The world's biggest four-day work week pilot begins...
The popular Philly nightlife scene is the latest site terrorized by rapid gunfire, with no sign that the GOP in Harrisburg or D.C. will do anything.
Let's Teach ACCURATE HISTORY in School. The GOP is Fighting to Outlaw Truth... Fight Back! Post Accurate History Online... Write Your Own Blog and Publish FACTS!
Writing a Blog that Teaches Accurate American History Would be a Great School Project... Simply DO the Research... Write and PUBLISH... Email Your Report to Everyone You Know and ask Them to Forward it... and... Post a Introductory Paragraph and a LINK to Your Blog on a Dozen Social Networks... It's Easy to FIGHT BACK against the GOP That is Trying to WHITE WASH American History with Tales of Happy Slaves...
Here's a List of Social Networks: Facebook, Parler, GAB, Ello, Mastodon, Minds, Twitter, Deviant Art, LinkedIn, MeWe, Tumblr, Flipboard and Occupy... Remember to add a Picture to Your Posts... People Click on Pictures!
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Keep Abortion Legal. #RUNAWAY from the GOP. They Are Anti-Choice! The #TexasTaliban Just Passed a Law That Forces Women to Have Children Due to RAPE or INCEST.
Should We Storm the Supreme Court? Stage Our Own 1/6 Style Insurrection? Well, I Personally Will Not be Joining the Violet Overgrow but... YOU Will Have to Make Up Your Own Mind on that Question...
We Can March Peacefully in the Streets... We Can VOTE OUT All Republicans... We Can Campaign Online by Liking and Sharing Memes... Here are Over Two Dozen... Remember: In 2016 Putin Proved that Campaigning Online Works... HIS PUPPET WON...
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Keep Abortion Legal reject the #TexasTaliban |
When you Campaign Online, Remember to Keep Your Message Simple. Many Republicans Didn't Do Well in School and Have Difficulty Understanding Basic Ideas... They're DUMB AS ROCKS! So, Write at the Third Grade Level.
Russian Money Was Donated to Trump's PAC in 2019.
Lev Parnas=GUILTY,
Igor Fruman=GUILTY...
Republicans Kevin McCarthy, Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis SAY They WILL DONATE Russian Campaign Contributions to Charity...
In Johann Sebastian Bach's day, Zimmermann's Coffee House in Leipzig was the place to hear new music by some of Europe's top composers. Coffee drinking was all the rage and Zimmermann's was an informal venue where on Friday evenings, Bach would stop in to conduct the Collegium Musicum, or Musical Society, founded by his predecessor Telemann.
Zimmermann's also played a part in the history of Bach's Coffee Cantata (BWV 211), a work that amusingly tells of an addiction to coffee.
Water Ceremony - Group Meditation... Take a Full Glass of Water and Hold it Between your Eyes and The Sun... Say the Sun Prayer... Drink Half the Water... "Great spirits of the sun we call to you this day, we thank you for the blessings of our lives, the lives of our children, and all of our relations we are thankful for our life."and Then... Say a Prayer for the Dirt... and Dump the other Half of the Water on a Plant... "Great Spirits of The Earth. We Call to You On This Day. WE Thank You for your Nurturing and Your Sustenance. and the Ground on Which We Stand. We are Grateful to Be Alive."
Water Ceremony - Group Meditation... Take a Full Glass of Water and Hold it Between your Eyes and The Sun... Say the Sun Prayer... Drink Half the Water...
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