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The Men Who Raised Gasoline Prices: CEOs Darren Woods, Michael Wirth and Bernard Looney. Causing Astonishing Profits for ExxonMobil, Chevron and BP. Biden to Meet With Them Next Week. Hey Joe: Tell 'em to STOP PRICE GOUGING!

Headline: Biden administration invites oil CEOs to meeting next week on gas prices... (6/16/2022)

The Energy Department sent an invitation to oil industry executives Wednesday night to meet next week to discuss high gas prices, an official familiar with the matter tells CNN.

The official said the invitation went out to the same seven oil companies to which President Joe Biden wrote a letter on Tuesday: Marathon Petroleum, Valero Energy, ExxonMobil, Phillips 66, Chevron, BP and Shell. 

Headline: House approves bill to combat gasoline ‘price gouging’  - May 19th, 2022

A closely divided House approved legislation Thursday to crack down on alleged price gouging by oil companies and other energy producers as prices at the pump continue to soar.

A bill backed by House Democrats would give President Joe Biden authority to declare an energy emergency that would make it unlawful to increase gasoline and home energy fuel prices in an “excessive” or exploitative manner. The bill directs the Federal Trade Commission to punish companies that engage in price gouging.

“At a time when people across the country are feeling the pinch at the gas pump, Congress needs to be doing all it can to bring down costs for American families,″ said Rep. Kim Schrier, D-Wash., who co-sponsored the bill.

She called it “infuriating” that spikes in gas prices were “happening at the same time that gas and oil companies are making record profits and taking advantage of international crises to make a profit. This must stop.″

The measure was approved, 217-207. Republicans unanimously opposed the bill, along with four Democrats.

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