Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Go Polywogs! Go, Go, GO! Humboldt State University Should Change the Mascot. If the Name of the School is Cal Poly Humboldt... Polywog is Great! The Lumberjacks is Totally 1950s...


Polywog Mascot - Cal Poly Humboldt - Formerly the Lumberjacks of Humboldt State University

Humboldt State University Mascot - The Lumberjack
Humboldt State University Mascot -
The Lumberjack

Humboldt State University Mascot - The Lumberjack

Noun: pollywog - a larval frog or toad. polliwog, tadpole. amphibia, class Amphibia - the class of vertebrates that live on land but breed in water; frogs; toads; newts; salamanders; caecilians.

Other Suggestions! 
Pollywog is an excellent choice or the go straight for adult phase and columns of the red legged frogs Or Heck the spotted owls for the happy salmon O My so many possibilities The premium buds. 

and I Replied: Salmon! Famous for allowing the Yurok and Hoopa to Survive for Thousands of Years. -AND- I always Order That at the Fancy Restaurant at the Woodley Island Marina when I take Friends and Family there...

I’m a logger with an English degree from Humboldt. If I had wanted a polytechnic degree I woulda went to Pomona. Lucky Logger and Lumberjacks Forever!

and I Responded: I Graduated with a Degree in Computer Information Systems... I'm Glad They are Getting a Huge Pile of Money to Pay for More Teachers and Better Equipment... Thank YOU Dr. Hal Campbell... 

Love UC Santa Cruz mascot the bannana slugs

Cal Poly Humboldt Lightning

I'm calling it now. It will be Bigfoot.

If so the mascot could be the pacific giant salamander?

Singing Polly Wolly Doodle all the day…

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
and then on the Rad Das FaceBORG Group: 
RH Said: 

Gaia has a series, Teachings of Ram Dass. Last week it was RD sharing his time in Tibet and how Om Mani Padme Hum is on prayers wheels everywhere, in temples, and he would see people just sitting with prayer wheels and a mala sitting and saying the mantra everywhere. RD incorporated it into his practice, and after sitting one day for a long period saying the mantra, he laid down to sleep and he could hear the Universal sound of Om being spoken by infinite voices everywhere, it was his first experience with the Divine Om.
My question is for those that use mantras, what particular one are you drawn to most?
I've done ones to Shiva, Hanuman, Kali Ma, Saraswati, but the one that affects me most is one from my guru Paramahansa Yogananda. It is a simple one, "My Heavenly Father and I are one", and I have altered it slightly because I have a strong connection to the Divine Mother, so I say, "My Divine Mother and I are one". This simple mantra takes me to places that no other one does.

and I Replied:
Somehow a Mantra in a Language I Don't Speak is Bogus... They This One! God, Grant me the Serenity to Accept the Things I cannot Change, The Courage to Change the Things I Can and the Wisdom to Know the Difference... Or try... OH WAH TOFU LIAM - that is a Great one in Jibberish... 

 I Find Hiking in the Mountains and drinking a lot of pure water is MY PATH to Enlightenment. The High Sierras, Castle Crags or Trinity Alps... I also had fun in Yosemite high on LSD... but No "REAL" Enlightenment... just a lot of energy to hike up the trails... The View from the TOP is EPIC. 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

PUT PUTIN IN PRISON - Russian Oligarchs Have the Power to Send Him to Siberia. Fundraising Gifts for Sale. Ukranian Flags Painted on Neckties, Coffee Cups, T-Shirts and More... All my Royalties Donated to Charity.

They are losing a Lot of Money. The New Guy Can Simply Blame the Former Guy and End the War in 5 Minutes. Maybe They'll Take Action and Protect Their Fortunes... OR... Maybe Not and they'll be Poor... Huh... Easy Choice!


My Zazzle Webstore - Ukranian Flag Gifts
My Zazzle Webstore - Ukranian Flag Gifts

Ukraine Flag Waving - Royalty Free Art by gvan42
Ukraine Flag Waving
Royalty Free Art by gvan42
You May Copy and Paste Anywhere.

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