Showing posts with label bribe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bribe. Show all posts

Taxation Without Representation is What the Republican Party is Offering These Days... Republicans Senators and Representatives are the Paid Puppets of The 1% - The Super Rich. They Aren't Even Pretending to Represent Their Constituents!

However, There are Millions of Patriotic Americans That Reveal GOP Corruption ONLINE 24 Hours a Day, 365 Days a Year... While Corporations Can Purchase TV Ads and Entire TV Networks to Broadcast Propaganda, Citizen Journalists Blog and Post on Social Media Exposing Corruption Endlessly! Satire, MEMEs and Rude Jokes are an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE. 

Please Like and Share These Memes... Just Right Click and Save Image as... Then Post on Facebook, Twitter or 12 OTHER Social Networks! Or Make Your Own! FUN! Let's Beat Them Like a Piñata. Just Get a Stick and SWING AWAY!

Ted Cruised to Mexico... Remember: Lying Does Not Change Reality - GOP=EVIL - Let's Beat Them Like a Piñata. Like and Share This Meme - more at gvan42
Ted Cruised to Mexico while Texans Froze...
Remember: Lying Does Not Change Reality
Like and Share These Memes

Remember: Lying Does Not Change Reality - GOP=EVIL - Let's Beat Them Like a Piñata. Like and Share This Meme - more at

Remember: Lying Does Not Change Reality - GOP=EVIL - Let's Beat Them Like a Piñata. Like and Share This Meme - more at


On a Totally Different Subject... Here are a Few Paragraphs from My Autobiography... While Looking at some Family Photos Taken at Our Cabin in Tahoe I was Reminded That... 

When I went to West Valley Junior College I Took a Class in Architectural Scale Model Building. Before It was Built, I took Blueprints of The Cabin on North Shore, Lake Tahoe and Built an Accurate Scale Model of it. Dad showed it to his friends and clients... Just to explain what he was having Built...  Just Like a Real Architect Would DO! I still have that model because Dad liked it and made sure it never got accidentally damaged. 

I did Learn How to Draw Mechanical Drawings Used to Make Computers There and Was Instantly Hired after One Year of Classes... at The Legendary System Industries... Owned by Dr. Edwin Zchau... Later He Became a Congressman in the US House of Representatives. On Family Day, Mom and Dad Took a Personal Guided Tour with Dr. Zchau... The Three of Them went Off and Looked at Everything... Including the Disc Drives That were About the Same Size as a Washing Machine... 1976

During the Free time I Had Between Classes I went to the Library and Drew Pictures, Cartoons, Designs... ART... while wearing Headphones... My Favorite Song was 'Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin... It's Astonishing on Headphones because there is a lot of Left-Right Ping Ponging and Phase-Shifter Effects on the Drums... Drawing White Listening to Music DOES Effect the Sketches... They End Up Being Much More Squiggly!

I remember buying a slice of Redwood Burl at That Store/Gallery on Highway 9 directly across the Street from San Lorenzo High School. My First Wife Jo Ann and I  were taking a Stained Glass Window Making Class at West Valley Junior College Night School. I made a Red Rose Framed by that Burl... and it hung in the Window of my Father's House for decades... and... Every Time I Looked At It I noticed the ERROR I made in the construction of that window... and it bugged me for about 10 seconds... I also made a Clock from a slice of Burl... and It hung in the Living Room... The School was right next door to a drive in Movie Theater and at Night we could walk over and see the movies without paying. We Saw "Carrie" there... While Walking on the Railroad Tracks. 

I have actually fired a gun. Really! At Camp Campbell [YMCA Summer Camp] in the Santa Cruz Mountains we learned how to shoot targets with a .22 rifle. I enjoyed it. Quite similar to playing Darts or Archery. Another time I fired a large pistol at cans. ONCE. My dad's lawyer owned the pistol. It had a "Helluva Kick" and was really loud and scary. I've never actually owned a gun or had one in the house... Thankfully... as on occasion I have had arguments with Wives and Girlfriends and none became fatal...

Camp Campbell also had a zip line. I got into a swing seat, jumped off the cliff and whoooooosh went down to the ground. At that time we were responsible for our own actions and staying safe. I suppose I could have fallen out of the zip line seat but I made sure I held on tight. BIG FUN.

My whole family rode bicycles on Highway 280 before it was opened for cars. Thousands of people rode in a one day celebration. We started near the Winchester Mystery House and rode towards downtown San Jose. I've always loved 280 as it was a fast and beautiful way to go visit San Francisco. We had friends (The Raas Family) that lived in "The City" and would go visit them often. Steve Raas took me to the Fillmore West in 1969 to go see a band called The Youngbloods and The Chicago Transit Authority. The big song of the night was "Get Together" a classic Hippie Anthem. There were light-shows on the walls of the concert hall. Squishy Water (like the album cover of Iron Butterfly's In a Gadda da Vida Album) and many movie loops and Strobe Slide Projectors. There were blacklights and people were painting each other's bodies with fluorescent paint. Big Fun.

We also went to The Exploratorium. That museum allowed the visitors to play with the exhibits. My favorite was the custom built musical jam session where a half a dozen people played synthesizers that were designed to never play a wrong note... with strangely shaped keyboards... that way visitors that had no musical training could experience the joy of playing without the pain of making a noise that was not pleasant. They also had a virtual reality experience where I was flying thru a tunnel and my spaceship traveled in the direction that I looked. It was a game where the goal was to crash into floating cubes that moved randomly. The cubes had people's faces on them and one was Jerry Garcia. This was long before VR games became available to the general public.

We visited the Winchester Mystery House when I was a child. I was not very impressed as I was expecting something more like Disneyland. In retrospect, I admire the giant house and appreciate the story of Sarah Winchester being haunted by the ghosts of all the men that died from gunshot wounds caused by her husband's rifle. She employed carpenters to work around the clock so that their sounds would keep the ghosts away. And if she did have any nightmares, she had strong men to protect her.

Mom, Dad and I went to the Vorpal Gallery in San Francisco to see the prints by MC ESCHER. It is a private gallery with a locked door. You buzzed the buzzer and they made a decision if you were worthy or not... We were allowed in and saw many actual prints including Metamorphose... That one is VERY wide and a lot more interesting in person than it is in a book. We did not buy any prints. OOPS, That would have been a good investment but... we missed that opportunity.


In 1971, a friend of mine went to San Francisco and went to a Rock Concert at the Fillmore West and came back to our high school and said... LET'S BUILD OUR OWN using the old mill in the center of town. We formed an organization called "Youth Unlimited" and got the Town to Sponsor Us with $1 per year rent for Forbes Mill. 

That was the beginning of The Forbes Mill Teen Club in Los Gatos California... We had a light show and electric rock music every weekend... On Wednesday nights we performed folk music.  I was the head of security and did advertising posters. I used the mimeograph machine at the High School to print the posters for upcoming shows...

"Youth Unlimited" first held a concert in the Rec Room of the Presbyterian Church next to Old Town on University Ave. There was a live rock band that featured a saxophone player with an electric sax. We also formed a drum circle outside with me playing harmonica and a couple of guitar players. 

Since we had Town sponsorship of our "Teen Club" thru the organization Youth Unlimited, we had to make sure no laws were being broken at Forbes Mill or the police would shut us down. Certainly no drinking or illegal drug use or housing of runaways. My take on law enforcement was to direct potential lawbreakers to the nearby hole in the fence that lead to the wooded area next to the freeway.  I admit that a lot of laws were broken on State of California property, but that was NOT MY CONCERN. I was responsible for making sure that OUR property was crime free.

The light show was created by using four slide projectors and two spinning wheels with variable speed motors that blocked the light from reaching the white wall behind the bandstand. Each cardboard wheel had holes cut into it so that the slides would be projected in a stroboscopic manner.  Some slides were abstract art created by "crystal craze" paint and others were photographs.

We also owned a strobe light and I learned to not point it at the electric organ player because the blinking light made it impossible to see which keys were black and which were white...

"Youth Unlimited" also built a crisis center called Fre-Ba-ZAK House. It was in an old wooden home on North Santa Cruz Ave. The idea was to have a place for runaways to have a safe location to negotiate with their parents. Kids that had nowhere else to go could go there ... My friend Richard Bergholdt worked there as a counselor. I used to go there because it was a fun place to go talk with other classmates... I remember drinking coffee and discussing weighty subjects late at night. One time I went there because I couldn't go home. I had gone to the Ike and Tina Turner concert at the San Jose Convention Center and took a Large Dose of LSD. I had to wait until my parents went to sleep before going home. It was a great concert and I remember that MANY of the students at LGHS went. I also remember listening to the FM radio there. Talks by Alan Watts about Buddhism... and the story "The Cave" by Plato. There were some totally free radio stations then. They had the freedom of selecting what to play and when to play it. I heard "Space Hymn" by Lothar and the Hand People at Fre-Ba-ZAK House.

In the 1960s I made tie dyed shirts using rubber bands and boiling the dye... one color... RIT brand named dye... Mom sewed a shirt with bell sleeves and a Nehru collar... I wore it with a bell around my neck. Like, totally "mod" like the fashion that was popular with the teenagers in England... 

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POP QUIZ! WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE IN COMMON??? Steve Bannon=Arrested, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty, George Nader=Guilty, Elliott Broidy=Arrested


Fracking Causes Water Pollution and Health Danger for People. "Split Estate" is a Great Movie Documentary. REMEMBER: FRACKING DOES NOT RETURN A PROFIT... It Is Only Done to Collect Federal Government Subsidies...

This compelling Emmy Award winning documentary shows the dirty side of hydraulic fracturing and natural gas, an energy source the industry touts as a clean alternative to fossil fuels.

Watch the Trailer of the movie.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

HEADLINE: Thanks to the fracking boom, we’re wasting more money than ever on fossil fuel subsidies... You probably know that the U.S. government subsidizes fossil fuel production. But here’s something you probably don’t know: Those subsidies have recently increased dramatically.

HEADLINE: Unnatural Gas: How Government Made Fracking Profitable (and Left Renewables Behind)...

HEADLINE: How Has Fracking Changed Our Future? Will environmental damage from fracking natural gas will outweigh the gains from using a fuel that is cleaner than oil or coal?

Free Coloring Book Art gvan42 - fossil fuel subsidy

Free Coloring Book Art gvan42 - fossil fuel subsidy

Free Coloring Book Art gvan42 - fossil fuel subsidy

More About The Film SPLIT ESTATE:

Imagine discovering that you don't own the mineral rights under your land, and that an energy company plans to drill for natural gas two hundred feet from your front door. Imagine having little recourse, other than accepting an unregulated industry in your backyard. Split Estate maps a tragedy in the making, as citizens in the path of a new drilling boom in the Rocky Mountain West struggle against the erosion of their civil liberties, their communities and their health.

and now I see on CSPAN that the House of Representatives is considering allowing Oil and Gas mining on Federal Land. The hearing had representatives from the corporations but I didn't see any environmentalists. There is a lot of money to be made for the State government and the corporations. New executive order by Trump allows Mining on National Monuments and they are moving ahead with drilling without any concern for the people who live nearby.

President Donald Trump signed an executive order in April that called for the U.S. Department of the Interior to reexamine the designation of 27 national monuments. Many of these treasured places house archeaological splendors and extraordinary flora and fauna. Without the official national monument designation, these cherished sites across the United States could be subject to cattle grazing, logging and drilling, according to #27 Monuments project, headed by journalist and filmmaker Brent Rose, who wants to educate the public about what's going on and to drive people to the Department of the Inerior's comments page to voice their concerns before the fast approaching July 10 deadline. Rose is attempting to visit as many of the sites in the U.S. as possible and document the journey on Instagram.

Joe Biden is in Favor of Solar and Wind Power. tRUMP Was Bribed to Promote Oil and Coal. Any Questions?

Bob Murray, Coal Baron Who Donated $1 Million to Trump’s Increasingly Suspicious Inauguration Fund Got a Huge Favor... BUT THE FAVOR FAILED AND MURRAY COAL WENT BANKRUPT ANYWAY!

Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. It powerfully captures two basic truths, which are at the core of his plan: (1) the United States urgently needs to embrace greater ambition on an epic scale to meet the scope of this challenge, and (2) our environment and our economy are completely and totally connected.

Chords and Lyrics Provided so YOU Can Record These Songs and Make a HIT!

Music Video: "tRUMP'S A Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire"

Music Video "Vote for Joe, He's Not Insane!" CAMPAIGN SONG!

Music Video: "The Lock Him Up and Throw Away The Key... tRUMP's a Danger to Self and Others, Police Code 5150 Blues" 

Music Video: "The Everybody's Laughing at Trump, He's a Dumpster Fire Blues"

Joe Biden Solar Wind - MEME - gvan42

Why Has tRUMP FAILED to Make America Great? - Remember the Dead When You Vote... #Purple64ets #PromisesMadePromisesBroken

Trump Says: "Windmills Cause Cancer" - Obviously, He Is WRONG. We Have been using Windmills Safely FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS. #iDIOTbOYtRUMP


Trump's "base" is the 1% [the super rich]. They pretend that his "base" is Uneducated White Men but that's a Misdirection. Like a magic act...
... they use misdirection to keep our attention focused on what they want us to see, not what they are really doing. Note that the Environmental Protection Agency has switched mission from Protecting the Environment to enabling corporations to increase profits by reducing expenditures for cleaning up pollution caused by their factories.

The TRUMP Effect: US SUICIDE RATE HIGHEST SINCE 1945. If Our Glorious Leader is Doing Such a "Wonderful" Job, Why are So Many People Killing Themselves?
Think About This... The Quality Of Life For 99% of Americans is a LOT Worse Now Than It Was When Obama Was President.

Global Awakening is Real and Happening Now. All around the World People are Refusing to Believe the Corporate Brainwashing...

Much of what we see in the Media is Propaganda designed to make You and I Believe Whatever they are Selling... Be it a Presidential Candidate, a Drug, a Washing Machine, a Car, a Religion OR A WAR!

Why Do We, The Taxpayers, SUBSIDIZE Oil Companies at ALL? Is this an example of Obvious Corruption? YES! Find out if YOUR Representatives in Government are Taking Oil Money in their Campaign... IF SO, Throw then OUT! Here is a List of the Top Twenty Bribe Taking Politicians! Vote Against these SWAMP CREATURES! 18 of the 20 are Republicriminals...

Top 20 Recipients
Rank Candidate Office Amount
1 Gardner, Cory (R-CO) Senate $233,471
2 McCarthy, Kevin (R-CA) House $231,875
3 Cornyn, John (R-TX) Senate $201,390
4 Scalise, Steve (R-LA) House $146,925
5 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $125,480
6 Daines, Steven (R-MT) Senate $119,418
7 Cassidy, Bill (R-LA) Senate $108,075
8 O'Rourke, Beto (D) $92,236
9 Trump, Donald (R) $88,912
10 Crenshaw, Dan (R-TX) House $88,872
11 Inhofe, James M (R-OK) Senate $77,650
12 Collins, Susan M (R-ME) Senate $73,800
13 Brady, Kevin (R-TX) House $72,200
14 Sullivan, Dan (R-AK) Senate $70,600
15 Tillis, Thom (R-NC) Senate $70,434
16 Cuellar, Henry (D-TX) House $55,850
17 McSally, Martha (R-AZ) Senate $52,971
18 Taylor, Van (R-TX) House $52,742
19 Roy, Chip (R-TX) House $52,322
20 Toomey, Pat (R-PA) Senate $51,800

METHODOLOGY: The numbers on this page are based on contributions from PACs and individuals giving $200 or more.

All donations took place during the 2019-2020 election cycle and were released by the Federal Election Commission on Thursday, August 01, 2019.

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center:

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Freedom Quest 420 Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics - Free All Cannabis Prisoners

Embrace Rainbow Spiralism Postcard FOR SALE:
Classic Art of a Digital Tie Dye.  
 I wonder if they had Tie Dyes in Ancient Greece. Deadheads talking about Plato and The Cave...
Headline: US Subsidizes Fossil Fuels To The Tune Of $4.6, $27.4, Or $649 Billion Annually, Depending On Source...

CAUGHT! on tape... Oil Company Lobbyist Bragging about How they Changed the LAW so that Protest is NO LONGER Freedom Of Speech if the Target of the Protest is Oil Companies Building the BLACK SNAKE!

Headline: Leaked Audio Shows Oil Lobbyist Bragging About Success in Criminalizing Pipeline Protests...
"We've seen a lot of success at the state level, particularly starting with Oklahoma in 2017," said Derrick Morgan of American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers...

#MoscowMitch Thinks about his Life of Evil - MEME - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
#MoscowMitch Thinks about his Life of Evil

Thank You! Both Obamas Campaign to Defeat Evil Donald Trump. Ever Wonder What Ever Happened to George Bush the Son? Why Doesn't He Campaign FOR TRUMP? Could it be that He is Such an Embarrassment for the Republicrime Party that he has to Stay Hidden? YES! However, Evil Dick Cheney is Campaigning for Trump... Donald Rumsfeld is Silent... 

Headline: The Obamas’ First Big Anti-Trump Statement of 2020... The former first couple’s Netflix documentary offers a quiet response to Trump’s promises to reinvigorate the industrial heartland.

PATRIOTS ARISE! Help Campaign for Amy McGrath for Senate in Kentucky... Beat #MoscowMitch Like a Pinata! He is a Corrupt TrumpNik - Obeying His Master, Vladimir Putin - Register and Vote! Throw all the Corrupt Old White Men OUT. 

For Unpopular Men, Firing a Gun is a Practical Alternative to Having a Girlfriend... It Causes a Massive Endorphin Dump Similar to Sex.

There ought to be a Business that Melts Guns and then Sells the Metal as a Souvenir Paperweight. That is a Business That Would Make Money and Do Good at the Same Time.

JUST SAY KNOW T-Shirt and Postcard for Sale!

Satire of the Slogan printed on a Psychedelic Background. YOU MAY CHANGE THE WORDS OR REMOVE THEM IF YOU WANT TO. There are Two Layers of Letters - a White Layer that outlines the Black Layer on Top.
Link to My Store Where I Sell Art:
and in other news...
HEADLINE: He Was On Medication for Schizophrenia AND HE OWNED A GUN... White Man Arrested for Posting Death Threats on the Internet. Thanks to the Police, he Did Not Become the Next #MAGAKiller... They took away his Guns and Locked Him Up where he Couldn't Do Harm to America. Wonderful! We ought to have MANY MORE cases of Police Taking Guns Away from People... After All, once the Gun is Melted Down, It Won't Kill People.  

Find Out if YOUR Elected Official is Getting a Bribe* from the NRA... Here is a List!

Name Office Total Contributions
Blackburn, Marsha (R-TN) House $15,800
Cruz, Ted (R-TX) Senate $9,900
Culberson, John (R-TX) House $9,900
Faso, John (R-NY) House $9,900
Hawley, Josh (R-MO) Senate $9,900
Heller, Dean (R-NV) Senate $9,900
Morrisey, Patrick (R-WV) Senate $9,900
Peterson, Collin (D-MN) House $9,900
Poliquin, Bruce (R-ME) House $9,900
Renacci, Jim (R-OH) House $9,900
Rosendale, Matt (R-MT) Senate $9,900
Rothfus, Keith J (R-PA) House $9,900
Ryan, Paul (R-WI) House $9,900
Sessions, Pete (R-TX) House $9,900
Stauber, Pete (R-MN) House $9,900
Tenney, Claudia (R-NY) House $9,900
Zeldin, Lee (R-NY) House $9,900
Handel, Karen (R-GA) House $8,950
Wicker, Roger (R-MS) Senate $8,950
Chabot, Steve (R-OH) House $7,950
Coffman, Mike (R-CO) House $7,950
Barr, Andy (R-KY) House $7,450
McSally, Martha (R-AZ) House $7,450
Cuellar, Henry (D-TX) House $6,950
Lewis, Jason (R-MN) House $6,950
Rohrabacher, Dana (R-CA) House $6,950
Carter, John (R-TX) House $5,950
Balderson, Troy (R-OH) House $5,500
Barrasso, John A (R-WY) Senate $5,500
Braun, Mike (R-IN) Senate $5,200
Brat, Dave (R-VA) House $5,000
Roby, Martha (R-AL) House $5,000
Stivers, Steve (R-OH) House $5,000
Barletta, Lou (R-PA) House $4,950
Comstock, Barbara (R-VA) House $4,950
Goodlatte, Bob (R-VA) House $4,950
Hagedorn, Jim (R-MN) House $4,950
Housley, Karin (R-MN) Senate $4,950
Hurd, Will (R-TX) House $4,950
Hyde-Smith, Cindy (R-MS) Senate $4,950
McCarthy, Kevin (R-CA) House $4,950
Nothstein, Marty (R-PA) House $4,950
Saccone, Rick (R-PA) House $4,950
Strange, Luther (R-AL) Senate $4,950
Vukmir, Leah (R-WI) Senate $4,950
Bost, Mike (R-IL) House $4,500
Budd, Ted (R-NC) House $4,500
Hill, French (R-AR) House $4,500
Mitchell, Paul (R-MI) House $4,500
Cline, Ben (R-VA) House $4,000
Curtis, John (R-UT) House $4,000
Denham, Jeff (R-CA) House $4,000
Cole, Tom (R-OK) House $3,750
Bacon, Donald John (R-NE) House $3,500
Conaway, Mike (R-TX) House $3,500
Estes, Ron (R-KS) House $3,500
Aderholt, Robert B (R-AL) House $3,000
Diaz-Balart, Mario (R-FL) House $3,000
Dunn, Neal (R-FL) House $3,000
Gooden, Lance (R-TX) House $3,000
Latta, Robert E (R-OH) House $3,000
Lesko, Debbie (R-AZ) House $3,000
Marino, Tom (R-PA) House $3,000
Norman, Ralph (R-SC) House $3,000
Rodgers, Cathy McMorris (R-WA) House $3,000
Rogers, Mike D (R-AL) House $3,000
Russell, Steven (R-OK) House $3,000
Smucker, Lloyd (R-PA) House $3,000
Steube, Greg (R-FL) House $3,000
Valadao, David (R-CA) House $3,000
Young, Don (R-AK) House $3,000
Bishop, Mike (R-MI) House $2,500
Bishop, Sanford (D-GA) House $2,500
Blum, Rod (R-IA) House $2,500
Gaetz, Matt (R-FL) House $2,500
Harkey, Diane (R-CA) House $2,500
Harris, Andy (R-MD) House $2,500
Harris, Mark (R-NC) House $2,500
Hudson, Richard (R-NC) House $2,500
James, John (R-MI) Senate $2,500
Marshall, Roger (R-KS) House $2,500
Pence, Greg (R-IN) House $2,500
Perry, Scott (R-PA) House $2,500
Smith, Jason (R-MO) House $2,500
Walters, Mimi (R-CA) House $2,500
Williams, Roger (R-TX) House $2,500
Abraham, Ralph (R-LA) House $2,000
Amodei, Mark (R-NV) House $2,000
Arrington, Jodey (R-TX) House $2,000
Arrington, Katherine (R-SC) House $2,000
Babin, Brian (R-TX) House $2,000
Banks, Jim (R-IN) House $2,000
Biggs, Andy (R-AZ) House $2,000
Bishop, Rob (R-UT) House $2,000
Brady, Kevin (R-TX) House $2,000
Bucshon, Larry (R-IN) House $2,000
Burgess, Michael (R-TX) House $2,000
Byrne, Bradley (R-AL) House $2,000
Cloud, Michael (R-TX) House $2,000
Collins, Chris (R-NY) House $2,000
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This table lists candidates receiving money from this organization in 2017-2018. The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals may include subsidiaries and affiliates.

METHODOLOGY: The numbers on this page are based on contributions from PACs and individuals giving $200 or more. All donations were made during the 2018 election cycle and were released by the Federal Election Commission. Figures for the current election cycle are based on data released on June 10, 2019.

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics.

Just to be Clear... Bribes* are Legal because of Bizarro World Laws That Allow Donations to Political Action Committees that Campaign for the Candidates. That way Corrupt Politicians Can Deny Anything... Nope, I don't Take Money From Russia... That wasn't ME... ask the People in that PAC! I Didn't Have Anything to Do with Children Getting Killed by the #MAGAKiller... 

Hashish Tags:

Embrace Rainbow Spiralism Button FOR SALE:
Classic Art of a Digital Tie Dye. 
 I wonder if they had Tie Dyes in Ancient Greece. Deadheads talking about Plato and The Cave...

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Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown
from Smoke, Pollen and Dust.

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote) Then He went to India Looking for Enlightenment and Met a Guru. Changed His Name and Published a Great Book... "Remember: Be Here Now" - It Has His Autobiography and then Many ART Drawings Explaining Eastern Religion. Real Name: Dr. Richard Alpert...

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

I Was Born in 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We had to move... We went to Los Gatos in 1960. I lived there until graduation from Los Gatos High School in 1972... an Ideal Childhood... FYI: Los Gatos is about 50 miles South of San Francisco on the edge of the mountains between San Jose and Santa Cruz.

I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job.
Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


Who Won the War? DOW CHEMICAL AND HUGHES AIRCRAFT. Selling Napalm, Agent Orange and Helicopters...

Military Death Chart USA

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once.

Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics