything About? Ask Yourself: Has Believing Lies Made My Life Better?

Change The Channel... My Own Father Used to Yell At The TV Set... Their Entire Marketing Plan is HATE SPEECH FOR PROFIT... Don't Be a Sucker, Unplug Tucker!

American History: I knew Mike Johnson. He was Killed by a Crazed Gun Nut. Mike was working as a San Jose Policeman and He was responding to a Domestic Violence Call and the Gun Nut Killed Mike... and then the Other Policemen Killed the Gun Nut... I Liked Mike... SO... Your F*cking Second Amendment Freaks Can OWN Mike's Death...

American History: Guns cause 10 students murdered by gun at Texas High School.
Remember: Thoughts and Prayers Accomplish Nothing.

Let's outlaw guns, collect them and melt them for a cheap domestic source of steel. We could reduce the amount of steel imported by simply recycling guns. That would not only save lives but allow teachers and students the freedom to focus their attention on Reading, Writing and Arithmatic. Instead of Making American History by organising giant anti-gun protest marches they could be Studying American History.

It is possible that the Second Amendment to the Constitution is obsolete. Maybe owning guns is simply too dangerous for American Citizens... How many children need to die before we wake up?

Secret Trick to Life: Learn How To Do a FACT CHECK Online. That Way People CAN'T Lie to You. Because You Refuse To Believe Their Lies...Simply Type the Words "Fact Check" and the Statement You Want to Verify... Read the Results... It Can Be Quite Eye Opening!

Music Video: Did You Ever Notice Reality? by Greg Vanderlaan

In 2017 Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law - #MAGAKillers Suck

This joint resolution nullifies the “Implementation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007” - rule finalized by the Social Security Administration on December 19, 2016. The rule implements a plan to provide to the National Instant Criminal History Background Check System the name of an individual who meets certain criteria, including that benefit payments are made through a representative payee because the individual is determined to be mentally incapable of managing them.

(Current law prohibits firearm sale or transfer to and purchase or possession by a person who has been adjudicated as a mental defective.)

NOW, A Person That is Getting Social Security Disability FOR INSANITY Can Have That Fact Erased from a Gun Background Check.

Trump Overturned the longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by the mentally ill.

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