Owning a Gun INCREASES the Chance of Having an Accident. Suicides increase too... More Family Lives are LOST than Lives SAVED Defending Yourself from the So-Called "Bad Guys."

Bow and Arrow Hunting is a Great Alternative to Using an Assault Rifle to Kill Bambi. It has the potential to turn Hunting into a SPORT.

Of course, I am a Great Supporter of the Second Amendment as written... MUSKETS SHOULD REMAIN LEGAL. When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution... Rifles, Machine Guns, Bazookas, Rocket Launchers and Hand Grenades had not been invented yet AND ARE NOT PROTECTED BY THE SECOND AMENDMENT... 

And anyway, with the invention of Viagra, there is no real need for guns... Limp NRA "Members" can achieve a "Standing" Militia by just eating a Pill! Did you ever read one of those Magazines about Guns? In the back are Endless Advertisements for Erection Help... I guess they know their readers... 

Trump signed the
Law. H.J. Res 40

If you are Getting a Social Security Disability Check FOR INSANITY... That Fact Is No Longer Reported on a Gun Buying Background Check... H.J. Res 40 - Trump Signed That Law in 2017...

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I posted on Facebook:
The Number One Cause of Death by Gunshot is Suicide. That's A Blessing as It Reduces the Number of "Gun Nuts" Alive.

KD Replied: Not a very nice thing to say Greg! You may want to rethink this post or remove it.

BAH Said: Not all gun owners are nuts. Moving to Idaho I discovered most here own them as there is hunting season here. I now own one for the purpose of going to a range to do target shooting. A common sport here and it is fun. We have very little gun crime here. And, I am not a nut.

I Replied: Go right ahead... Risk your life and your families lives... In 2017, 39,773 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S., according to the CDC. Though they tend to get less attention than gun-related murders, suicides have long accounted for the majority of U.S. gun deaths. https://www.pewresearch.org/.../what-the-data-says-about.../

MD Said: According to your rationale, might as well stop driving a car too
Approximately 1.35 million people die in road crashes each year; on average 3,700 people lose their lives every day on the roads. An additional 20-50 million suffer non-fatal injuries, often resulting in long-term disabilities.

I Replied: I don't own a car... I Only leave the house about once every three months and I Use Uber or Lyft... However... Cars provide a useful service... Guns Do Not. Absolutely useless... I truly Believe That the desire to Own Guns is a Genetic Trait. If Your Grandfather Owned Guns and your Father Owned Guns... it's Likely that You and Your Children will Own Guns... There is a "Gun Nut" Gene... and the Human Race would be better off when That Gene Goes Extinct... Did You Notice that Automobile Exhaust is a Major Cause of Climate Change? I have Often Ridden the City Bus to and From Work... It's Great... Especially in Eureka... I walked three City blocks to the Stop, Got On and the Bus Driver woke me up when we got to work... Then On the Ride Home I Chatted with a Pretty Girl that Worked at Costco... You Can't Meet Women if You Drive by Yourself in a Car...

JJ Said: Yeah. That doesn’t work on BART.

I Replied: Many Kind Services like the Bus Driver Watching out for me Fail IN THE CITY... That's The Beauty of Living in Small Town USA. I FLED San Jose in the Late 1990s and Moved to CHICO... and Rode My Bike Everywhere... then in 2001 Went to Humboldt State University in Arcata... It's almost Impossible to Believe that the "Real World" Exists when Living behind the Redwood Curtain... I see on TV That Those People Over There are Behaving Crazy and their Lives Suck... but then I Change the Channel...  

JJ Said: Ya know. This has been debated. Argued. Yelled. Screamed. Legislated.
All ineffectively.
Two reasons.
1. Criminals do not follow any laws.
2. Congress does not want to piss off donors.
Stop and search laws were considered unlegal after implementing due to the overzealous actions of police.
Since this will always occur with military style police departments, it will prove to be ineffective continually unless other legislation is used to describe when and where to use stop and search techniques. You think since we have an all Democratic Congress right now that this would be possible but in fact most elected officials are so incompetent they can’t see through their own fucking glasses to get things done correctly. Actually writing legislature such that in very high crime cities are high crime parts of cities within certain boundaries, stop and search techniques are allowed, and only for the purpose of capturing weapons. Violators are not arrested their weapons are just taken away and they are put on a list that says who they are and what was taken from them. If they get caught a week later with another weapon then you can deal with them legally. But the law can’t just give police carte blanche to stop and search any car anytime anywhere if it’s not in one of the exceptionally high weapon crime areas.
Additional legislation would also be required to stop people with mental problems, histories, and could be even taking a step further that before you become a gun owner, you have to have a psychological profile done. Of course all these open up more and more lawsuits and so it would have to be vetted properly and conducted properly and taking into account the persons history, social media etc.
it also help if there was a database that showed what people were considered irresponsible, racist, volatile and these people are not allowed to have a gun. They would say it’s a violation of their constitutional rights but in fact, if Congress looked at the constitution correctly, they would understand that the purpose of the second amendment was to provide for a quick militia to be available if necessary. It wasn’t intended to let mentally ill criminals or violent people have a gun so they can use it inappropriately. Making that distinction of intent from the constitution is an important part of providing new laws that serve the times that we’re in. But the problem again is that our Congress is too ignorant to actually decipher these realities and propose and pass adequate legislature that takes into account the intent of the militia, which really no longer applies in 2021, and defers gun ownership to people who it is inappropriate for them to have.

The Faces of The Victims... Dead Because Kyle Rittenhouse brought a Gun across state lines to a Protest march... INSANE!

and Yet, Guns Serve no Useful Purpose... Many People BELIEVE That Owning a Gun Will Protect Their Family BUT That Belief is FALSE. More People Die from Suicide, Accidents and One Family Member Killing Another Than There are Lives Saved Protecting Your Family From Bad Guys...  

GUNS DO NOT SAVE LIVES - reality - meme - gvan42

Instead of Hannity, Try Sanity! Why Watch Talking Heads on TV Screaming DANGER DANGER About Problems You Can't Do Anything About? Is That Entertainment? Don't Be a Sucker, Unplug Tucker!

I Refuse to Watch FOX News. In General, What They Talk About Makes No Difference In My Life At All. And If There WAS Something Important, It's On NBC, CBS or ABC.

420 Instead Of Hannity - Try Sanity - meme - gvan42 - like and share worldwide - FUN

The FOX NEWS Marketing Plan is Hate Speech for High Viewer Ratings. CNN & MSNBC Target Different Demographics BUT... I'm Tired of Being a Target! I Read Google News Instead. 

Actually, I Prefer to Take a Walk in the Garden and Photograph Roses... Like This Pink and Coral Blend... AHH

Perfect Pink Rose at Home - gvan42 - Intentionally Search for Beauty
Perfect Pink Rose at Home
I Intentionally Search for Beauty


~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Texas Being Their Own Country Would Be Great... They are a FAILED STATE and the USA Spends a Lot of Money Keeping them Afloat. FEMA, Welfare, Border Security...

Imagine if They Just Solved Their Own Problems instead of always running to Uncle Sam for a Handout?

House Passes Bill to Make Washington DC a State... We Can Keep the 50 Star Flag if we Simply Threw Texas OUT! 


New Map of the 50 United States - Texas Gone - Washington DC Added - meme - gvan42
New Map of the
50 United States
Texas Gone -
Washington DC Added

  • Outlaw Guns, Collect Guns, Melt Guns. It's Not Complicated.


    Outlaw Guns, Collect Guns, Melt Guns. It's Not Complicated.

    Remember: GUNS DO NOT SAVE LIVES... They Make Your Family Less Safe.  Suicides, Accidents and Murder by Family Members VASTLY Outnumber The Lives Saved by Defending Your Family from "Bad Guys."

    If Your Plan of Owning a Gun to Defend Your Family WORKED IN REALITY I Would Be In Favor of it. But Sadly, It Doesn't. 


    "Conclusions: Guns kept in homes are more likely to be involved in a fatal or nonfatal accidental shooting, criminal assault, or suicide attempt than to be used to injure or kill in self-defense."

    People Who PROFIT From Gun Sales Have Been Publishing FALSE Information To Frighten People Into Buying More Guns. The NRA Sells Memberships... Their Trick is to Scream Danger Danger You Need a Gun... Gullible Members of the Public are FOOLED... 

Immigration Solution: One Way Airplane Ride Right Back Where They Came From. That Worked Great for the People from Haiti.

Much Better Than Putting People in Cages... They are STILL In Cages and We Are STILL Paying for Room and Board! Classic tRUMP FAIL...
Immigrants from Haiti at Texas Border. We Sent 'em Right Back where they came from.
Immigrants from Haiti at Texas Border.
We Sent 'em Right Back Where They Came From. 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Ask Yourself: How many White People are Walking from the USA to Guatemala? Zero... Everyone wants to ESCAPE from Latino countries. Remember the PEACE CORPS? White People Teaching Non-Whites HOW TO LIVE... 'cause they Can't Figure it Out Themselves... 

It's a Worldwide Trend... People Are Escaping FROM Africa sailing to Europe... NO ONE trying to go to LYBIA... People are Fleeing Islamic Countries and Moving TO Europe... and England... 

I visited Mexico ONCE... I was shocked by all the STARVING CHILDREN... I never went back... Why would I spend my Vacation Money and Time going to a place that is Horrible... Years ago Americans Retired to Mexico because their Social Security Checks were worth more money... NO LONGER... Too much Crime prevents retirees from moving there... 

Yes, people say I'm Biased and before I make a Judgement about another people's Culture I should look at it without my American Value System clouding my vision. 

However, No matter how I twist my viewpoint... I can't see STARVING CHILDREN as a Wonderful Way of Life... and now those people want to come here... because we have a VALID SYSTEM... Our Lifestyle Makes Sense...

I say LET THEM IN... We have enough wealth here in the USA to feed their Children... 

AND... WE NEED TO HIRE IMMIGRANTS TO DO ALL THE JOBS WHITE AMERICANS REFUSE... Who will take care of the elderly? We need to hire CARE GIVERS Nationwide... We need Gardeners... we need Farm Workers... People that will Cook and Clean for us... Look at Donald Trump, he hires many Illegal Aliens to work as Maids and Groundskeepers at his Golf Clubs... 

In the 1960s White People VOLUNTARILY selected to use the Birth Control Pill. Therefore, White people have small families... Especially College Graduates... Not enough children to take care of the Elderly... Hispanic People are often Catholic and believe that Every Sperm is Sacred... They sometimes have as many as Fourteen (14) Children... I'm not kidding... I know a Family like that... In Central America, the quality of life is VERY BAD... Over-breeding has lead to Horrible Conditions... THAT'S WHY EVERYONE WANTS TO ESCAPE FROM LATINO COUNTRIES... MUY MALO!

I recently read two Biographies about Americans that moved to foreign countries... On family became Farmers in Rural Ireland and they were happy. The other family was a Doctor and his wife and Daughter who moved to Iran... They were very unhappy. WHY? Because the Culture of IRAN is horrible... Insane... "Oh Come ye Back to Ireland" by Niall Williams and Christeen Breen... and... "Not Without My Daughter" by Betty Mahmoody and William Hoffer... The real secret to life is to avoid living in Countries inhabited by Crazy People... DUH...

Did you know that More People Live in Brazil than the USA? True... And yet, while the People in the USA are Famous for Going to the Moon, Inventing Airplanes, Cars, Trains, Electricity, Light Bulbs, Telephones, Record Players, Computers, Television and Radio... Brazilians are famous for inventing The Tango and The Samba... Both of them! As a matter of Fact, The people near the Equator are famous for Inventing... Oh, I Can't Think of Anything... Sorry...

The MAIN FLAW with Trump's Plan to Build a Border Wall is that It WILL NOT ACTUALLY WORK. Foreigners are coming into the USA by Airplanes, Cars and Boats... They will just Fly over the Wall... How can we prevent boats from crossing the Gulf of Mexico from the Yucatan to New Orleans? NO, a wall will not work... Foreigners like Melania Trump are let into the Country on "Student Visas" or "Work Visas" and then they OVERSTAY THEIR WELCOME... That's how most Foreigners Get in... 

People forget that the Chinese Exclusion Act was SUCCESSFUL... It Really prevented millions of Asians from moving to the West Coast... That's one of the reasons the Supreme Court Upheld Trump's Muslim Travel Ban... Everyone can agree that we do not need any more Towelheads!

People forget that Simply Dropping Two Atomic Bombs on Japan transformed their entire Society from "Let's Invade Countries" to "Let's Build Great Cars, Motorcycles and Electronic Equipment"... Foreigners CAN BE TRAINED!

Keep Voting Legal - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Links to More Blog Posts:

Bill W. Invented Alcoholics Anonymous on a Psychedelic Trip. "The Belladonna Cure" - Two drugs - Henbane and Belladonna

Bill Wilson, cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) had his spiritual awakening while undergoing this treatment. He never drank again.
Wilson's description of his experience: "All at once I found myself crying out, "If there is a God, let Him show himself! I am ready to do anything, anything! Suddenly the room lit up with a great white light. I was caught up in an ecstasy which there are no words to describe. It seemed to me in my mind's eye, that I was on a mountain and that a wind not of air but of spirit was blowing. And then it burst upon me that I was a free man. Slowly the ecstasy subsided. I lay there on the bed, but now for a time I was in another world, a new world of consciousness... and I thought to myself, "So this is the God of the preachers!" A great peace stole over me."


The Belladonna Cure:
The formula for Towns-Lambert cure was the deliriant, Atropa belladonna, also called deadly nightshade. The effects of belladonna include delirium, hallucinations, light sensitivity, confusion, and dry mouth. The second ingredient in the mixture was another deliriant, Hyoscyamus niger, also known as henbane, hog's bean, or insane root. It contained two alkaloids, hyoscyamine and hyoscine. 

Bill Wilson, Founder of Alcoholics Anonymous was VERY Excited about the use of LSD in treating Alcoholism... Then he had Second Thoughts...

He started AA because of a Psychedelic Experience where he met GOD personally by taking Belladonna and Henbane on a five day guided Trip... He saw a Mystical White Light and was given the Fundamental Idea of AA...in 1935... Then 20 Years Later... He tried LSD and thought it would be really great if everyone met GOD personally...

In 1955, came to believe that LSD was a way to allow that meeting to happen... Many AA members were having trouble with the step where you needed to believe that a "Higher Power" could restore your Sanity. Especially members that did not believe in God... Bill felt that LSD could introduce people to a Higher Power DIRECTLY...

Sort of like having God's Phone Number, Dialing the Phone and Handing it to the AA member...

Then on second thought... Bill realized that the AA program was working just fine as it was and there was NO NEED TO FIX SOMETHING THAT WAS NOT BROKEN.

Then use of LSD became just another "Outside Issue" that AA had no opinion on... [Tradition 10]
And this turned out to be a wise choice...



One Great Idea at AA is You CHOOSE YOUR OWN GOD... OR... Lack of God... 

So Many Different Gods... and So Many Believers Loudly Proclaim that THEIR God is the One True God. That's Absurd! I, like 100% of the people on Earth HAVE NO CLUE if God is real or not.

Some people state that they know... but they are just deluding themselves... I don't mind them deluding themselves, but if they Kill people that are of different Religions... They are Crazy and Dangerous.  

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics

Here is An Examination of My Beliefs... 
GOD = Group of Drunks

I do pray... I may not believe in God but what if God believes in me? I often send prayers for good health to the people who are sick. If God is Real, he reads my email... and the people who get the email feel better...

I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior in 1976. If Christianity turns out to be the correct Religion, I'm Saved! I was living with my first ex-wife and she was interested in me becoming a Baptist and I was interested in sex with her so... I went forward at a meeting, accepted Christ, joined the choir and then got bored with it all... we rarely attended. I did like Communion... It's a make believe Vampire, Cannibal Cult! Pretend to drink a persons BLOOD and Eat a persons BODY... OOOH! That's Creepy! But FUN!

However, I much later I did become addicted to crack cocaine and when I wanted to stop I went to a Baptist Church and gave my addiction to Jesus, and never smoked crack again. That evening I went to the Pink Floyd "concert" called "Welcome to the Machine" and that helped also because it gave me something to distract my attention while I was suffering thru the withdrawal symptoms. Another time I went to the Presbyterian Church founded by Annie Bidwell in Chico and prayed that God would find my friends a JOB... and later that week both Manuel and Victoria were employed. A miracle...  Not only that but if I ever stub my toe or hit my thumb with a hammer I shout out JESUS!

When I joined Alcoholics Anonymous I was introduced to the concept of a "Higher Power" helping me with my addiction. The "Higher Power" that worked for me was The "Group of Drunks" an acronym GOD... We were supposed to seek guidance thru prayer and meditation. However I always got Nothing from Prayer or Meditation. ZERO. The Group did help and I stopped drinking alcohol. Remember, Bill Wilson invented Alcoholics Anonymous while tripping on Belladonna and Henbane. Both POWERFUL Hallucinogens. He saw the "White Light" and had a vision of God. Me TOO! Me TOO! LSD, DMT, Peyote and Magic Mushrooms all give you a vision of God. I do like AA so Bill's Trip was a great help to mankind.

If the Hindus or Buddhists are right I'm set to reincarnate as a human or better because I've lead a good life. I have NOT killed any people but have eaten a few hamburgers... I love Bacon too... Oh Well... Maybe I'll come back as a Cow... and then a Hamburger myself...

If the Mormons are right, I'm not in luck. I liked meeting the Mormon people in Utah, they were very friendly and helpful but I just can't believe that God is an Extraterrestrial... Moroni from a star in the constellation Orion... Not very likely to be true.

However, maybe the "Ancient Alien" theorists are right. There sure is a lot of really strange evidence of Alien Visitation... For Example: Why did Mexicans, Cambodians and Egyptians all build Pyramids? What is their purpose? Did they have Alien Help?

If Islam is correct I'm screwed... But then, their Religion JUST SUCKS.

I like THOR... Valhalla I am coming. Led Zeppelin "Immigrant Song"

I have a few members of my family that are Jewish and I think that on Judgement day they will let me in. I've been nice to them and that's important in a world where some people put them in gas chambers and kill them.

Of COURSE, Gaia makes a lot of sense. I can really relate to the fact that all plants and animals are brothers and sisters... I really GROK this idea when I'm in a Redwood Forest. I lived on the edge of a second growth forest for 15 years and I "owned" a specific tree in Eureka. I sat on it daily and smoked cigarettes... I sat on it more often that anyone else so it's MY TREE and I'm It's Human. I will share that tree with our cat Meadow as she liked it too.

Then there are the Goddess Religions... Thankfully, I've met a couple of Goddesses and I sure am glad. One was nicknamed "Nature Nurse". She became my Second Ex-Wife.
Another was Ja-Kay R. from Chico. We played the drums in a band in Paradise, California  and performed "Miserlou" at the Farmers market in downtown Chico. A beautiful Blond Nordic Goddess.
Another was a GURU/Teacher named Sonya Sophia who lead a group healing seminar at the Utah Rainbow Gathering. I also bought admission to her weekly internet sessions where we studied "Tapping" a self-help Acupressure technique... I did that for about a year and learned as much as she could teach. "I Love and Accept Myself"

Rastafarians? Sure, I've smoked a lot of reefer... I can play reggae music... it's got ONE CHORD! Easy but I find it boring even when I'm stoned. Cannabis Psychosis is REAL. If you smoke every day you remain stoned even if you don't smoke... You stay stoned for about a month... and I saw things that were not there but I believed that they were... Difficult to take care of business when I'm THAT Stoned...

Pastafarians? - The Flying Spaghetti monster is a good joke.

The Church of the Subgenius? OK, another good joke.

I'm a registered Minister in the Universal Life Church. Why Not?

Scientology? No thanks, that "E-Meter" is BOGUS science and I know enough about electrical engineering to see that the great OZ is just a man behind a curtain... It's a GREAT religion for L. Ron Hubbard but not for any of the followers.

Timothy Leary and LSD? Ultimately it was disappointing and just an amusing ride... No more meaning than a good roller coaster...

Ram Dass? He took a lot of LSD and then went all the way to India to find a GURU... Then he learned to "BE HERE NOW" from a 6 foot 7 inch surfer from Laguna Beach. He could have saved a lot of time wasted on air travel if he had just gone surfing in California FIRST and Ignored the Indians... but he writes great books...

Ken Kesey and the Grateful Dead... Fun to dance to rock music on LSD. However it all has the creepy feeling that it was just an experiment in the CIA Project MKULTRA. What IF we dosed millions of people Nationwide? Would that be useful as a Weapon of War? Make the enemy too stoned to fight?

Surfing as a religion? Yes, that makes sense. Or to put it more simply, doing what you love to do as a way of life... Playing the ukulele or throwing pottery or oil painting or computer programming or dancing or bicycle riding or snow skiing or camping or taking photographs or ... etc etc etc... Yes there is a bliss when a person is doing something they love and are totally focused... TIME itself seems to pass more rapidly... I have experience this myself while programming graphic arts... Suddenly hours have passed while I was "in the zone".

A Christian fellow was giving a lecture at Humboldt State University one time and he said that there was only ONE WAY to go to Heaven, Jesus. He said that you couldn't find God by Mountain Climbing OR Drugs... What he forgot to mention was finding God by Mountain Climbing AND Drugs. BOTH! at the same time! It's not an either/or question... I have hiked to the top of El Capitan in Yosemite on LSD and I"m really glad I did...  He also said that Premarital Sex was a SIN. Like, BAD and you shouldn't do it. What an Idiot. I bet that attitude prevented him from getting laid.

Once I read a book called "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz and there was a lot of Toltec Wisdom there.

Another Book Series: "The Teachings of Don Juan" by Carlos Castaneda... Yaqui Indian Brujo Wisdom

I've played the Father Drum with Native Americans and THAT was "Big Medicine"...

"The Temple of the Screaming Electron" and Digital Immortality. Ray Kurzweil plans to  upload your entire Brain to the Internet and Living forever in the cloud.  I'm working on that too with my Blog by typing almost every event in my entire life and every opinion I've ever held...

So, if you don't like your God simply FIRE him and Write your own Religion!

Read more of my Autobiography at: http://gvan42.blogspot.com/2018/03/growing-up-in-los-gatos-california-in.html

"Art in the Time of Covid-19" 
Shirt For Sale. 

YOU MAY CHANGE THE WORDS IF YOU WANT TO... The Swirly Background Allows Plenty of Space to Write Your MANIFESTO... Or The Great American Novel... WhatEVER!


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