Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

It's JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! With Biden. Wages are UP! The Stock Market is UP! "America is back to work' --- Thanks, Joe!

It's Jobs, Jobs, Jobs with Biden. Thanks Joe! meme Flag - gvan42
Wages are UP - Thanks Joe chart meme

Everybody Sing Along With Mitch! 
"Happy Days are Here Again" 

and Inflation is Up Too... so those Higher Wages are Eaten Up by Higher Prices... SAD... Corporate Greed is Ruining America... 

What is Actually Causing Inflation? 

DEBUNKED INFLATION CAUSE CLAIM: Federal spending on pandemic relief like stimulus payments, small business loans and childcare credits gave consumers too much spending money, and raised demand and prices for everyone...

However: "Inflation is global. There's been an acceleration of core inflation across every advanced economy, even the ones that did very, very little fiscal relief," he said. "And so I think the evidence linking specific Biden-era policies to the surge in inflation is just really, really weak."

Here is an excellent opportunity to TEST THE Bezos/Musk THEORY... If Prior Government Cash Giveaways ACTUALLY CAUSED Inflation... This one ought to CAUSE inflation ALSO... It's called Science... Repeat the experiment!

Headline: 23 million Californians to get up to $1,050 in "inflation relief" checks

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How to Whip Inflation Now 2022 - Problem: The Ruling Class Has Voluntarily Selected to Raise All Prices. What's the Solution? 
The People That Actually Set Prices at Corporations Do Math to Determine Just How High They Can Set Prices before Customers STOP Buying. The Goal is to Maximize Profits and, if Customers are Not Buying, the Prices are Too High and It's "ROLL BACK" Time. SO... One Way to Motivate them is to SIMPLY STOP BUYING... 
My Personal Boycott is to Stop Shopping at Amazon. I Cancelled my Prime Membership and Haven't Bought Anything in Months... Of Course, This is Not a Big Deal because I Already Have Everything I Want... Jeff Bezos Has Been Behaving Badly Recently and I Refuse to Fund His Plans. 
How to Whip Inflation Now 2022 - by gvan42

Remember: The Trouble With Taking Economics Classes is That You End Up BELIEVING the Fantasies They Teach... Watch the Film "Boom Bust Boom" Instead... MUCH More Insightful... It Starts with a Quote by Alan Greenspan, former Chainman of the Federal Reserve Speaking of the Collapse of The Banking Industry in 2008: "There was a Flaw in the Model I Percieved is the Critical Functioning Structure that Defines How the World Works... So To Speak... " - and That's Why the "Free Free Free Markets Crashed in 2008... He Believed in a Fantasy... and the Banks Lost all their Money... and Obama Magically Replaced the Money for Everyone Except Lehman Brothers... SOMEONE Had to be the Scape Goat... However, CEO Richard Fuld Personally Kept Millions of Dollars and Has Come Back to Play the Stock Market Again... The OCCUPY WALL STREET Movement was In Reaction to This Bailout of the Super Rich... 

Whip Inflation Now - FREE Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Sally Said: "I believe It's Time to Actually DO the Things President Ford Suggested... Carpool, Plant Victory Gardens, Go on a Diet and Buy Less Food, Keep Your Cars a Few Extra Years... You Know, Common Sense Thrift." 

and Billy Said: "Nope. Not for Me... I just got this New Job at Higher Pay and I'm Just Going to Continue Shopping! I Can Afford It!" 

and Sally Replied: "Oh That's Great for YOU but I'm Actually Being Paid LESS than I was Before... Inflation is Greater Than Wage Increase... So The Bottom Line is... When I Go Shopping, I Come Home With Less." 

Boycott Everything Until Prices Go Down - meme - gvan42

Do You Remember When Trump was President and... 
  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) falls 2,997 points, losing 12.9% in its largest point drop ever.[135]

Biden trumpets strong jobs report: 

Jobs Meme

Trump's Stock Market Failure: DJIA: BIGGEST POINT LOSS in The History of the Universe... 
3/16/2020: 2,997 points
MEME Trump Screamer - gvan42

Selling accelerated during the final hours of trading this Monday as the coronavirus task force updated the nation on the crisis. In response to a question, President Trump said the crisis could extend until August.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 2,997 points or nearly 13 percent. The worst point drop on record and worst turn since the 1987 financial crisis.

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Texas Being Their Own Country Would Be Great... They are a FAILED STATE and the USA Spends a Lot of Money Solving Their Problems. FEMA, Welfare, Food Stamps, Border Security... If They were a Separate Country We Could Simply IGNORE THEM!

Make Washington DC and Jefferson States... We Can Keep the 50 Star Flag if we Simply Threw Texas and Florida OUT! 

State of Jefferson and Washington DC - map of the USA
State of Jefferson and Washington DC
Added - Texas and Florida GTFO!
 - New map of the USA

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