Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

The GOP SAYS OBEY: Simply Do What They Tell You To Do! Let the Old White Men Make All Decisions and Don't Worry about Making Choices Yourself... THAT'S INSANE! LET'S KEEP ABORTION LEGAL INSTEAD!

Keep Abortion Legal Protest

Keep Abortion Legal - free coloring book art by gvan42
Keep Abortion Legal 
free coloring book art by gvan42

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Copy Cat Alert! Trump Didn't Even Hire His Own Slogan Writers... He Just Stole From Ronald Reagan's Campaign... 

Ronald Reagan's Campaign Slogan "Let's Make America Great Again"

"Let's Make America Great Again"

If America is to become Great AGAIN, there Has to Be a YEAR When it Was Great to BEGIN WITH! 

I Wonder, When Exactly Was He Speaking Of?

Was 1848 in the American South the Perfect Time? Slavery Was Legal and That Allowed Plantation Owners to Live a Work Free Life. Women Did Not Have the Right to Vote. Gays Did Not Exist... and No Hippies! 

Reagan Bush Let's Make America Great Again Button 1980 - Campaign Slogan - gvan42

Of Course, Members of QAnonGOP Always See Themselves are Rhett Butler from the Movie "Gone With the Wind." They Never See Themselves as Jed Clampett, a Poor Mountaineer That Barely Kept His Family Fed... With a "Barefoot and Pregnant" Wife... 

Keep Abortion Legal Protest March
Keep Abortion Legal Protest March
Keep Abortion Legal Protest March at the SCOTUS

And then When Donald Trump did his Copy Cat Slogan Hijacking... His Favorite Time When America Was Best was 1775... We Had a King! and Donald Wishes We Had a Time Machine so he could Go Back Then and He Would Be the King!

Trump's Second Favorite Time was "The Fifties" when "Father Knows Best" and "Happy Days" were Perfect Examples of American Life... No Back Talking Women's Libbers, Abortion was Illegal, The Pill had not been invented, No Hippies, Blacks "Knew their Place" and we were free to Hire Mexicans at Half the Wages Americans Worked for... and Most Importantly... ELVIS WAS KING! and The Beatles Didn't Exist!  

SO... What to Do? Campaign for Democrats Nationwide or The GOP Will be Writing Laws that YOU Will Have to OBEY or the'll Lock You UP!

Help Democrats Running for Congress by Sharing Their Campaign Websites on Social Media. Simply Copy and Paste the LINK and a Short Description.

It Costs You Nothing... 
Could Save America From Disaster... 
Rainbow Democratic Donkey Logo Rebekah Jones is running against Republican Matt Gaetz for US House of Representatives in Florida. #FreeNestor She's Really Smart and We Need Smart People in the House!

Rebekah Jones for Congress meme Marcus Flowers is the Democrat running to defeat Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in Georgia’s 14th District. Jeffrey Sites is running against Republican Jim Jordan for the US House of Representatives in Ohio.  About Lucy: The most important title that Congresswoman Lucy McBath will ever hold is “Mom.” Katie Porter is serving her second term in Congress, representing California's 45th Congressional District. Once a UC Irvine law professor and nationally-renowned consumer advocate who held Wall Street banks accountable for ripping off California consumers and homeowners during the financial crisis. Running Against Rand Paul... KENTUCKY, IT'S TIME WE STAND TOGETHER. From the hood to the holler, this is about family. There's nothing they can do to stop us when we work together. Gavin is Running for Re-Election as Governor of California. He's Done an Excellent Job So Far. He Might Run for President of the USA in 2024 or 2028... Mark Kelly Says: I’m running for the United States Senate because Washington is broken and Arizonans deserve independent leadership focused on solving the problems we face. When I’m traveling around Arizona with my wife Gabby Giffords, many of you come up to say hello. 

Gary Chambers’ mission in life is Do Good, Seek Justice. He’s been leading the fight for a better, more just Louisiana. Gary is a leading social justice advocate based in Baton Rouge.

Running against Senator John Kennedy... "You Can't Fix Stupid but You Can Vote Him Out."  

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~ Phil Arballo Was Running Against Evil Republican Devin Nunes for the US House of Representatives near Fresno. BUT, DEVIN HAS QUIT POLITICS to Become President of the Trump Media Corporation... WhatEVER... Thanks For Quitting! Now, Move out of California. Just GTFO! Dr. Kermit Jones Says: As a doctor and a veteran, my life has been guided by a series of oaths – to my patients and to our country. Now, I'm running against Republican Tom McClintock to represent the people of California's 4th Congressional District. Charlie Crist is running for Governor of Florida Against Ron Death Santa. Stacey Abrams is running for Governor of Georgia against Brian Kemp... Who Stole the Election Last Time by Throwing Out Democratic Votes... John Fetterman is running for Senator in Pennsylvania. John doesn’t look like a typical politician, and more importantly, he doesn’t act like one. He supported legalizing marijuana before it was popular, officiated a same-sex marriage before it was legal, and pushed for single payer healthcare long before it was mainstream. The issues John is running on now are the same issues he’s been working on for the last two decades. Tim Ryan is a relentless advocate for Ohio’s working families. He’s running for U.S. Senate to cut workers in on the deal. Ohioans are working harder than ever, but they’re falling further behind. In the Senate, Tim will fight to raise wages, make healthcare more affordable, invest in education, rebuild our public infrastructure, and revitalize manufacturing so we can make things in Ohio again. Val Demings is Running for US Senate against Republican Marco Rubio for US Senate in Florida. Ralph Warnock is running to be Re-Elected Senator from Georgia. Republican Candidate is Yet to be Chosen. Sean Casten is a respected scientist, clean energy entrepreneur, and author Jessica Cisneros is fighting to build an America for all of us — no matter who we are, or where we come from. Republican candidate Marina Zimmerman is running against Lauren Boebert in the Colorado Primary for the House of Representatives...  Beto O'Rourke is Running Against Republican Greg Abbott for Governor of Texas. Abbott signed the Crazy Gun Laws that lead to 19 Children being Murdered at a School. Abbott Signed Crazy Abortion Laws. Charlie Crist for Governor of Florida. He is Running Against Ron Death Santa... a QAnon Madman.

There are Plenty of Other Candidates to Promote... Who Will Defeat Republican Ron Johnson from Wisconsin? I Don't Know Yet! 

Remember: If the GOP Wins the House in 2022 they will Impeach Biden. Remember: Biden would not have to Actually Commit an Impeachable Offense...

He would only need to be ACCUSED by Republicriminals! A Majority VOTE!

and then He will Not be Convicted in the Senate. So They will Impeach Him again... and again... and again... Many Many Many Times before the 2024 election... and Biden Will Not Run in 2024... Exhausted by Endless Attacks and OLD AGE.

Maybe the GOP Will Only Impeach Biden Three Times... So He will Hold the Record of the Most times Impeached... after all they will need to Impeach Kamala Harris as well... and SCOTUS Jackson... That way the Speaker of the House Becomes President! and they OUTLAW Voting, Crown Trump King and Pass more Tax Cuts for the Rich Laws, Steal all the Social Security Money, Throw all Old People OFF Medicare, Outlaw Abortion and Birth Control, Rewrite all History Books so White People are always Wonderful and Right! Imprison all the Gays, Declare Jesus is the ONE TRUE GOD... and Send all the Non-White Immigrants Right Back Where they Came From!

Free Coloring Book: Print as Many Copies as You Like and Share With Friends and Color with Felt Pens or Pencils... MORE ART at Google Image Search using the Word: gvan42

gvan42 - robot with a headdress - free coloring book by gvan42
Robot With a Headdress

gvan42 - VW Bus on a Sunny Day - Free Coloring Book by gvan42
VW Bus on a Sunny Day

Friendly Alien in a Flying Saucer - Free Coloring Book by gvan42
Friendly Alien Waving at You.

'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley was sentenced to 41 months in prison for his role in Trump's Failed Attempt to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Himself Czar. January 6th, 2021 at the US Capitol.

Qanon Shaman Found Guilty got 41 Months in Prison - meme - gvan42

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