Short Sample of a Session:
'From Anxious to Ahhhh'
a Relaxing Nano Tap.
another Short Session:
LOVE - The Energy That Heals Us:
Mini EFT Tapping Session
This Video is a FULL Tapping Session Plus a Description of What Tapping IS and How It Works... An Introduction for Newcomers...
Let's Suppose That You Truly Believe that Tea Exists... and That Tea Cups Exists... Well, You are Much More Likely to Get a Cup of Tea than Someone who Refuses to Believe in the Possibility of Tea. and...Well, EVERYTHING IS LIKE THAT... Believe that it's Possible for You to ______________ (fill in the Blank) and you have Started on the Path to Achieving _____________ (fill in the Blank) - Teachings of Sonya Sophia
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How I Met Sonya Sophia
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At the Rainbow Gathering in Utah, 2014... I walked from the Welcome Home Kitchen (where I was Staying) to the The Big Shady Spot at Main Meadow. At high elevation, sunburn is a major problem so our campsite was the very best!
I saw a group of people congregating at the Smaller Shady Spot at Main Meadow and I wondered... "What are those people doing?" and Then they all came over to our campsite... A Lady asked me if she could teach a healing seminar at our location... I said "SURE, have fun. I was wondering what the crowd of people was for, and was considering walking over there to find out but you came over here..." and she said: "Sometimes Mohammad goes to the Mountain and sometimes the Mountain Comes to Mohammad." Her name is Sonya Sophia and she taught a seminar of Self Help - Acupressure. We put pressure on locations of out body by tapping lightly with our fingers while she told us reassuring statements and we would all repeat what she said... Like: "I Love and Respect Myself." It was a good seminar and I enjoyed it so much that I took her business card and attended once a week internet sessions.

July 4th OM Chant at California
Rainbow Gathering in Modoc County 2004
Near the Town of Likely...

How to Become AWARE...
Easy Step by Step Instructions.
Go Outdoors and
Find 5 Things You Can See,
Four Things You Can Hear,
Three Things You Can Smell,
Two Things You Can Touch
and One Thing You Can Taste.
Notice That None of these Things
are on Your Computer Screen,
Phone or TV...
Reality Exists...
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Burning Man Wisdom Tale: "The Canteen" - Traditionally,
at Burning Man, You Share Water with People You Meet.
Hand the Canteen to a Person and They Hand it to Another
Person and ALL THE TIME, You are Worrying... "Will there
Be Enough Water FOR ME?" Well, What if YOU DRINK
FIRST and Then Pass the Canteen to Your Friend... That
Way, All that Time You are Enjoying the Pleasure You Gave
Others Without Worrying about Running Out of Water and
Dying of Thirst in the Desert. Remember: Take Some ME
Time First. You deserve it. - Story by Sonya Sophia

Just Bliss Out - MEME

Portrait of an Alien
The Sophia School of Living Arts.
Have you ever asked yourself these questions?
Write down your answers. You can tap on your chest while doing so. You may think that your struggles are only connected with your current self, your personality, or your habits. The truth is that a huge part of our own identity is based on what was modeled for us at the early stage. Some issues are routed in the prenatal period.
These questions are part of the Personal Peace Procedure. You will find them very useful If you intend to thoroughly heal yourself with tapping. Tap #PersonalPeaceProcedure to gather them all.
Age 0-1
1. How did I feel about coming to earth?
2. Was I wanted at birth?
3. Was I wanted as a girl/boy?
4. What were the circumstances of my birth? Any sad or scary incidents preceding my actual birth?
5. What's the story of my birth? Was my mother drugged? Was I born in a hospital? Were there complications?
6. What was the family story that has been told surrounding my birth?
7. Was I breastfed?
8 What was my mom's emotional state during and after pregnancy?
9. Was my father supportive? Was he physically present? What was the state of their marriage?
10. Was my father overwhelmed? Checked out? Did he accept my birth?
#PersonalPeaceProcedure #bareminimum #needs #assertiveness #relationships #relationshiptips #boundaries #bottomlines #nonnegotiables #youdeservebetter #mentalhealth #peoplepleaser #codependency #codependent #wellness #selfcare #codependency #trauma #traumahealing #recovery #addiction #tapping #efttapping #eft #healing #allyouneedislove #sonyasophia #worldtappingcircle
A delightful surprise for me has been seeing how many people are choosing to host Tapping Parties! It first started in the test phase when some young people from Belgium decided to try Tapping with us as a group. Although only one person per Membership can take the live survey form and only that name appears in the live Chat, each person Tapping along still received the relief they needed. All reported excellent results and a deepening of their bonds as friends.
As Tappers we know that sharing the benefits of Tapping is something we all want to do and sometimes struggle with, especially for those we feel most invested in seeing heal. This unexpected outcome makes the World Tapping Circle an easy, accessible option for families, groups, and communities.
Each week people already familiar with EFT are creatively using their memberships to introduce Tapping to friends and family. They’re taking advantage of this easy way to uplift and inspire others by connecting them in a shared experience of Tapping. Imagine the relief you could receive by not having to be the one to explain or lead it.
Here are two more brief accounts of what we are seeing happen, one of which is very personal to me as an EFT practitioner (and the host of the World Tapping Circle).
Case Study 1: The Family
Because I broadcast this event from home, I need space and quiet time for a couple of hours prior to holding space for so many others. This means my husband graciously chooses to go somewhere else, leaving me to my meditations and preparations. For this magic week, he chose to go to my sister’s place. She happened to have my daughter and another friend over for dinner. He was committed to attending the Circle, and offered to use another room. Everyone decided to join in and participate. So for that evening, because he chooses to be a “flagrant Tapper”, four people deeply released many layers of pain and emotional exhaustion. What a blessing — knowing my family members, who may have resisted confronting that level of emotional intensity from me in person, were able to do so at this spontaneous Tapping party. Each was free to say whatever was needed during the session with no pressure from me.
Case Study 2: Multi-Generation WTC Party.
Here is a brief account from Diann, a devoted Tapping Circle member.
You can picture this scene. I am all set up in the family room with the house all to myself. I had set up all the wires and connections so I could see Sonya on the big screen TV. I was Ready to TAP!!
Enter Stage Right – My roommate arrives, with her 20 something friend plus her 13 year old grandson and his teenage friend. They are just returning from video games and a summer action movie. So my idea of a private, in-depth Tapping experience on the big screen was out the window! The boys both asked what I was watching. I told them how cool Tapping is, and how I used EFT to cure my insomnia. To my surprise, rather than wanting their video games or trying it for 5 minutes before moving on to other activities, they both sat down and watched and TAPPED!!
We all Tapped, a totally spontaneous World Tapping Circle party, in front of the big screen TV — 3 generations Tapping together. Both teenagers actually sat through the 60-minute Tap without mocking or distracting. After the Circle was done, they immediately came up with three ways they could use Tapping, everything from problems with a bully to how to release being nervous around girls to performing better in school and at sports. The younger woman, who was completely new to EFT, commented, “Well, I was just using this to stop biting my nails; sounds like I need to go after bigger fish next week.”
Here’s more feedback about the wonderful results of “Tapping Parties” from Hannah, a lovely young artist from Austin, Texas. “We had an EFT party at my house! Four of us set up a comfy area with lots of pillows and Tapped along with the video. Sharing our experiences with one another after the Circle was really fun as it gave us a way to truly connect while uplifting our spirits. After the Circle, we all felt lighter and much more alive.”
If you are not yet a member of The World Tapping Circle try it now! (
photos by @muita_muthee and @womanbepower taken at @unleashmovement
Last week we tapped about enjoying the process of becoming our true selves.
When you accept more of your true self you get to show up differently because it feels natural and safe to be yourself.
Basically, we want to be seen, accepted and loved as ourselves. If you want the world to accept you and love you, start from the inside out. When enough of us do it, it lights up the whole world.
If you want to join us, register at (link in bio). Life sessions take place every Monday evening, all recordings are available to you in the Library section afterward.
Here is a tip and part of my own story:
Self-esteem grows in follow-through.
I feel gratitude welling within me that springs from my soul knowing that I have trusted, again and again.
I’ve discovered new ways to bring more love to this world. I feel proud to have used my time to explore, learn, and develop my skills. I not only believe in myself as a result, now I know how capable I am.
The more closely my life is aligned with love, the more integrity and wholeness I feel. This creates high esteem that I naturally feel for myself and my team.
This is not egotistical arrogance, but a form of trust, respect, and honor. Self-esteem grows in our follow-through.
#selfhealing #healing #selflove #success #tapping #efttapping #eft #workandplay #allyouneedislove #sonyasophia #worldtappingcircle #efttapping #tapitout #selfcareissexy #integrate #elevate #feelemotionalfreedom
Sonya Sophia Will Be at BURNING MAN, Camp MYSTIC August 28 - September 5, 2022. Leading a World Tapping Circle Guided Meditation & Self Healing Workshop...

2022 Burning Man will begin on
August 28 and ends on
September 5
Tuesday, 8/30 - 2-3:30 PM
Wednesday, 8/31 - 12 Noon to 1:45 PM
Saturday, 9/3 - 5 to 6:30 PM
4 H🔥ttest Festival Tips
1. Go deep if you want to fly high! Do some workshops during the day and learn about yourself.
2. Get some sleep. Bring silicone ear plugs (not foam ones) they almost block out the noise.
3. Drink electrolytes daily. Your brain works better when you drink at least 3 packs a day.
4. Don't pack emotional baggage. Nothing ruins play time more than a meltdown over your X, comparing yourself to others, or the fear of losing your lover etc.
Love is the answer. And the challenge is like, how do I take that out of a quote and turn it into my actual living experience? How do I learn to like mainline love and give myself the love, encouragement, self-respect, boundaries, practices, courage, and resiliency emotionally?
Join The World Tapping Circle to clear your past and creat the future that you dream of.
Every Monday 6pm PT/ 8pm CT /9pm ET (
#worldtappingcircle #naturalhealth #naturalhealing #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #acupressure #energy #spirituality #shiftingtheparadigm #tapitout #feelemotionalfreedom #selfcare #selflove #circleuptopowerup #sonyasophia #tappingsolution
In 2012, American researchers assessed 238 first-year college students using the Beck Depression Inventory and found 30 students met the criteria for moderate to severe depression. They were randomly assigned to either an EFT treatment or control group. The EFT group received four 90-minute group sessions of tapping, whereas the control group received nothing. Those who received EFT were found to have significantly less depression three weeks later, with an average depression score in the non-depressed range following treatment, compared to the control group who demonstrated no change in depressive symptoms.(...)
The 11 adults then attended an eight-week, 16-hour group treatment program. This was two hours per week. (...)
The first hypothesis asked whether Clinical EFT resolved major depressive disorder as a diagnosis. The data revealed that while the diagnosis was not completely resolved immediately after eight weeks for everyone, two members no longer met criteria. In addition, all 11 adults no longer met diagnosis for one or more other disorders they had when they started. These were disorders such as social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. So EFT impacted those diagnoses through OUT program too. The second hypothesis asked whether Clinical EFT was effective at reducing the symptoms of major depressive disorder. In several cases individual adults reported clinical differences in symptoms. That is, the difference was enough so that if measured in a clinical setting, it would indicate treatment was successful. Therefore a clinically valid difference was achieved. The third hypothesis asked whether the treatment effects of Clinical EFT were sustained after three months. Improvements were maintained, and many of the group members experienced continual improvement in their symptoms over time.
– The Science Behind Tapping: A Proven Stress Management Technique for the Mind and Body.
The 11 adults then attended an eight-week, 16-hour group treatment program. This was two hours per week. (...)
The first hypothesis asked whether Clinical EFT resolved major depressive disorder as a diagnosis. The data revealed that while the diagnosis was not completely resolved immediately after eight weeks for everyone, two members no longer met criteria. In addition, all 11 adults no longer met diagnosis for one or more other disorders they had when they started. These were disorders such as social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. So EFT impacted those diagnoses through OUT program too. The second hypothesis asked whether Clinical EFT was effective at reducing the symptoms of major depressive disorder. In several cases individual adults reported clinical differences in symptoms. That is, the difference was enough so that if measured in a clinical setting, it would indicate treatment was successful. Therefore a clinically valid difference was achieved. The third hypothesis asked whether the treatment effects of Clinical EFT were sustained after three months. Improvements were maintained, and many of the group members experienced continual improvement in their symptoms over time.
– The Science Behind Tapping: A Proven Stress Management Technique for the Mind and Body.